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or maybe, you could understand that what I say is true - I was very respectful

to os in the past. But now that he comes back because he is on the attack

bitchy mode, I ran afoul of his arrogance over the stupid ottoman empire.

I just didn't bs it, I provided links all over the place, after he sat on a tack

or something over his higgardly losing.

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I laugh at most of these so called threats or insults. Just hot air is all t hey are. If you take them seriously or are offended, get the fuck out or don't read them to begin with. I'm set in my viewpoints, and if you don't like them, don't read them.


You're completely full of shit. Here's a refresher for anyone reading...awhile back Diehard said he'd like to catch me at a brownsboard party or something and give me a really long deep and sloppy blowjob with a generous reach around, or something along those lines.Anyway... i said fuck that it'll be the last thing you ever do on this planet. DH "immediately" ran like a school girl to zombo to get me suspended. So pls no one take DH seriously, he's a pussy boy and I have proof of it now.

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I don't really accept anything you say is true. Because you are a hyper-partisan and everything you say is filtered through that. It's like you don't have any sort of life outside of political victimhood and everything is either evil liberal nazis or heroic conservative lumberjacks or something. I'm not a liberal. I think I've made that clear many times. But then again, I'm not a super partisan republican either. If you continue to think like that I honestly don't know what there is left to talk to you about. I can't, and neither can most rational people, deal with a gloating partisan cheese-eater. You attack attack attack and then whine about how you're being attacked. It's ridiculous, but then that's just who you are, I suppose.

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How about the Cubans he stranded his last week in office?



You mean that? So he ended the practice of allowing Cubans to stay in the U.S as soon as they get one dry foot on land...something the right has always been against ???

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I did read it and found it interesting although there's many fundamentalists attacking it. That must be a good thing, I suppose. Off-topic, as a writer are you familiar with Neal Gaiman's Sandman series? I was reading some old trade paperbacks and I came across a really neat story centered in Baghdad during Haroun Al-Raschid's (Aaron the good? Is that an acceptable translation?) reign as Caliph called Ramadan. Definitely worth a read.


You mentioned Athiesm before and I wanted to point out I'm not an athiest either. I consider myself an Agnostic. I don't know what happens after and I don't consider myself qualified to act as if I do. If there is a god, I figure being a generally good person and doing the right thing the majority of the time will win him/her/it over and if it decides that I'm fucked because I didn't do confession or ate meat on Friday or ate pork or didn't pray to mecca, then it is probably an asshole anyway. I hope the Hindu karmic wheel business is correct because honestly, even as I get older and more beat down in life I still think it's pretty cool and I wouldn't mind doing it all over again.


Yes, the extremists have also attacked other progressive movements in the Muslim world. "If extremists hate it, it is probably good", is a good barometer to use. Fortunately, it is harder for them to attack movements that take root in America, which is why I feel fortunate to be here, free to practice my religion the way I want.


I haven't read the Sandman series though I have heard of it. Your translation of Haroun Al-Rashid's name is close, but Rashid means more literally "rightly-guided." As a student of history you probably know who he was in real life. In any case, a weird thing happened when I started writing fiction... I became more interested in reading non-fiction. I guess I've learned how the sausage is made so sometimes it is harder for me to turn off my writer brain and just enjoy a work of fiction.


I apologize for assuming you were an atheist. I thought I read that you said you were a while ago. In any case, I can make the argument that by Quranic standards an agnostic wouldn't be condemned to hell, but I would probably be in the minority in holding that opinion. Once again, It's all a matter of interpretation, but two things regarding this are pretty clear: The Quran says only God knows what is in people's hearts and it is not for people to judge others in their afterlife fate, and that God cares most about people's deeds. I hate to say this but I will: Islam's biggest enemies have been many of the people who follow it. Even if you take the extremists out of the equation, I have found many Muslims focus on the most trivial aspects of faith, like whether or not meat from certain countries is halal or not, while not caring a damn about more important matters of justice and common courtesy.

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Some of these guys on here, as I'm sure you well know, are never going to be worth having any sort of theological discussions with. Even though I don't believe any religious doctrine I find all of them interesting and worthy of discussion in their own right.


That's why I've put them on ignore. I know some people here call that the "pussy" way out, but I really don't give a rat's ass. :) I find this forum a lot more enjoyable when my eyes aren't subject to their garbage.

