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Fix and corruption by a few obamao cia rogues aided by computer code that disguised as russian..


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so, there ya go. The big corrupt fix by obamao is in. and the dems
are going whole hog on "russia did it so we can screw with Trump"
Our country is in big, serious trouble. The leakers and spies need to be
held accountable.
WIKI STRIKES AGAIN: CIA computer code hides origins of its hacking...

Disguises as Russian, Chinese...
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gets worse:


from Constitution.com:



“On Friday,
reported that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), head of the House Intelligence Committee, visited the White House in order to view intelligence information without making his source public information. Housely reports that ‘the surveillance that led to the unmasking started way before Trump was the GOP nominee.’ He added, the person who did the unmasking was ‘very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world, and is not in the FBI. This led to other surveillance, which led to other names being unmasked.’ Housely added that this had nothing to do with Russia, but was designed toward ‘hurting and embarrassing Trump and his team.’ Housely said that his own sources were ‘just frustrated with the politicization of our intelligence agencies.’

“That’s not all.

“As reported by
The New York Times
months ago and confirmed by a former Obama administration high-ranking official, it now appears that in the waning days of the Obama era, intelligence officials compiled as much information as they could on Team Trump and handed it over to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

“On Friday,

“‘Obama administration officials were so concerned about what would happen to key classified documents related to the Russia probe once President Trump took office that they created a list of document serial numbers to give to senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a former Obama official told NBC News.'”

We also know now that Obama is still working to end the Trump presidency early, as it has been widely reported that the former President has assembled a team of Washington insiders to continue digging into the Trump White House, hoping to discover any chinks in his armor."

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