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Hue asking Jimmy to change the FO


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trading down to do it is even more insane

You see this crap is part of the problem. People bitch when they don't draft receivers, then they draft one and people still aren't happy. Yeah he didnt have a good year, but he was injured half the season and had rotating QBs to work with. Lets give him another year before we make final judgement. As to the FO office, this up coming draft and FA period they need to be aggressive and make changes, you tore the roster down, evaluated a bunch of players and now have no excuse on what you need to fix, you can't fix this all with drafter players, you need to go after some quality FA, and over pay if you have too. And for the draft if you think there is a potential franchise QB, even if he needs to sit a year, draft him #1 overall and take the best player you can at #12 whether on offense or defense.

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What else is new?



So we need another Holmgren? I don't think we've ever disagreed as much as we do here... Not that there's anything wrong with that.



I read LaCan's "article". It's his typical shit-stirring. There are no signs that our process needs an overhaul... none. And even if there were, then the sample size is way too small to know what change is needed. You role with it as is for one more cycle and then evaluate.


The "reports" are that Hue & Co. will lobby for a "football guy" to oversee the process. How has finding that one guy worked for us in the past? We have "football guys" in place. Some may Peter-out, but some will rise and one will ultimately ascend. Darwin said it long before Peter ever sucked on a tit.


If the reports are true, then Hue needs to STFU and forget politicking the boss. We did not lose today due to "lack of talent".


Hue may want a bigger say on the roster- but bringing in "Earthquake" Griffin and "Trust Me" Kessler- I'm not convinced about his talent evaluation either.


The FO gets a solid F letting key payers walk, and a draft that has contributed little. The past season is one day removed, and the whole organization needs to head to a deserted island to sort out what went wrong- on every level.

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Manning is Jimmys answer. Bank it


A possibility that I have given thought to as well, but I won't bank on it. I figured Manning would take at least a year off, and could end up in Cleveland as President of Football Operations or President of Player Personnel. Stranger things have happened.

Now I'll defer to....photo-thumb-413.jpg?_r=1463347857



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Hue may want a bigger say on the roster- but bringing in "Earthquake" Griffin and "Trust Me" Kessler- I'm not convinced about his talent evaluation either.


The FO gets a solid F letting key payers walk, and a draft that has contributed little. The past season is one day removed, and the whole organization needs to head to a deserted island to sort out what went wrong- on every level.

Precisely.....Hue hasnt done a single thing to indicate that he is a quality talent evaluator....just based upon the final 53 and some of his head scratching roster moves, Id say he has questionable skills in rating and placing players on the field.....just my take....


And.....now that this completely dreadful season has mercifully ended.....Id like to thank you(Larry) and a few others for sticking to your(our) guns from day one......it's our second season to stand alone(on the opposite side of the sunshine vote), take the shots and fight against the irrational thinking of many.....but in the end, someone had to do it....popular or not.....

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Right....ex players dont necessarily know how to grade talent, just because they were players.....heck, Hue was a player, right?


Though....drunk as he is.....Bernie seems to know football and have a great mind when it comes to strategy......Id give him a whirl as a consultant....

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Hue and Jimmy both shot this LaCanfora report down so lets focus on who is here. The only one that needs to go is Horton.

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Why would anybody in their right mind think a bean counter attorney could pick better football players than a head coach?


What are you talking about he had plenty of time to learn in that perennial playoff bound organization in Jacksonville Jaguars. I mean isn't that how its done...you hire the young guys from the TOP organization and watch them turn your team into the same kind of team from which they came from.

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Right....ex players dont necessarily know how to grade talent, just because they were players.....heck, Hue was a player, right?


Though....drunk as he is.....Bernie seems to know football and have a great mind when it comes to strategy......Id give him a whirl as a consultant....

Bernie worship I understand. So it's probably a conspiracy amongst the members of the NFL to not have him in charge of the team at some point. Or have any significant contribution.


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Yes, take control from a group of jackoffs............... and give it to the jackoff who brought you RG3 and a pick 6 fumble awa at the goal line. LMAO...............