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I also read quite a bit of non-fiction as well, although I confess my library is more fiction than non. I typically spend more time on the internet trying to learn things but if I find a subject interesting enough, history and technology mostly, I'll read about it in a more analog fashion. Anyhow If you ever are so inclined I'd highly recommend Sandman. It's very literary minded. Not what you'd expect from a comic book at all, although it doesn't hit it's stride until book 2. Ramadan is in book 6,

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That's why I've put them on ignore. I know some people here call that the "pussy" way out, but I really don't give a rat's ass. :) I find this forum a lot more enjoyable when my eyes aren't subject to their garbage.

liberal sissy translation:


"I only came here to stay because I want to bitch about Trump and couldn't explain my obaMao sombeitch,

and raise hell" ;)

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To be fair I'm much more (and I do mean much more) worried about Mexico than Muslims. The shit Mexicans do with complete abandon make ISIS look like pretty reasonable guys. Complete disregard for humanity down there and they can just stroll over the border any time they want. I won't regale you with the filthy details but if you were inclined you could easily find the most violent, horrific, disgusting examples of humanity on certain sites and they're all Mexicans. If liberals were forced to watch this stuff for a few minutes they might revise their opinion of Trump's wall plan.

I presume you're speaking of the Cartels. Such as the ME(Mexican Mafia) and organizations of their ilk. It's surprising more violence hasn't spilled over our boarders.


As far as Islam my own experiences with people of that faith compel me to disagree with the President's and some of your assessments. I met teachers, doctors, lawyers, and business people that want the same things we as Americans of many faiths want. A safe environment for themselves and their families. Some of these same people served me and my unit as interpreters.


Some of which rendered aid to wounded soldiers which bought time and saved lives. I don't think these are the kind ofpeople we should be denying entry into our country.


These are people that should be easily vetted and the ban should not be necessary. With that said I want to see how long this ban will last and how long this vetting process will take to get off the ground.

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I also read quite a bit of non-fiction as well, although I confess my library is more fiction than non. I typically spend more time on the internet trying to learn things but if I find a subject interesting enough, history and technology mostly, I'll read about it in a more analog fashion. Anyhow If you ever are so inclined I'd highly recommend Sandman. It's very literary minded. Not what you'd expect from a comic book at all, although it doesn't hit it's stride until book 2. Ramadan is in book 6,


Okay, I will put it on my reading list.


Also, I just wanted to share this with you, too. I am definitely not trying to convert you to anything, just wanted to show another website that shows interpretations in action that are compatible with American values.



I am not above personally attacking people from time to time so I don't have anyone on ignore. I think part of the beauty of this board is that it's really the wild west of internet forums. If I had, say, diehard on ignore I wouldn't be able to dump all over him.


To each their own! So far, at least with Cal, it seems like putting him on ignore irritated him more than anything else I've ever said to him. "If he hates it, it's probably good."


I know Diehard doesn't care, and that's fine with me, too. I'm perfectly happy if we both pretend the other doesn't exist.

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I presume you're speaking of the Cartels. Such as the ME(Mexican Mafia) and organizations of their ilk. It's surprising more violence hasn't spilled over our boarders.


As far as Islam my own experiences with people of that faith compel me to disagree with the President's and some of your assessments. I met teachers, doctors, lawyers, and business people that want the same things we as Americans of many faiths want. A safe environment for themselves and their families. Some of these same people served me and my unit as interpreters.


Some of which rendered aid to wounded soldiers which bought time and saved lives. I don't think these are the kind ofpeople we should be denying entry into our country.


These are people that should be easily vetted and the ban should not be necessary. With that said I want to see how long this ban will last and how long this vetting process will take to get off the ground.

Excellent post. Thanks HUGELY for your service, Marcus. The interpreters were a temporary injustice, but one that couldn't

be avoided, unless you telegraph the temporary halt to reexamine vetting. That would lead to what

we witness on the border, a huge increase in traffic. And the FBI already says they can't vett incoming immigrants fast enough.

Those interpreters, the good folks with green cards, etc... those problems were/are being resolved asap.

