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Did Giuliani just shade Trump?


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Good. It was meant to be. For all those who keep screaming fear fear fear I thought they might want to take stock.


When they aren't busy rioting in the streets because they fear that their rights are being taken away, whatever the fuck they are.



I assume your speaking of me, even though "fear, fear, fear" sounds like a direct quote from the fear squad.


So, you want me to take stock huh? I do it daily but will gladly do it again, but only if you promise to do the same.


I do have fears, the most prominent of which is the fear of humiliating my ancestors, specifically the ones who immigrated to this great nation due to prosecution and oppression in their homelands. They came here, and suffered further prosecution due to their nationality and religion. However, they endured it because they believed in the ideals of this country, and wanted to ensure that their children, grand children, etc, could live a better life then their own. A hope, a goal that could only be attained in this great nation.


Not only did they endure the nativist bullshit, driven by fear, that is bubbling up to the forefront again today, but they also served this nation, risking their lives for their children as well as the cocksuckers, and their children, who treated them like shit simply for being different.


I refuse to tarnish everything they worked, sacrificed, and fought for just because some brown people from a different culture are doing stupid, barbaric shit halfway across the world.



I was raised as an American. Americans don't cower, Americans don't shy away from conflict. Americans endure and overcome tribulations. Not only do Americans do all of this, they do so while maintaining the beliefs and ideals that made this country the greatest nation on earth.



That is what my immigrant ancestors taught their children. That is what my grandparents fought for. That is what my parents instilled in me. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to be the douche bag who fucks that up due to pure selfishness and fear. I refuse to forgo everything I have been taught by the people who have fought and sacrificed to give me a better life then their own, just so I can feel special.


You're turn.

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I assume your speaking of me, even though "fear, fear, fear" sounds like a direct quote from the fear squad.


So, you want me to take stock huh? I do it daily but will gladly do it again, but only if you promise to do the same.


I do have fears, the most prominent of which is the fear of humiliating my ancestors, specifically the ones who immigrated to this great nation due to prosecution and oppression in their homelands. They came here, and suffered further prosecution due to their nationality and religion. However, they endured it because they believed in the ideals of this country, and wanted to ensure that their children, grand children, etc, could live a better life then their own. A hope, a goal that could only be attained in this great nation.


Not only did they endure the nativist bullshit, driven by fear, that is bubbling up to the forefront again today, but they also served this nation, risking their lives for their children as well as the cocksuckers, and their children, who treated them like shit simply for being different.


I refuse to tarnish everything they worked, sacrificed, and fought for just because some brown people from a different culture are doing stupid, barbaric shit halfway across the world.



I was raised as an American. Americans don't cower, Americans don't shy away from conflict. Americans endure and overcome tribulations. Not only do Americans do all of this, they do so while maintaining the beliefs and ideals that made this country the greatest nation on earth.



That is what my immigrant ancestors taught their children. That is what my grandparents fought for. That is what my parents instilled in me. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to be the douche bag who fucks that up due to pure selfishness and fear. I refuse to forgo everything I have been taught by the people who have fought and sacrificed to give me a better life then their own, just so I can feel special.


You're turn.

Cry me a river.

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shove it, cleve. mocking our military helped get mz the pussy the pussy banned, and I only typed

two letters.

Did you just out yourself as the dreaded Moderator's bitch who complains incessantly about your enemies to s moderator until they finally get banned just to shut you up? Weak, Cal, weak. Lame.
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I assume your speaking of me, even though "fear, fear, fear" sounds like a direct quote from the fear squad.


So, you want me to take stock huh? I do it daily but will gladly do it again, but only if you promise to do the same.


I do have fears, the most prominent of which is the fear of humiliating my ancestors, specifically the ones who immigrated to this great nation due to prosecution and oppression in their homelands. They came here, and suffered further prosecution due to their nationality and religion. However, they endured it because they believed in the ideals of this country, and wanted to ensure that their children, grand children, etc, could live a better life then their own. A hope, a goal that could only be attained in this great nation.


Not only did they endure the nativist bullshit, driven by fear, that is bubbling up to the forefront again today, but they also served this nation, risking their lives for their children as well as the cocksuckers, and their children, who treated them like shit simply for being different.


I refuse to tarnish everything they worked, sacrificed, and fought for just because some brown people from a different culture are doing stupid, barbaric shit halfway across the world.



I was raised as an American. Americans don't cower, Americans don't shy away from conflict. Americans endure and overcome tribulations. Not only do Americans do all of this, they do so while maintaining the beliefs and ideals that made this country the greatest nation on earth.



That is what my immigrant ancestors taught their children. That is what my grandparents fought for. That is what my parents instilled in me. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to be the douche bag who fucks that up due to pure selfishness and fear. I refuse to forgo everything I have been taught by the people who have fought and sacrificed to give me a better life then their own, just so I can feel special.


You're turn.




Boo fucking hoo


You fail to see what you yourself clearly explained. Our ancestors were exceptional and are to be set apart from these modern day immigrants. Many came here without a dime to their name, they struggled, assimilated, learned to speak fucking English and succeeded. Unlike the handouts these Muslims get, it was up to them, no free fucking health care, housing and other government assistance.