YES YES YESSSSSSSS.................................. let's swap jackoffs....................... THIS is building for the future.

Happy New Year.

Hey, the owner loves him, or so he sez. So who's your QB pick this year? I figure our FO is looking at on base percentage, try real hard and fail.

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They need to......thats for sure.....


And they will... It's part of the plan. Be patient... the end of April will be here before you know it.


Why would anybody in their right mind think a bean counter attorney could pick better football players than a head coach?


No one... that's why the bean counter is not "picking" football players.


Precisely.....Hue hasnt done a single thing to indicate that he is a quality talent evaluator....just based upon the final 53 and some of his head scratching roster moves, Id say he has questionable skills in rating and placing players on the field.....just my take....


And.....now that this completely dreadful season has mercifully ended.....Id like to thank you(Larry) and a few others for sticking to your(our) guns from day one......it's our second season to stand alone(on the opposite side of the sunshine vote), take the shots and fight against the irrational thinking of many.....but in the end, someone had to do it....popular or not.....


Looking forward to you joining the "sunshine squad" in the near future.

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Looking forward to you joining the "sunshine squad" in the near future.

All it will take is a decent FA period.....with some smart choices......and a quality and sensible draft....


If they pick 4 more WR's, I will be on the news......

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All it will take is a decent FA period.....with some smart choices......and a quality and sensible draft....


If they pick 4 more WR's, I will be on the news......

Honestly are you really mad after how many seasons without taking a WR when it was a desperate need? Shit, its the one thing that made sense. Toss some gambles on guys and see if you get a good one. I think Coleman has shown he can develope into a good WR, and Loius honestly surprised me and I think he can develop into a #2 guy.

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What up, HB?



All it will take is a decent FA period.....with some smart choices......and a quality and sensible draft....


If they pick 4 more WR's, I will be on the news......


Afraid the FA's will disappoint, so emphasize the draft, please...


While I don't see 4 WRs in the cards (or 3 or 2 for that matter), if we are both shocked, please have your next of kin send me a copy of the newscast. ;)

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Look at the source. He is always making stuff up about the Browns that is proven to be false later.


You're talking about Ghoolie... right?

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If Haslam's proclamation was true why would Hue raise a stink?


Or, if Hue's alleged statement is true, perhaps he's just asking for more weight to be applied to his opinion(s).

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Now this had nothing to do with CBS. The pregame radio show spent a fair amount of time discussing the fact that Hue had very little if anything at all in the Kessler pick and was a bit ticked the sashthepud made that pick without consulting him. I haven't heard more about it since but in the big picture... I see it. And now Hue himself will be the talent guy. So our gm now consists of JimmyDee, Stosh, Pud, and Andy hue? This should work well. And if anyone thinks that JimmyDee don't have anything to do with talent selection because they say so.....Hahahahahahehehehehohohoho.

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You're talking about Ghoolie... right?

Ha, I suppose you could apply to both though I actually dislike LaCanfora a lot more. Ghoolie seems to be using an alternate persona and is probably very different in person in real life. Maybe he is a good dude that just vents his anger as Ghoolie or maybe he uses Ghoolie to get everyone's attention but though I disagree with him often I have always thought there is some intent beyond simple trolling when it comes to Ghoolie.


LaConfora, on the other hand, is probably really the idiot he appears to be. I believe he is friends with Lombardi who probably gets him to put out these fake news stories to rock the boat in Cleveland. Either way, he should just be ignored.


Now this had nothing to do with CBS. The pregame radio show spent a fair amount of time discussing the fact that Hue had very little if anything at all in the Kessler pick and was a bit ticked the sashthepud made that pick without consulting him. I haven't heard more about it since but in the big picture... I see it. And now Hue himself will be the talent guy. So our gm now consists of JimmyDee, Stosh, Pud, and Andy hue? This should work well. And if anyone thinks that JimmyDee don't have anything to do with talent selection because they say so.....Hahahahahahehehehehohohoho.

