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Did Giuliani just shade Trump?


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The MSM media is dishonest many times in how they present the issues. Here is one example: The stats show less than one percent of the Syrian refugees have been Christian. The MSM will come back with a misleading stat that overall the refugees around the world are evenly split between Christian and Muslims. That may be true around the world but that is deflecting from the argument that under Obama in Syria less than one percent of the refugees have been Christian and they have been persecuted in Syria as horrible as anyone else.

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We're supposed to be a secular government so preferring one religion over another or at least not doing a better job of painting their (middle Eastern Christians) plight as a humanitarian crisis is bound to be poorly received. I understand where Islam lends itself to zealotry and fanaticism and agree that it's worth vetting those at risk people a little harder but trunk needs to be doing a better job of keeping that behind the scenes.

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I do not think the average person understands the sectarian and tribal conflicts going on over there. People like Cal seem to think of Muslims as a monolith and that's fairly dangerous.


I'm not even sure the politicians understand, and that's the real problem. Cal isn't making policy decisions, but him and his buddies are voting the people in who do.


Osiris yes indeed these bastards are generally indiscriminate killers and yes probably more Muslims are being killed. But I would maintain that Christians are more often targeted solely due to their religion.


Whether or not Trump is making things worse by calling the media fake news, didn't really cause them to report things fairly during the election so what's the difference?


And again I think he should STFU until he thinks of a better tweet.




On that we can agree, his tweets aren't helping anyone. Problem is he will never stop because it's part of his narcissistic personality disorder.


And should Sunni Muslims get preferential treatment over Shiites?




Absolutely not. I did say our constitution forbids it. This is one of many reasons I love America. Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, or at least they are supposed to be, until an Executive Order says otherwise.


We're supposed to be a secular government so preferring one religion over another or at least not doing a better job of painting their (middle Eastern Christians) plight as a humanitarian crisis is bound to be poorly received. I understand where Islam lends itself to zealotry and fanaticism and agree that it's worth vetting those at risk people a little harder but trunk needs to be doing a better job of keeping that behind the scenes.


Lack of central authority and the dependency of illiterate and uneducated Muslims on corrupt clerics is a large reason for that zealotry. I agree though, about the vetting. I think that's already happening, though. This is another place where American Muslims could be put to good use. I'm pretty sure I could tell you if someone was a fanatic or zealot by asking them particular questions about their beliefs. That said, I think it's important to understand the state of the vetting process before we start claiming that it wasn't strong enough during Obama's adminstration. From http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-syrian-refugee-crisis/:


"Every single refugee is interviewed in detail multiple times by the U.N. for their vital statistics: where they came from, who they know.
Their irises are scanned to establish their identity.
And then they wait for the chance the U.N. might refer them to the United States. Less than one percent have had that chance.
For that one percent the next step has been this State Department resettlement center in Amman for a background check led by specially trained Department of Homeland Security interrogators.
Like all Syrian refugees being vetted this family was questioned at least three times by interviewers looking for gaps or inconsistencies in their stories.
All that information is then run though U.S. security databases for any red flags. To be a refugee in Jordan is to be patient. The U.S. security check goes on an average of 18-24 months."
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Obama in Syria less than one percent of the refugees have been Christian and they have been persecuted in Syria as horrible as anyone else.


This will answer your questions about this better than I can. There are some things in here I didn't know, but make sense when given more thought




Some quotes if it's tl:dr:


"It’s important to note that the Syrian refugees are referred to the U.S. by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

From 2013 though Nov. 17, the U.N. says it has referred 22,427 Syrian refugees to the U.S. for “resettlement consideration.” The U.N. could not tell us how many of the 22,427 U.N. referrals were Christian, and the State Department did not know how many Christian Syrians may have been rejected by the U.S. But we know the U.S. is drawing from a limited pool of applicants provided by the U.N. from a predominately Muslim country."

"The Sunnis are about 74 percent of the Syrian population, according to the CIA, but “they tend to support the rebels and oppose the Assad regime, and Syrian Sunnis have been subject to ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Alawite minority in recent months,” as the Washington Post reported on Oct. 18, 2012.

This explains why Sunni Muslims are disproportionately represented among Syrian refugees in the U.S., Andrew Tabler, a Middle East expert at the Washington Institute, told us in an email."

"Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad’s regime is “made up of Alawites AND other minorities like Christians,” said Tabler, who wrote a 2011 book called “In the Lion’s Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington’s Battle with Syria.”"

"“The reason why is that most refugees are not displaced because of ISIS, but as a result of bombardments by the Assad regime,” Tabler told us, explaining the large percentage of Sunnis who have been admitted to the U.S. from Syria. “The regime has attempted (but failed) to shoot them into submission. Those fleeing the fighting who are not with the regime have to run to neighboring countries for protection and become refugees. And some of them eventually apply to come to the U.S. as refugees.”"

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I'm not even sure the politicians understand, and that's the real problem. Cal isn't making policy decisions, but him and his buddies are voting the people in who do.



