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1 hour ago, FairHooker11 said:

Apart from what was tuberculosis cases coming back in places like California back in 2015 from what mightve been from illegals...

and the airborn shit trapped inside every airplane I traveled on since then as well that gives me unending and aggravating dry hacking coughs -  (Im a non smoker ) 

it is  interesting you mention (bold) because I suffered through a bout of dry cough that started in Feb 2019 as a flu and didn't go away til the heat of summer. It was miserable 

and I don't recall a flu as bad as that was for me.

As I look at this current CCP flu - I cant help but wonder if what you said is true. At least Im paying attention. 


They're supposed to be coming out with a test to see if people have the anti-bodies for it even if they never "had it" so too speak.


As far back as your case is, anti-bodies could be gone by now, but something too keep in mind.



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Shout out too htownbrown in another thread for very similar article.





This puts the mortality rate on par with the Flu (~0.1%), which I'm pretty sure everyone's been thinking for sometime now.

Not saying it's a cake walk, definitely not an easy illness, but if the Flu can take you, then this can take you, and vise versa.


Another theme going through people's minds :





I've seen multiple sources indicating this is a Bio-Engineering bug, that's one thing, and bad enough.

The question I'm looking for the answer too is whether this was intentional   .   .   .  


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17 minutes ago, hammertime said:

So much misinformation out there...

i was just reading how it was impossible due to its structure to be man made?

how are we deciding on who’s right?


regardless we need to get back to work


kids need to get back in class and on the field.



Ya'll about a dumb ass.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

- academic study thinks disease isn't as deadly as we thought

"There! See! That's proof we were right!"

- academic study thinks the disease wasn't man made

"That doesn't count! Deep state! MSM! Here's a guy that says differently, so there!"













Man made or not (still under investigation), was this intentionally covered up (China & WHO - yes) ?


I'm not going to bother going into highly conspiratorial conjecture on this right now as there are still a lot of investigations into this going on.


Personally, I believe this came from the Wuhan Research Facility, whether intentional or not is still too be determined.

A lot of indicators (including coincidental timing) would say this was no accident, but I also see threads that this was an accident.


Question #1 is, WTF were these people even researching this $#!+ in the first place.

China is so FUBAR on so many levels, they don't really belong in the same timeline/Century as a lot of Civilization - ME even more so.



What you are missing, or just don't give a shit about is how the MSM is complicitly hyping this BS that CV is the more deadly than Smallpox :




Maybe Civilization has turned into nothing more than a bunch of Soy-Boy Pussies, and as such, we totally deserve the Tyranny heading our way.


If this is truly what we're left with, then I'm glad I'm looking at the "Exit" and you Candy Ass MoFo's can live with that which you most desire.


You best take a look at Venezuela, and see if that is really what you want.

That (Venezuela) is the most absolute modern attempt at Socialism/Communism, and it is an abysmal failure.


We are the last Beacon of Freedom.

It that is too much for you, then I suggest you go research the "Georgia Guide Stones", and then maybe Agenda 2030, and probably several others.


Odds are I'm on the tail end of that   .   .   .   hell, for all I know, we may we be in the times of Tribulation   .   .   .   we are at a very precarious point in history right now as far as that goes.


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2 hours ago, hammertime said:

So much misinformation out there...

i was just reading how it was impossible due to its structure to be man made?

how are we deciding on who’s right?


regardless we need to get back to work


kids need to get back in class and on the field.




It is known/will be determined.


This big question is whether this has been intentional or not.


Don't expect quick answers, but it is something to have in the back of your mind for whatever actions/maneuvers come out in the near term.


If this is truly a Biological attack on the US by China/DNC (yes, DNC is in this past their Hairline), what do you think the response is going to be ?


Temper that, with our current vulnerability to the China supply line that we are currently under (intentional via past Administrations, not just D's).


Honestly, we're in a pretty tough spot right now   .   .   .   silent War.


Outside of us going full declared War vs China right now (ugly & painful), the current slow movements are the best approach.


The upcoming Election is crucial.

In reality, it should be a total shellacking of the opposition, but unless the Voter Fraud issue is addressed it could be a disaster.


The fraud is real and is massive.

Looking at the Rallies & Candidates it should be a no Brainer.

Outside of the Rallies, that's what everyone thought about Hildebeast.


Lot of work too be done, and so far I've not seen action on some of the things that need to be done.


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Quasi reposting this :




Even "diseases" that we intentionally created ?

Oops - TMI.


We're barely living on the surface of things.


There is so much more going on below the surface than people realize.


Tough times (?), with marvelous times too come ?





And still, no one is connecting the dots   .   .   .   more too come.



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Here's a "dot" to put off too the side if you don't know what too do with it presently  .   .   .  




So, the cure (real stats) to a malady is fake, but Climate change is real (with falsified information) ?


What are the Climatic changes that have occurred since the lockdown ?


Aberration ?





Oh Shit !

That doesn't fit the "Agenda" so let's not talk about that   .   .   .  




That's all just a Conspiracy Theory (didn't watch the video on the origination of that term did you ?) right ?



Thing is, I can't force any of you to realize what has actually been going on for Centuries/Millenia.

All I can do is too present the "dots" that may one day lead people to connect just a few and achieve that "Eureka" moment.