Sorry but half the people on this board know more about the Browns than these analysts do. They conveniently ignore facts so as to push sensational ideas. If Hue had little to do with the Kessler pick then why did he tell everyone "trust me on this one" when he was questioned on the pick shortly after the draft? That doesn't sound like something someone would say unless they were the driving force behind the decision.
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There is more to this story than Hue not liking the FO, and this is one of the developments I referred to in the King post. Look at it logically.


1) Haslam announces rather emphatically that there will be no changes made.


So, ask yourself, if Haslam is speaking the truth, that means that EVERYONE has job security, correct? I mean that's what some of you taint ticklers have been telling me all year long.....Haslam's is finally sticking with the program and going for continuity.


If Haslam's proclamation was true why would Hue raise a stink? Why would anyone who was just given job security in a very volatlie market raise a stink? The reason is simple, Haslam's proclamation was nothing more than bullshit to pacify fans, idiot fans who think continuity is more important than talent. Clearly, behind closed doors, jobs were threatened, and asses are on the line.


Hue is the first to break ranks. Clearly he is trying to deflect the behind closed doors ass chewing he got from Haslam by planting a seed that it is the FO fault.


2) So much for continuity, eh? Despite Haslam's proclamation, Hue misbehaved and challenged the owner.


So watch the story unfold. Where is the worst bad blood going to spilled? Haslam pissed at Hue for asking for firings? Haslam pissed at Hue for 1 - 15, and maybe listening to the FO team instead?


Like it or not, there is a tug of war going on in Haslam's shit house.


I'm (in danger of getting in the Browns Dog House) posting the letter Jimmy wrote to the Season ticket holders in it's own thread. Take it FWIW.

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Ha, I suppose you could apply to both though I actually dislike LaCanfora a lot more. Ghoolie seems to be using an alternate persona and is probably very different in person in real life. Maybe he is a good dude that just vents his anger as Ghoolie or maybe he uses Ghoolie to get everyone's attention but though I disagree with him often I have always thought there is some intent beyond simple trolling when it comes to Ghoolie.


LaConfora, on the other hand, is probably really the idiot he appears to be. I believe he is friends with Lombardi who probably gets him to put out these fake news stories to rock the boat in Cleveland. Either way, he should just be ignored.


O, you've nailed the real Ghoolie.


Now regarding LaCAN'TBEfor ya, he pretty much hates the Browns, and gets spoon fed his crap from Lombardi- who happens to be a big Bill Belichick shill. It would surprise me zero if Lombardi was the force behind getting out the rumor Garropolo was on the trading block, and the rest of the media lemmings grabbed the ball and ran with it.

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O, you've nailed the real Ghoolie.


Now regarding LaCAN'TBEfor ya, he pretty much hates the Browns, and gets spoon fed his crap from Lombardi- who happens to be a big Bill Belichick shill. It would surprise me zero if Lombardi was the force behind getting out the rumor Garropolo was on the trading block, and the rest of the media lemmings grabbed the ball and ran with it.


Yeah, I've heard exactly that on some of the football podcasts I listen to: Lombardi is behind the Garropolo trade stuff. He was also the one putting out the bad press on Collins when he was traded to the Browns... maybe to make the pill go down easier for Patriots fans who might've been critical of the move.

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I found it extremely interesting that Haslam specifically stated that he doesn't ever comment on stories from "that" reporter (meaning LaConfora). I'm not sure I've heard that before. We have no way to validate the statement that Hue wants to change things, and he has only stated multiple times that everyone is on the same page. LaConfora is freaking awful.

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Have to say Ghoolie is almost talking football for a change...


Now this had nothing to do with CBS. The pregame radio show spent a fair amount of time discussing the fact that Hue had very little if anything at all in the Kessler pick and was a bit ticked the sashthepud made that pick without consulting him. I haven't heard more about it since but in the big picture... I see it. And now Hue himself will be the talent guy. So our gm now consists of JimmyDee, Stosh, Pud, and Andy hue? This should work well. And if anyone thinks that JimmyDee don't have anything to do with talent selection because they say so.....Hahahahahahehehehehohohoho.


That report so flies in the face of the war room shot when the Kess pick was announced it defies belief.


I can still see Hue in my mind's eye smiling and pumping his fist as the pick was announced.

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