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Found the board jackasses writer


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.....made me laugh.


Really, though...it IS how we look to a certain segment of the society of football fandom.

We've yet to prove that we're not the total fuck-ups that the writer paints us as.

Wins and Losses are the proof.


- our own Ghoul could've written that article -

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In a far less acerbic voice than mine, this author echoes much of what I believe about the Browns. There is one point where I greatly refute him, but on football, human nature, ownership, coaching and players, IF, you can remove your passions and emotions, you have to come to the conclusion that he is being honest.


Now, I have chosen to lose the bite in my tone, and honestly, despite what I believe about the team, I want to try this year to immerse myself in the Browns theater, enjoy my Browns buddies, and hopefully eat crow on my predictions that 2017 will be worse than 2016.


Where this man is dead on.


  • The worst deficiency of the Browns is in discipline. Greg Williams historically has put undisciplined defenses on the field. I believe he is the worst, most dumb ass coaching addition I have ever seen.
  • His comments on a total lack of skill players is 100% spot on, as is his slam for letting Pryor and Gordon get away.
  • I agree that Kizer and Garrett are both phonies, of questionable character. Guys who are going to be about their own image and stardom. Hope I am wrong, but the comment about Kizer's fake humility struck a cord with me. Give it up to youth? Ah, not so much. Garrett asking Dallas to save him? You just don't do shit like that. I think the Browns are going to choke on this kid.
  • I also find DePodesta to be the fucking dumbest hire in the history of the NFL.
  • I am no fan of Hue. I have always believed him to be in way over his head. I believe he will be fired once the fruits of his incompetence leave this team without direction.

However, the one place I disagree and take critical offense is in his suggestion that Browns fans suck, and are culpable in the team now being perhaps the worst in the history of the NFL.


Criticizing someone because of their intense love and loyalty is the mark of a low-class piece of shit. Which this guy is.


Fans don't make the draft picks. They don't call plays. manage the clock, set salaries, or anything else related to the team. Fans support their team. Dogs stand my their masters till the bitter end.


It has been more than painful for me to watch the team since 1999. My frustrations turned to venom. At the end of the day however, this is the team we love. Does that make us fucked up? No, it doesn't. It shows us to be undauntable in our loyalty.


It's okay for me to blast my team, but this writer? He is a cocksucker. In fact, if any of you can whittle through the article and tell me how to contact this iguana fucker, I will unleash Ghoolie on him. He is a Fucktard.

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Glad this gent "loves some Crow". Should be eating it by the plate-full when contract extension hits just before season.(my hope). I'd turn the key on jump starting his nut-sack but I do agree on his Ryan Grigson rant with his Kenneth Cole Wingtips(lol). A fair hoolie twist to Grigson as a "Glorified Coffee Mug Inspector". Unless the Embezzling Truck-Stop Pirate(LMAO) Haslem related to Grigson at past owner's meetings? Andrew Berry's left hand man? I just don't get what Sashi's cooking up here? But, I did manage to keep my coffee in the up right position B) (A Browns Fan=Best damn football fans in The Land) we don't need a tutor

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Criticizing someone because of their intense love and loyalty is the mark of a low-class piece of shit.


At the end of the day however, this is the team we love. Does that make us fucked up? No, it doesn't. It shows us to be undauntable in our loyalty.



gumby73 ---- (A Browns Fan=Best damn football fans in The Land) we don't need a tutor


This Is Us.

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A lot of people here get pissed off with any analysis of their team dares to question off-season enthusiasm. At one point in my life, I was a member of that fraternity. It didn't matter what any other team did, I was 100%on board and balls-to-the-wall optimistic and supportive. Now, I can speculate all kinds of things for why I, and for why many others are no longer blindly optimistic. That conversation is a dead end episode of mental masturbation. It is what it is. I, and many others are skeptical of this FO and of the choices this team has made.


I want the Browns to be successful a million times more than I want to read people here typing "Ghoolie was right"


This is going to be a very tell-tale season. If the Browns again are the worst team in the NFL, all this money ball, asset management, analytics, and building the foundation stuff is going to be exposed as yet another flim-flam exercise. I am okay eating crow, but seriously, the biggest potential serving of crow would be served up to all those who have bought into this new philosophy.