It's tough to close pandora's box after being opened. And, the FBI? said there are isis investigations "in all fifty states",

which reportedly is an overstatement..... We desperately, somehow, do not want to end up like Germany

and Sweden, to name two. What is dangerous is the dirty politics being played over any real or contrived issue from the losers

of the pres election.

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I presume you're speaking of the Cartels. Such as the ME(Mexican Mafia) and organizations of their ilk. It's surprising more violence hasn't spilled over our boarders.


As far as Islam my own experiences with people of that faith compel me to disagree with the President's and some of your assessments. I met teachers, doctors, lawyers, and business people that want the same things we as Americans of many faiths want. A safe environment for themselves and their families. Some of these same people served me and my unit as interpreters.


Some of which rendered aid to wounded soldiers which bought time and saved lives. I don't think these are the kind ofpeople we should be denying entry into our country.


These are people that should be easily vetted and the ban should not be necessary. With that said I want to see how long this ban will last and how long this vetting process will take to get off the ground. her

Indeed I am speaking of the Cartels, and they are, in fact, operating in this country, but it's harder to kill 20 people at a whack in America and not get caught when we have a competent police force. That doesn't mean they're not killing people, they're just not reveling in it up here like they like to do. As for Muslims I thought I made it clear in my conversations with Osiris that I don't really have any issue with Muslims here as a whole, as long as they put American values first, which largely they do.

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To each their own! So far, at least with Cal, it seems like putting him on ignore irritated him more than anything else I've ever said to him. "If he hates it, it's probably good."


I know Diehard doesn't care, and that's fine with me, too. I'm perfectly happy if we both pretend the other doesn't exist.

A. It's laughable that you can't defend you asinine assertions, then you think it bothers me

that you "put me on ignore" but still read my posts. lol


B. Sorry your false bragging on the ottoman empire caused you to go hateful, but spiritual

beliefs do not prevent a person from being a pouty, sore loser that just shows up

to bitch. That's on you.


C. I've been around here a long time, and don't get into bad vibes from people unless they

get bitchy over my dumb opinions. There's plenty of other folks on the other side of the fence

that I get along with just fine. It's the left that is often intolerant. Look around our country.


D. Keep me on ignore, but it's cowardly to pop in and bitch like a rabid gopher wanting to

bite somebody. Don't bite me, I got defenses. It's amusing you keep harping about me,

though, "ignoring". Look up "ignoring". (after you read up on your ottoman empire bs)


E. Have a nice day, and know this: I respect you being a Muslim, but you are still an arrogant pouty idiot.

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Indeed I am speaking of the Cartels, and they are, in fact, operating in this country, but it's harder to kill 20 people at a whack in America and not get caught when we have a competent police force. That doesn't mean they're not killing people, they're just not reveling in it up here like they like to do. As for Muslims I thought I made it clear in my conversations with Osiris that I don't really have any issue with Muslims here as a whole, as long as they put American values first, which largely they do.

I believe you were clear. My central point wasn't to address your assessments but those of others that implied yours came from someone lacking combat experience. I figured I would offer my unique experience to offer some different perspective as I've tried to do in this forum by and large.


As a police officer I'm well aware that the Cartels are operating here in the U.S. They've been operating here longer than what people want to believe. I think it's now an issue because the wrong people started getting killed. Either way I think we should be beyond disagreeing with the President. At this point all I can personally do is do my job and supervise my officers and ensure they continue to do good police work. I just hope these endeavors of the President are successful and effective.

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Oh you mean Diehard? He's just an asshole. I was, in fact, in the Air Force and I did, in fact, support operation Enduring Freedom including two TDY to the middle east but he is correct that I was never in combat. I was not a Marine or a soldier but an Airman in comm/nav/mission systems which essentially means I did the same thing then that I do now, electronics and communications repairs. If Diehard wants to take a shit on my military service that his prerogative but what I did was a critical job. He's never mentioned what his specialization was, so, you know, fuck him.

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Oh you mean Diehard? He's just an asshole. I was, in fact, in the Air Force and I did, in fact, support operation Enduring Freedom including two TDY to the middle east but he is correct that I was never in combat. I was not a Marine or a soldier but an Airman in comm/nav/mission systems which essentially means I did the same thing then that I do now, electronics and communications repairs. If Diehard wants to take a shit on my military service that his prerogative but what I did was a critical job. He's never mentioned what his specialization was, so, you know, fuck him.

