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Are You Freaking Kidding Me?


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Second worst coaching decision I have seen in my life......only superseded by the Seahawks throwing the ball from the 2 when running it would have likely give them a Super Bowl victory.

Worse than handing the ball off to the TE playing full back who had never carried the ball before?

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Worse than handing the ball off to the TE playing full back who had never carried the ball before?

Lets face it. Hue Jackson has as much improving to do as a coach as the Browns FO does at picking players and the player do of improving their play.


Its a perfect storm: bad player evaluation, bad coaching, bad player execution

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Its a perfect storm: bad player evaluation, bad coaching, bad player execution


= a perfect 0-16


Damn, we even fucked that up

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So far, some of the things I've learned on this forum are:


1) The Browns tanked the season on purpose, and the 1-15 season was part of a greater master plan orchestrated by the owner, FO, coaches and players.


2) The reason we sucked in the 2nd half of games was because our 23yr olds got beat up by older, meaner 27yr olds so badly in the 1st half, that they wore down and got tired in quarters 3 and 4.


3) Our O-Line was elite


4) The Buckeyes deserved to be in the playoffs


5) Things are actually much better than the 1-15 record indicates, and we're on the rise.




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So far, some of the things I've learned on this forum are:


1) The Browns tanked the season on purpose, and the 1-15 season was part of a greater master plan orchestrated by the owner, FO, coaches and players.


2) The reason we sucked in the 2nd half of games was because our 23yr olds got beat up by older, meaner 27yr olds so badly in the 1st half, that they wore down and got tired in quarters 3 and 4.


3) Our O-Line was elite


4) The Buckeyes deserved to be in the playoffs


5) Things are actually much better than the 1-15 record indicates, and we're on the rise.




Nailed it!!!!!

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You can't run a wr screen on the 2 yard line. EVER!!!!!!!!!


all of the 11 defenders are on the line of scrimmage


That play will NEVER EVER work


If you think that play is a good call, you are the most idiotic person that has ever watched NFL football.


Let alone coached or actually called plays in this league


This is 100% accurate. Has the coaching staff been questioned on that play? Dod it come in from the sideline or did rg get wide eyed thinking he saw something that ended up being a figment of his imagination

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This is 100% accurate. Has the coaching staff been questioned on that play? Dod it come in from the sideline or did rg get wide eyed thinking he saw something that ended up being a figment of his imagination

It was the prevent offense

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If we tanked the season who'd we tank it for?

I hope its Trubisky

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So far, some of the things I've learned on this forum are:


1) The Browns tanked the season on purpose, and the 1-15 season was part of a greater master plan orchestrated by the owner, FO, coaches and players.


2) The reason we sucked in the 2nd half of games was because our 23yr olds got beat up by older, meaner 27yr olds so badly in the 1st half, that they wore down and got tired in quarters 3 and 4.


3) Our O-Line was elite


4) The Buckeyes deserved to be in the playoffs


5) Things are actually much better than the 1-15 record indicates, and we're on the rise.





All true except point 3, which literally only one person here has ever said.


Also, I learned apparently USC is the best team in the country, which is more laughable than anything on this list.

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My apologies for the thread long rant folks. You don't deserve to read that kind of garbage. I broke my own rule about not posting immediately after drinking too many depressants during a disappointing loss. The only thing I did right was show people not to drink and post.


I appreciate all those trying to reason with me or clarify things as well as those that told me they felt the same way. I love every damn one of yuz.


As for Hue, I've been one of the guys wearing rose colored glasses for him almost to a fault since we hired him. If we fired him after only 1 season, the only kind of coaches that would be interested in this gig would be Chip Kelly, Ken Wisenhunt or Rex Ryan not to be confused with Jim Schwartz. Believe it or not, I get that when I'm Budweiser Platinum Free. You have to give a new HC that inherited all the land mines here from previous drafts more than 1 year to prove himself.


Time to shift energy back to the draft and our #1 overall we pick we earned.



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I really dont get all the people saying we couldn't beat pissburgs jv team or scrubs!? They had 4 FOUR starters sit, i saw their starters on D playing the whole game so i dont get the jv bs.


After reading the post game comments from hawk and rg3, id bet dollars to donuts that the play called at the 2 yd. line was a run play with a bubble screen built in, very common play design nowadays. Hawk flat out said he didn't think he was getting the ball and was surprised. So that means Hue called a run first play, RG3 tried to be cute and threw the screen. RG3 even said he should have just handed the ball off. So everyone that's bashing Hue needs to jump off his nutsack, he coulda threw RG3 under the bus on that one but he didn't. IMO RG3 is still pretty raw. He got coached up his rookie year and then became an afterthought until this season. Im kinda intrigued about him having another full offseason with him being healthy and having the coaches focused on him. I understand that fans are frustrated with how the season went, i sure am. Maybe give the coach a chance to grow with his very very young and raw team.


Slimdawg just COMPLETELY nailed it, boys. After hearing the interviews and listening to our radio show, the called play was definitely supposed to be a run BUT it had a pass option. The only way this is Hue Jackson's fault is because he gave RG III the freaking option to throw it. In hindsight, he should've called the run, and not the damn option, OR called the same play and specifically told him to hand the fucking ball off. You want to know what REALLY HURTS? Go back and watch the play. Watch the all 22 if you have that ability. In fact, if you do have the ability, see if you can post it to this thread somehow. What does it show? It shows our OL getting a fantastic push. It shows Crowell getting about 1.5 yards of running speed before hitting the line, and at that point, there's basically no way he doesn't get it. That's right folks. RG III lost this game in multiple ways. Did he play better in some aspects? Yep. But the loss falls squarely on his shoulders. The red zone pick? Freaking AWFUL. The snap that we lost before halftime that got the Steelers back in the game? Notice how everyone ELSE was ready on the snap and HE wasn't? Oh, and HOW THE HELL DOES HE NOT RECOVER THAT? The play to Hawkins was the icing on the cake. It got blown up because Pryor (I think) didn't make the block, and his guy collided with Hawkins (who weighs NOTHING), and knocked him back a mile. Pryor probably didn't make the block because EVERYONE THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE A DAMN RUN. Jesus Christ almighty sunshine...THAT WOULD'VE WON THE DAMN GAME.