On that we can agree, his tweets aren't helping anyone. Problem is he will never stop because it's part of his narcissistic personality disorder.



Absolutely not. I did say our constitution forbids it. This is one of many reasons I love America. Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, or at least they are supposed to be, until an Executive Order says otherwise.



Lack of central authority and the dependency of illiterate and uneducated Muslims on corrupt clerics is a large reason for that zealotry. I agree though, about the vetting. I think that's already happening, though. This is another place where American Muslims could be put to good use. I'm pretty sure I could tell you if someone was a fanatic or zealot by asking them particular questions about their beliefs. That said, I think it's important to understand the state of the vetting process before we start claiming that it wasn't strong enough during Obama's adminstration. From http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-syrian-refugee-crisis/:


"Every single refugee is interviewed in detail multiple times by the U.N. for their vital statistics: where they came from, who they know.


Their irises are scanned to establish their identity.


And then they wait for the chance the U.N. might refer them to the United States. Less than one percent have had that chance.


For that one percent the next step has been this State Department resettlement center in Amman for a background check led by specially trained Department of Homeland Security interrogators.


Like all Syrian refugees being vetted this family was questioned at least three times by interviewers looking for gaps or inconsistencies in their stories.


All that information is then run though U.S. security databases for any red flags. To be a refugee in Jordan is to be patient. The U.S. security check goes on an average of 18-24 months."

I'm glad Cal, diehard and the rest of the fear squad aren't refugees. The only list they'd be making after the first interview would be a watch list.

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you said you loved che and castro,.

Pretty sure i didnt. Pretty sure i said i partially understood them, because im more educated than you...i know what was going on there. I said i understood what led to men like castro coming to power. Again, i deal easily with concepts you couldnt wrap ur head around if u lived another 100 years

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This takes on new meaning in today's context:


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

Frank Herbert, Dune

nice cherry picking of the quote.


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Frank Herbert, Dune

We are afraid of terrorists coming here, so we are facing our fear, and working to protect our innocent American people..........and you are
bitching about it. go figure.
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"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfnameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."


I'll let the fear squad guess who said this.


Don't think they can.

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FDR. Do you think those who are about to be raped, tortured, murdered,

beheaded, etc etc... by the terrorists shouldn't be afraid?


The fight was on, their fault, centuries ago. They are worse than the Borg in

star trek movies. The borg created themselves, they force the fight.

We don't fear fighting - we have to win for our innocent American peoples'

sake. and, governments overseas have to fight and win.

The is no magic twanger to talk with them and make them realize they are wrong.

That is just wimpy, fearful bs.

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FDR. Do you think those who are about to be raped, tortured, murdered,

beheaded, etc etc... by the terrorists shouldn't be afraid?

Yup they should. Have you witnessed a lot of that in your neck of the woods?


If so, you might want to apply for refugee status in a safer country.

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There is no safer country, with Trump making osiris's obamao look like the

asswipe he was.


We saved America, we're good now. Our gov will start working again, defending us again.

All is well in America land.

Unless it's osiris, he's not happy that his obamao failed.

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nobody is hating anybody. The simple logic is, you are a birdbrain, don't know

anything, don't offer anything, just little smart quips that you feel make you

have a point outside of your beak, you started it up again, you need to be taught

again to stop it.

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kinda weird, the goofs who are smarting off about fearing,


are terrified of Trump.


The pendulum swings to keep America on track. The left hates it

when they are wrong, and throw sissy hissy fits.


Facts don't matter, they are just pizzed, that's all.

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Good. It was meant to be. For all those who keep screaming fear fear fear I thought they might want to take stock.


When they aren't busy rioting in the streets because they fear that their rights are being taken away, whatever the fuck they are.




The people rioting in the streets aren't afraid. They are pissed off that fear is driving policy at the highest levels of government.

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The people rioting in the streets aren't afraid. They are pissed off that fear is driving policy at the highest levels of government.

There's something about sauce for a goose and such for a gander here or a pot and a kettle, but we will worry about that later. But, for the record, it is just stupid weakness and fear that makes people not want the United States to turn into Germany or France or Sweden I assume?



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They're afraid of blah blah blah losing rights I hear it out of their own mouths often enough. So that's pretty silly.



There's something about sauce for a goose and such for a gander here or a pot and a kettle, but we will worry about that later. But, for the record, it is just stupid weakness and fear that makes people not want the United States to turn into Germany or France or Sweden I assume?





Okay, you're right. It is silly. I am man enough to admit it. They are afraid. In my opinion, for good reason, but we know you disagree. I think we've about hashed out this topic enough. I'm ready to just see how it plays out.

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I don't disagree completely. But I'll have to see some evidence of Rights being lost before I'm ready to concede that it's not just drummed up fear mongering.


So how about the people who were denied right of entry even though they had visas? AFAIK the protests didn't start until reports of people with visas being denied entry came out.

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