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Debate, as horrible as it was (Commentator Bias was unpalatable) :




Honestly, it wasn't even that close.


The only saving grace was the low info (D's) audience believing OBiden's lies   .   .   .  


He's done nothing to help people in the years he's been "in Office", and now they're supposed to believe he'll do something to help them.


Typical Politician BS   .   .   .  



What's so sad is that a (supposed) third of the people thought OBiden was legit and had a Clue of what was going on.


Hard to watch, too many lies for those that are really paying attention - Economy is a disaster, and the Stock Market as propped up as it is, is not really in a good position - the collapse is going to be horrible   .   .   .  


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So, the Left's opinion of the Debate seems to be :




Not totally what I thought, (thought it was bad, but not nearly as bad (low info folk) as expected.



Frankly, I had a difficult time stomaching the bias of the CNN moderators and the question addressed   .   .   .  not surprised, but just disgusting in the bias.



Not that it really matters, as I hear they have Moochelle in the wings to replace OBiden (will make O's control of the the destruction of the Country much easier).


Madness ?

No, once you realize his (O's) mission was too oversee the destruction of the US it'll all make more sense.

Recall the 16 year plan, where Hildebeast was supposed to finish up the demolition of the Country (remember the planned Nuclear War that they're still trying to push).



Mad times, with Mad "Leaders"   .   .   .  



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7 hours ago, JAFBF said:

Debate, as horrible as it was (Commentator Bias was unpalatable) :




Honestly, it wasn't even that close.


The only saving grace was the low info (D's) audience believing OBiden's lies   .   .   .  


He's done nothing to help people in the years he's been "in Office", and now they're supposed to believe he'll do something to help them.


Typical Politician BS   .   .   .  



What's so sad is that a (supposed) third of the people thought OBiden was legit and had a Clue of what was going on.


Hard to watch, too many lies for those that are really paying attention - Economy is a disaster, and the Stock Market as propped up as it is, is not really in a good position - the collapse is going to be horrible   .   .   .  


Anyone with a brain wouldn't pick Biden as winning anything.  The guy brought cliff notes with him and looked confused and pathetic.    Trump was brilliant.  The left can't stomach the truth.:D

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