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You Watch Fox News Because....

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I don't agree with you 100%. I watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and CSPAN whenever I'm able to catch the Senate or Congress in session. I prefer a broad prospective of things and do my best not to lean towards either side. To me both sides have been a disappointment for the last 16 years. While I didn't vote for Trump I pray that he can spearhead a break in the cycle of unproductivity in Washington D.C. If not, on to the next one.

Well, I guess if I can forgive Lebron James, I can forgive you, too... B)

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I also listen to Mark Levin. I find him mostly hysterical because of how animated he gets on the radio. I think he has a good show even though he's a staunch conservative. I don't completely agree with him but he does keep me interested.

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The blatant bias of liberal journalism:


FLASHBACK: New York Times Trashed Romney For Warning About Russia

The New York Times and others on the left piled on Gov. Mitt Romney four years ago when the Republican presidential nominee contended that Russia was the United States’ “number one geopolitical foe,” but they now have a different opinion on the subject.


The Times editorial page slammed Romney over the remark he made to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in March 2012 and stated in their lead sentence, “Two decades after the end of the cold war, Mitt Romney still considers Russia to be America’s ‘No. 1 geopolitical foe.’ His comments display either a shocking lack of knowledge about international affairs or just craven politics. Either way, they are reckless and unworthy of a major presidential contender.


The editorial goes on to bash Romney for daring to criticize Obama over telling then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility on the missile defense issue after his reelection.

The Times defended Obama, calling it an “honest statement” and that the president made a “sound decision” to scrap “former President George W. Bush’s dubious plan to build a long-range missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.”


“There are real threats out there: Al Qaeda and its imitators, Iran, North Korea, economic stresses. Mr. Romney owes Americans a discussion of the real challenges facing this country and his solutions to them,” The Times editorial concluded.


The Times is not the only one backtracking on their stance with Russia and U.S. relations. During a September 2012 presidential debate President Barack Obama hit Romney for his remarks on Russia’s threat.

“My opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy. But from all that we’ve seen and heard, they want to take us back to an era of blustering and blundering that cost America so dearly,” Obama said on the debate stage. “After all, you don’t call Russia our No. 1 enemy—not Al Qaeda, Russia—unless you’re still stuck in a Cold War mind warp. You might not be ready for diplomacy with Beijing if you can’t visit the Olympics without insulting our closest ally.”


Hillary Clinton, who now believes Russia favored Trump and caused her to lose the election, mocked Romney in 2012, claiming on CNN it was “somewhat dated” to be concerned over Russia adding that she too also thought he was “was stuck in a ‘Cold War mind warp’” and that Russia was, in fact, “an ally.”


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