Well thank you for your service just the same. As an Army MP I served with and escorted munitions of the Air Force a few times during OEF. Proud to have served with all of them.

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The lot of you are basically throwing shit at one another being that there is no real discussion or exchanging of ideas here.


This forum is pretty much cancer.

Our God has graced us with his presence!


Don't let his posts here fool you, he's still way better than this crap.

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Our God has graced us with his presence!


Don't let his posts here fool you, he's still way better than this crap.


You are healed, my child.


You especially. You're intelligent enough to know you're arguing with a wall for hours on end. I cannot grasp why you waste your time.

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You are healed, my child.


You especially. You're intelligent enough to know you're arguing with a wall for hours on end. I cannot grasp why you waste your time.


The curse of a smart phone I guess. Why just be waiting for something when I can read posts on here and pull my hair out?

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Oh you mean Diehard? He's just an asshole. I was, in fact, in the Air Force and I did, in fact, support operation Enduring Freedom including two TDY to the middle east but he is correct that I was never in combat. I was not a Marine or a soldier but an Airman in comm/nav/mission systems which essentially means I did the same thing then that I do now, electronics and communications repairs. If Diehard wants to take a shit on my military service that his prerogative but what I did was a critical job. He's never mentioned what his specialization was, so, you know, fuck him.

Still don't understand his disrespect either. Comms are, were, always will be critical to any mission. The boys in the air continue to maintain that.

Thank you.

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All this interpersonal crap isn't necessary. Like ridiculing somebody who was in the military,by

claiming they are a fake.


You hear anybody claiming that Osiris "is a fake Muslim" or anything? That would really be offensive.

The left needs to stop initiating all this belligerent, constant, personal antagonism. I don't get it.

None of us hated anybody because we lost two presidential elections. This is deja vu all over again.


Bush won twice and all hell broke loose. The past eight years of obamao, there haven't been

threats and hateful dangerous rallies, the media was full of grace toward the president....

about half this country voted Trump in- the pendulum had to swing back. Why isn't that

acceptable to the left? They had their turn, let us have our turn. That is how it works.


I have dumb opinions here and there, but seriously, I don't see any of us on the ..non-left

hating anybody. It's the left that goes way, way out in left field angry when they lose



That seems to be indicative of what we are seeing across the country. Reisistance to OUR

president? Reps were fine to let Obamao have his two very, very leftwing activist judges to

the Surpreme Court. They stopped him from adding another late in his presidency.

Now, the left is going to stop any nominee by Trump.


Why is it that "elections have consequences" only when the left wins?


Why does this forum turn into hating other posters, only when a rep wins?


Why does the left half of our country go apecrap revolutionist, when they didn't win

a third time?


Any excuses to answer those questions are feeble at best. I have some dumb opinions, can

be wrong about stuff, joke around,all of us are like that. Just seems like the interpersonal hate garbage

gets out of hand quickly, only when the left loses. I'm not goin anywhere, but it's more fun when

both the left and right can express their views without the hate bubbling up for no good reason.


Everybody have a nice day.



By comparison to most of you I'm fairly new to this section of the forum. But based on my own observations I have to agree with Cal. Though I doubt the right is completely innocent of some of the same things Cal is accusing the left of.


I believe our conduct in forums like these reflects the same conduct you see in Washington D.C. in the Senate and House of Representatives. This has for the better part of 16 years (being generous) been the cause of national gridlock and has been extremely counterproductive.


While both sides of the fence consistently finger point and charge each other with this or that, opportunity after opportunity to make this country and world a better place to live just passes us by. Our blind adherence to one side of the political spectrum is laughable.


Maybe our current President can break the cycle. To his credit he's done what he said he would. He's also been much more organized and focused than I thought he would be. While I don't agree with what he's doing with this ban. I can concede that it seems as if he's buying time for a more effective solution. We'll see how true that is.

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By comparison to most of you I'm fairly new to this section of the forum. But based on my own observations I have to agree with Cal. Though I doubt the right is completely innocent of some of the same things Cal is accusing the left of.

I believe our conduct in forums like these reflects the same conduct you see in Washington D.C. in the Senate and House of Representatives. This has for the better part of 16 years (being generous) been the cause of national gridlock and has been extremely counterproductive.