The pieces I've dropped here (so far) are trivial   .   .   .   the evidence continues too stack.



Well, as much as enjoy these more esoteric/philosophic posts, it's probably time to get back to some more concrete info.


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Ton of info in these for those that are interested.


Part I :





(Articile - ized) part I



Part II


(Articile - ized) part II



I hope everyone realizes, that based on this bogus BS Warrant and the FIB knowing it was BS, that the FIB Knowingly Broke & Entered into Pages House and committed Illegal Search and Seizure ?


Criminal Tyranny, nothing less.


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3 hours ago, JAFBF said:












No, I get it completely.

You dive down this conspiracy theory hole because you want to feel like you "get" things other people don't. It makes you feel special. You probably aren't very accomplished in your life and this idea of secret "knowledge" gives you validation. 

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30 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:



No, I get it completely.

You dive down this conspiracy theory hole because you want to feel like you "get" things other people don't. It makes you feel special. You probably aren't very accomplished in your life and this idea of secret "knowledge" gives you validation. 

Said the know nothing, never done anything young punk. 🤣


You don't have to click on the link you lil bitch.

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14 minutes ago, Axe said:

Said the know nothing, ever done anything young punk. 🤣


You don't have to click on the link you lil bitch.

What a very original and creative response. Nice job.


Maybe you should remember that advice you posted before you realized how incredibly hypocritical it was (and it still is...)

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:



No, I get it completely.

You dive down this conspiracy theory hole because you want to feel like you "get" things other people don't. It makes you feel special. You probably aren't very accomplished in your life and this idea of secret "knowledge" gives you validation. 

It's not magic.


I read a lot.

I read from multiple sources.

I read from multiple places.

I listen too multiple broadcasts/shows.

I research many things.


You only do one of those.


Others don't have the time or inclination (understandable) too do these things, so I do them and consolidate things here.


I don't like the lies I've been fed all my life, you're not yet at that realization.

If/when that day comes for you - you are going too be pissed.


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22 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

It's not magic.


I read a lot.

I read from multiple sources.

I read from multiple places.

I listen too multiple broadcasts/shows.

I research many things.


You only do one of those.


Others don't have the time or inclination (understandable) too do these things, so I do them and consolidate things here.


I don't like the lies I've been fed all my life, you're not yet at that realization.

If/when that day comes for you - you are going too be pissed.


The Matrix?

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48 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

It's not magic.


I read a lot.

I read from multiple sources.

I read from multiple places.

I listen too multiple broadcasts/shows.

I research many things.


You only do one of those.


Others don't have the time or inclination (understandable) too do these things, so I do them and consolidate things here.


I don't like the lies I've been fed all my life, you're not yet at that realization.

If/when that day comes for you - you are going too be pissed.


Yes yes yes. You're a hero. You see the "truth". Got it. Definitely not what I said at all...


I'm curious though, which one of those things above do I do? I mean you seem to think you know, so I'm curious

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FYI these conspiracy theories would look better if they didn't all happen to be pro trump and pro right wing. If they actually went after everyone you might have something. True conspiracy theorists are probably looking down on you for talking into the lies of trump. OPEN YOUR EYES. ONE DAY YOU'LL REALIZE YOUVE BEEN FED LIES

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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

The Matrix?


Not literally, but essentially via propaganda.

Look at what happened to Nazi Germany via the propaganda they had, then look at how much more powerful the propaganda tools of today are.

TV, Movies, Newspapers, even Commercials push agendas, and they are by 6 Corporations (consolidation) that control over 90% of all Media.

Hell, even the Company I work for pushes biased propaganda BS via annual "training".


I can't make you believe anything, you need to make your own decisions.


You have no problem questioning the things I post.

Why do you accept without question what the MSM tells you even though they've been caught intentionally spreading lies ?



2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes yes yes. You're a hero. You see the "truth". Got it. Definitely not what I said at all...


I'm curious though, which one of those things above do I do? I mean you seem to think you know, so I'm curious

 You read.



2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

FYI these conspiracy theories would look better if they didn't all happen to be pro trump and pro right wing. If they actually went after everyone you might have something. True conspiracy theorists are probably looking down on you for talking into the lies of trump. OPEN YOUR EYES. ONE DAY YOU'LL REALIZE YOUVE BEEN FED LIES


Unfortunately, we really only have two choices (one actually - Uni-Party), Left or Right.

Neither is perfect, Politicians are just plain bad, but are sadly required (Term limits would help a lot).


Overall look at the two sides (good and bad in both).

What is each doing ?


The Left is in bed with China, owns the MSM, and pushes their One World Order agenda (NWO, Globalism, etc).

The Right (not just USA) is trying to restore the culture of their Nation.


I understand people have a problem with Trump.

The thing is, it doesn't matter who is President if they are not in the pocket of the ruling class - look at JFK, Lincoln, etc.


I still have certain reservations myself, but in my life I've never seen a President accomplish so much with as much opposition as what we've seen.

He's delivered on most of his promises (plus other things not promised), and it's not over yet.


Lies ?

Like the past several Administrations ?

We're talking about Politicians here, and we all know they're like Diapers.

So far, things look the clearest too me right now than I've seen before, it could still swing more either way, we won't know the full story until it's over.



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