And for those who do have cash, many, but not all are coming here to only to fatten themselves, having no interest in assimilating into western culture. You are a fucking clueless moron if you believe these people want to be "American" or be called Americans.

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I assume your speaking of me, even though "fear, fear, fear" sounds like a direct quote from the fear squad.


So, you want me to take stock huh? I do it daily but will gladly do it again, but only if you promise to do the same.


I do have fears, the most prominent of which is the fear of humiliating my ancestors, specifically the ones who immigrated to this great nation due to prosecution and oppression in their homelands. They came here, and suffered further prosecution due to their nationality and religion. However, they endured it because they believed in the ideals of this country, and wanted to ensure that their children, grand children, etc, could live a better life then their own. A hope, a goal that could only be attained in this great nation.


Not only did they endure the nativist bullshit, driven by fear, that is bubbling up to the forefront again today, but they also served this nation, risking their lives for their children as well as the cocksuckers, and their children, who treated them like shit simply for being different.


I refuse to tarnish everything they worked, sacrificed, and fought for just because some brown people from a different culture are doing stupid, barbaric shit halfway across the world.



I was raised as an American. Americans don't cower, Americans don't shy away from conflict. Americans endure and overcome tribulations. Not only do Americans do all of this, they do so while maintaining the beliefs and ideals that made this country the greatest nation on earth.



That is what my immigrant ancestors taught their children. That is what my grandparents fought for. That is what my parents instilled in me. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to be the douche bag who fucks that up due to pure selfishness and fear. I refuse to forgo everything I have been taught by the people who have fought and sacrificed to give me a better life then their own, just so I can feel special.


You're turn.

I think I probably answered this in the Obamas Muslim ban thread.


So because of this story you support illegal immigration?

And Sanctuary cities?

And refusing to deport even the criminals?



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Boo fucking hoo


You fail to see what you yourself clearly explained. Our ancestors were exceptional and are to be set apart from these modern day immigrants. Many came here without a dime to their name, they struggled, assimilated, learned to speak fucking English and succeeded. Unlike the handouts these Muslims get, it was up to them, no free fucking health care, housing and other government assistance.


And for those who do have cash, many, but not all are coming here to only to fatten themselves, having no interest in assimilating into western culture. You are a fucking clueless moron if you believe these people want to be "American" or be called Americans.


To hell with you, dude. My immigrant MUSLIM family rose from living in a shitty cockroach-infested apartment in Cleveland in the late 70s to become doctors, lawyers, and PhD-level scientists. My mother spent her life improving and saving AMERICAN lives and my dad, may he rest in peace, made Sikorsky helicopters safer for their pilots. If you don't fucking know, Sikorsky makes helicopters for the military. Don't give me this bullshit about handouts. We've given back to this country more than you'll ever know. Who looks like the fucking clueless moron now? Check the damn mirror.

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shove it, cleve. mocking our military helped get mz the pussy the pussy banned, and I only typed

two letters.

So much for you parroting on about being a "real American", when you can't even handle the First Amendment. Pretty pathetic.



In you go, snowflake.

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Cleve, what reason do you have for calling out anybody ?


and Jblew - haha, the left demands to be the only arbiter

on hate speech. THEY get to define it, not anybody else.


and they define it anyway they want, whatever suits them

at the time. That is the point for most of your chickencrap

posts, both of you.


and have a nice day, leftwingmadashell nutjobs.

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Boo fucking hoo


You fail to see what you yourself clearly explained. Our ancestors were exceptional and are to be set apart from these modern day immigrants. Many came here without a dime to their name, they struggled, assimilated, learned to speak fucking English and succeeded. Unlike the handouts these Muslims get, it was up to them, no free fucking health care, housing and other government assistance.


And for those who do have cash, many, but not all are coming here to only to fatten themselves, having no interest in assimilating into western culture. You are a fucking clueless moron if you believe these people want to be "American" or be called Americans.

Ah elitism.


I thought only the left trafficked in that.


So we're at an impasse, you think me dumb for believing in the strength our ideals and culture, I think you a fearful pussy for believing their ideals and culture are even capable of competing with ours.


You don't believe in our ideals or culture, I understand.

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Cleve, what reason do you have for calling out anybody ?


and Jblew - haha, the left demands to be the only arbiter

on hate speech. THEY get to define it, not anybody else.


and they define it anyway they want, whatever suits them

at the time. That is the point for most of your chickencrap

posts, both of you.


and have a nice day, leftwingmadashell nutjobs.


Well, since you are the one who ran to the mods to silence someone after you got all butt-hurt by what he said, i'd say that you are the one who's trying to define what "hate speech" is. It's pretty cowardly for someone claiming to be a "real" American to go and get someone censored simply because you didn't agree with what they say. That's something the Regressive Left would do. Guess that makes you a liberal, just like them.



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Well, since you are the one who ran to the mods to silence someone after you got all butt-hurt by what he said, i'd say that you are the one who's trying to define what "hate speech" is. It's pretty cowardly for someone claiming to be a "real" American to go and get someone censored simply because you didn't agree with what they say. That's something the Regressive Left would do. Guess that makes you a liberal, just like them.



Was that Cal?

I thought it was DieHard.



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