While both sides of the fence consistently finger point and charge each other with this or that, opportunity after opportunity to make this country and world a better place to live just passes us by. Our blind adherence to one side of the political spectrum is laughable.

Maybe our current President can break the cycle. To his credit he's done what he said he would. He's also been much more organized and focused than I thought he would be. While I don't agree with what he's doing with this ban. I can concede that it seems as if he's buying time for a more effective solution. We'll see how true that is.

Marcus even those here on the right with the exception of Diehard will tell you Cal's behavior here is beyond reason. I would encourage you to read a weeks worth of posts to get a feel for the dynamics of this forum.


Left and right are capable of getting along so long as they both aren't at extreme ends of the spectrum. Cysko and myself proved that right here. But when extremists (Cal) throw a monkey wrench into the gears, it makes it harder on moderates. Look at how some on the right uses the word 'liberals' like it's some kind of insult. That right there shows you where the unwillingness to compromise (another word extremists have twisted to have a negative connotation) comes from. So maybe that is the microcosm of Washington.


I will say this over and over: the battle lines in conflicts all over the world should not be drawn between Left and Right or Muslim and Jew. The battles lines we should be drawing are between moderates and extremists, for it is the extremists doing the most harm to our government, our way of life, and the world.

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I am not above personally attacking people from time to time so I don't have anyone on ignore. I think part of the beauty of this board is that it's really the wild west of internet forums. If I had, say, diehard on ignore I wouldn't be able to dump all over him.

I admit I fuck with people on this board. But in reality since you served you have my respect for that. I was 11B10 (light weapons infantry) in the Army from 1971 to 1973. Served in Vietnam at the end of the war, then the remainder in Germany at Kirchgoens (Ayers Kaserne). After I got out it was difficult to find a decent job so after a few years I enlisted in the Navy started out as a Bosn's Mate, then switched to a Master at Arms. Was in Grenada and in Desert Shield/Storm. Retired in 1994. Actually there is only one person on this board I can't stand and she is on ignore.

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Marcus even those here on the right with the exception of Diehard will tell you Cal's behavior here is beyond reason. I would encourage you to read a weeks worth of posts to get a feel for the dynamics of this forum. osiris


You know, having somebody on ignore means you should STFU about them, and not

keep trying to institigate vs them.


Meanwhile, I know I'm outrageous at times, but always in moderate control....been royally attacked

by the best/worst of asswipes - like you, and once you cross that line, I just remember the past.

So I have a good memory...


It's pretty bad that you are a Muslim, and the first? time you use the word "extremist", it is

only in reference to me. Dang, you are a troublemaking, arrogant ass, aren't you?


You got all pissy because you were wrong. Like you idiotic statement about not knowing

any woman forced to wear the hijab. The ulterior propaganda motive, is to deny it

happens? That's really, really wrong, just like your loving the peaceful times

of the ottoman empire. Your ulterior motive was to infer that when Muslims are in charge,

everything is peaceful. But then the empire fell apart, and THEN there were wars

between the states, and things weren't peaceful anymore.


There are plenty of posters I never get into it with. In the past, I would just have my opinions,

and would catch all sorts of mz the pussy, sheply, etc hellfire for daring to have conservative opinions,

got so they seemed to be trying to run conservatives off the board. And, tried to get

them banned because they didn't like conservative posts.


It's like the time this conservative friend in argumentation class and I won a big debate.

Big class, two hippies opposed us. The intitial vote was bigly against us. But,

at the end, we overwhelming won.


After class, the one hippie came up abruptly, grabbed me by the shirt and said "you (*)(*& are just

a bourgeis something pig, forget the word, and said I was part of the problem,

and said they were going to find out where we lived and we would pay.


My co-winner, she was terrified behind me, clutching my shirt. Some other friends came after him,

I said 'until then, you really had better get your stinking hands off me", his hippie friend

grabbed him, threw him against the wall and asked him WTF was wrong with him.


All we did was win the debate bigly. We just disagreed about the effectiveness of the anti-war movement's

effects on our country.


In real life, most of us are completely different than our online personas, perceive personas.

Sometimes, I have to remind myself that woodpecker is probably a real non-bird in real life.

But I'm thinking Os is ...oh, never mind. that was mean. :) See? I used a smiley face.

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