Seriously, you have to accept that if this team turns out to be 2 - 14 after all this asset management crap, and if you add to that Trubisky, Lynch, Wenz, Goff, and other skilled players we rebuked pan out, this will be the most monumental fail in Browns history. Surely bigger than Red Right 88.

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For now, let's just hope that it's our new way of doing things that is what 'pans out'.


Haslam & Lerner before him tried to do it the traditional way with 'football' people. They couldn't find the 'right' football people.

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A lot of people here get pissed off with any analysis of their team dares to question off-season enthusiasm. At one point in my life, I was a member of that fraternity. It didn't matter what any other team did, I was 100%on board and balls-to-the-wall optimistic and supportive. Now, I can speculate all kinds of things for why I, and for why many others are no longer blindly optimistic. That conversation is a dead end episode of mental masturbation. It is what it is. I, and many others are skeptical of this FO and of the choices this team has made.


I want the Browns to be successful a million times more than I want to read people here typing "Ghoolie was right"


This is going to be a very tell-tale season. If the Browns again are the worst team in the NFL, all this money ball, asset management, analytics, and building the foundation stuff is going to be exposed as yet another flim-flam exercise. I am okay eating crow, but seriously, the biggest potential serving of crow would be served up to all those who have bought into this new philosophy.


Seriously, you have to accept that if this team turns out to be 2 - 14 after all this asset management crap, and if you add to that Trubisky, Lynch, Wenz, Goff, and other skilled players we rebuked pan out, this will be the most monumental fail in Browns history. Surely bigger than Red Right 88.


But I would still be careful about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. What if it turns out we have gathered the right chips but have the wrong HC? I can see that scenario play out based on a lot of coaching errors I saw last year that I hope have been looked at and rectified. We shall see.

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But I would still be careful about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. What if it turns out we have gathered the right chips but have the wrong HC? I can see that scenario play out based on a lot of coaching errors I saw last year that I hope have been looked at and rectified. We shall see.

I understand your concern. Understand, it isn't wins only that I think should be the decision maker on whether or not this crew should be retained and supported. However, here are the things I look at.


  • I want to see less dumb mistakes and penalties. This is not a long-term burden. The self-destruction must be visibly headed in a different direction.
  • The offense must be more aggressive. When I see a 2nd and 2, a defense salivating on the run, and we call a run instead of a play action pass to rip a new asshole in the opponent, it drives me to drink. There is nothing worse than having a defense at a disadvantage and then calling the play they were waiting for and going from 2nd and 2, to 3d and 7. Hue did this shit over and over and over. Seriously, this guy needs to find some balls.
  • Intensity. No more Joe Fucking Thomas yucking it up when we are 20 points behind.
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A lot of people here get pissed off with any analysis of their team dares to question off-season enthusiasm. At one point in my life, I was a member of that fraternity. It didn't matter what any other team did, I was 100%on board and balls-to-the-wall optimistic and supportive. Now, I can speculate all kinds of things for why I, and for why many others are no longer blindly optimistic. That conversation is a dead end episode of mental masturbation. It is what it is. I, and many others are skeptical of this FO and of the choices this team has made.


I want the Browns to be successful a million times more than I want to read people here typing "Ghoolie was right"


This is going to be a very tell-tale season. If the Browns again are the worst team in the NFL, all this money ball, asset management, analytics, and building the foundation stuff is going to be exposed as yet another flim-flam exercise. I am okay eating crow, but seriously, the biggest potential serving of crow would be served up to all those who have bought into this new philosophy.


Seriously, you have to accept that if this team turns out to be 2 - 14 after all this asset management crap, and if you add to that Trubisky, Lynch, Wenz, Goff, and other skilled players we rebuked pan out, this will be the most monumental fail in Browns history. Surely bigger than Red Right 88.


So basically you're the same, cynical, self-aggrandizing ass-hole you've been minus the profanity?


What a crock of shit...

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