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Slimdawg just COMPLETELY nailed it, boys. After hearing the interviews and listening to our radio show, the called play was definitely supposed to be a run BUT it had a pass option. The only way this is Hue Jackson's fault is because he gave RG III the freaking option to throw it. In hindsight, he should've called the run, and not the damn option, OR called the same play and specifically told him to hand the fucking ball off. You want to know what REALLY HURTS? Go back and watch the play. Watch the all 22 if you have that ability. In fact, if you do have the ability, see if you can post it to this thread somehow. What does it show? It shows our OL getting a fantastic push. It shows Crowell getting about 1.5 yards of running speed before hitting the line, and at that point, there's basically no way he doesn't get it. That's right folks. RG III lost this game in multiple ways. Did he play better in some aspects? Yep. But the loss falls squarely on his shoulders. The red zone pick? Freaking AWFUL. The snap that we lost before halftime that got the Steelers back in the game? Notice how everyone ELSE was ready on the snap and HE wasn't? Oh, and HOW THE HELL DOES HE NOT RECOVER THAT? The play to Hawkins was the icing on the cake. It got blown up because Pryor (I think) didn't make the block, and his guy collided with Hawkins (who weighs NOTHING), and knocked him back a mile. Pryor probably didn't make the block because EVERYONE THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE A DAMN RUN. Jesus Christ almighty sunshine...THAT WOULD'VE WON THE DAMN GAME.

you dumb fuck...hue is the fucking idiot that pimped rg3 to come here in the first place you moron....so it is his fault..

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Jiggins - here you go:


Pre-snap, and Browns have three receivers split out to the left, covered by two backs, while the steelers have have defenders on the LoS, with two backers and two safeties, slightly overloaded to our right:





RG3 takes the hand off, and Hawkins appears to be running away from him. Meanwhile, JT's man isn't a threat to the run, the RDE is being handled by Fabiano and Drango (I think?) is making ready to hit the linebacker. Crowell would have to make the safety miss:





RG3 throws the ball, but by the time it gets to Hawkins, Pryor has failed his blocking, and Hawkins is about to be hit. Meanwhile, the linebacker and safety that would have been playing the run have started moving to Hawkins:





Hawkins does well to not just get knocked down straight away but from this point the play is a lost cause:







So the run play makes it Crowell vs safety in the hole - could go either way. Stuffed, pick up a yard, score. I fancy Crowell. But, a quick throw in front of Hawkins, leading him to the end zone also scores, and I guess that's what RG3 sees - 9 defenders in front, two covering three receivers - and thinks 'hey, easy score' but it looks like the screen is designed to go outside Pryor, judging from Hawkins' post-snap movement, and for that reason it's a much lower percentage play in my book. Not exactly bone-headed, but still not great.

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Guys hang in there. I'm a big Hue fan and was sorry to see him leave the Raiders. I think he learned a lot from that experience and won't be exchanging #1 and #2 draft picks for an aging QB again anytime soon lol. Was a Browns fan as a kid mostly because I liked their helmets haha.


You guys were close in a lot of games this year as well. I hope to see the team make some good offseason moves and turn things around as I still feel some Browns love almost 50 years later...

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Jiggins - here you go:


So the run play makes it Crowell vs safety in the hole - could go either way. Stuffed, pick up a yard, score. I fancy Crowell. But, a quick throw in front of Hawkins, leading him to the end zone also scores, and I guess that's what RG3 sees - 9 defenders in front, two covering three receivers - and thinks 'hey, easy score' but it looks like the screen is designed to go outside Pryor, judging from Hawkins' post-snap movement, and for that reason it's a much lower percentage play in my book. Not exactly bone-headed, but still not great.


Wow, good stuff (thanks for taking the time to pin up the still shots). It could be easily debated that if Pryor wouldn't have been taking the play off and actually made a block, that the play had a chance in resulting in a TD as well.

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Wow, good stuff (thanks for taking the time to pin up the still shots). It could be easily debated that if Pryor wouldn't have been taking the play off and actually made a block, that the play had a chance in resulting in a TD as well.

Yeah, the play had potential, and we've seen Pryor not blocking as well as his frame indicates he could do in the past, but it's not the percentage play. Instead, it's the aggressive kill shot (that a whole lot of people around here clamour for every time) that backfired.

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Yeah, the play had potential, and we've seen Pryor not blocking as well as his frame indicates he could do in the past, but it's not the percentage play. Instead, it's the aggressive kill shot (that a whole lot of people around here clamour for every time) that backfired.


I bitch about the RGIII INT in the redzone, but on the other hand I'm the guy who bitches that we never take a shot in the endzone in those situations as well. We also fumbled running the ball in that same situation that the bubble screen blow-up. That's why we all Monday Morning QB and think we know more than the brass.

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I bitch about the RGIII INT in the redzone, but on the other hand I'm the guy who bitches that we never take a shot in the endzone in those situations as well. We also fumbled running the ball in that same situation that the bubble screen blow-up. That's why we all Monday Morning QB and think we know more than the brass.

That's a very good point in relation to this one - later in the same spot we *did* hand off to the 150+ yard runner and he fumbled. Not that Crowell fumbles much - twice this year, none last year - but nothing's guaranteed.

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Dumb fuck? Jesus man. What the hell is wrong with you? We're just having a conversation.

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