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Nativity scene found in ancient egyptian rock painting..


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He won't read it obf. He'll just want to argue the negative because that's what he is. No different than Woody, Cleve or What's his face.

First off I won't read it because it's a wall of text that isn't OBF's own thoughts.


I'll glady accept a paragraph from himself and not the work of another. I'm asking his opinion afterall.


Oh, and... suck a cock. I'm not woody, Cleve or anyone else for that matter.

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Let me see about some critical thinking. Man's wisdom creates laws to punish those who would commit murder yet they allow murder of a baby inside a womb by abortion? A person could hit a pregnant woman in the stomach and cause her to lose her baby and get charged with murder yet the same woman could kill the baby by having an abortion and that is not murder? I'm sticking with thou shall not commit murder which includes babies in the womb.



Well that's one hell of a pivot. Ignoring the fact you just praised ignoring critical thinking for blind faith. Which is an awful thing to do.

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Well that's one hell of a pivot. Ignoring the fact you just praised ignoring critical thinking for blind faith. Which is an awful thing to do.


The bible is full of wisdom that I would be happy to see any political leader be guided by. It is not a math or science book. 2 plus 2 will always be 4. As usual you are going to extremes. The example I used was about murder. It is always wrong and condemned as wrong in the bible but man in his wisdom has made exceptions for babies in the womb. NOw man's wisdom makes no logical sense that a person can be charged with murder for punching a pregnant woman in the stomach causing her to lose a baby however the same woman could have went and aborted murdered the baby legally. So it is not murder if she chooses to murder the baby?

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First off I won't read it because it's a wall of text that isn't OBF's own thoughts.


I'll glady accept a paragraph from himself and not the work of another. I'm asking his opinion afterall.




OBF is humble and will gladly post (copy and paste) the thoughts of others when they say it better than I could.

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The bible is full of wisdom that I would be happy to see any political leader be guided by. It is not a math or science book. 2 plus 2 will always be 4. As usual you are going to extremes. The example I used was about murder. It is always wrong and condemned as wrong in the bible but man in his wisdom has made exceptions for babies in the womb. NOw man's wisdom makes no logical sense that a person can be charged with murder for punching a pregnant woman in the stomach causing her to lose a baby however the same woman could have went and aborted murdered the baby legally. So it is not murder if she chooses to murder the baby?

I'm the one talking extremes but you pivoted the argument to murdering babies.... Alright.


Look, you straight up said blind faith comes before critical thinking. I think that's insane. Anything you see after that point is just irrelevant.

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I'm the one talking extremes but you pivoted the argument to murdering babies.... Alright.


Look, you straight up said blind faith comes before critical thinking. I think that's insane. Anything you see after that point is just irrelevant.

I said we walk by faith not by sight. I will take the wisdom of God over the wisdom and reasoning of man. That is scriptural:


2 Corinthians 10:5New International Version (NIV)

5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


Question: "What does it mean to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)?"


Answer: In speaking of our spiritual warfare, Paul says that we take every thought captive and subject all thinking to Christ Jesus. Here are the apostle’s words: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).


The primary point in this section of 2 Corinthians is that we are in a spiritual warfare. What leads up to the statement that we take every thought captive is important. In verse 3 Paul states that though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. That is, we do not rely on human ingenuity or manmade plans to bring the victory. The flesh is powerless against the wiles of the devil. In verse 4 Paul mentions the “strongholds” or the “fortresses” that are destroyed by God’s power. These strongholds are the philosophies, arguments, and “proud opinions” mentioned in verse 5.


Without question, there are many human thoughts that need to be taken captive. Numerous ungodly philosophies hold people in bondage, and those spiritual “fortresses” need to be demolished. The systems of thought that war against us are “arrogant obstacles” (NET), “lofty opinions” (ESV), and “sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing” (AMP) that prevent people from knowing God. In our day, these systems of human thought include the theory of evolution, secular humanism, existentialism, the cults, the occult, and false religions. How many people are held captive by the idea that they are the products of chance in a godless universe? How many spiritual prisoners labor under the requirements of Allah and await freedom in Christ? We must take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).


False religion and secular philosophy have created thinking that has imprisoned the minds of millions. It is a true spiritual battle: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Any idea, opinion, or worldview that asserts that Christ is unnecessary is reflective of the devil’s pride. Such thoughts must be taken captive and made obedient to Christ. Those who know the truth must confront error with the weapon we’ve been given, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17).


Our weapons in the spiritual battle are not carnal but mighty through God. As we are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2), we engage the battle against pretense and arrogant philosophy in the world. Trusting Christ and rightly dividing the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15), we take every thought captive, pull down the strongholds, and, by the grace of God, set the captives free.

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The bible is full of wisdom that I would be happy to see any political leader be guided by. It is not a math or science book. 2 plus 2 will always be 4. As usual you are going to extremes. The example I used was about murder. It is always wrong and condemned as wrong in the bible but man in his wisdom has made exceptions for babies in the womb. NOw man's wisdom makes no logical sense that a person can be charged with murder for punching a pregnant woman in the stomach causing her to lose a baby however the same woman could have went and aborted murdered the baby legally. So it is not murder if she chooses to murder the baby?


I assume that you must be joking, because if you read the bible, the Judeo-Christian God is a pretty prolific killer himself - a cosmic Rambo. Any deity who preaches that murder is a sin, while unhesitatingly slaughtering scores of innocent people for the very smallest of slights is the highest example of hypocrisy. This alone is enough to convince me that God is an invention of man, not the other way around.

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I assume that you must be joking, because if you read the bible, the Judeo-Christian God is a pretty prolific killer himself - a cosmic Rambo. Any deity who preaches that murder is a sin, while unhesitatingly slaughtering scores of innocent people for the very smallest of slights is the highest example of hypocrisy. This alone is enough to convince me that God is an invention of man, not the other way around.

Why did God condone such terrible violence in the Old Testament?


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I'm the one talking extremes but you pivoted the argument to murdering babies.... Alright.


Look, you straight up said blind faith comes before critical thinking. I think that's insane. Anything you see after that point is just irrelevant.


Also some very smart people such as the atheist I posted who found faith did so by critical thinking that led them to the truth in the bible and who saw the holes in such theories as evolution. That I didn't spend years in critical thinking to achieve the same ends as the atheist turned believer just means I saved some time and went straight to believing the word of God.

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Why did God condone such terrible violence in the Old Testament?




1) The kids were born sinners

2) God can do what he wants

3) Actually, the kids were better off getting killed

4) Plus, they'd just grow up to be people that deserve to die too



.... you just blindly eat this all up, huh?






" First, no human person (including infants) is truly innocent. The Scripture teaches that we are all born in sin (Psalm 51:5; 58:3). This implies that all people are morally culpable for Adam’s sin in some way. Infants are just as condemned from sin as adults are."


See OBF, god sees no problem with "killing babies". God controls everything, so he controls everyone, so every "aborted baby" must be part of his plan. He knew they'd grow up to be bad, so it is ok to kill them.

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Also some very smart people such as the atheist I posted who found faith did so by critical thinking that led them to the truth in the bible and who saw the holes in such theories as evolution. That I didn't spend years in critical thinking to achieve the same ends as the atheist turned believer just means I saved some time and went straight to believing the word of God.




If you believe the entire Earth flooded and life carried on because one man and his family built a big boat that held every type of animal, you absolutely are not thinking critically. That's completely absurd. But because it has a Jesus stamp on it you blindly believe it. No questions ask.


The Bible fills in about 5%, and you believe it with circular logic. Evolution can fil in 95%, as we continue to learn more, and you'll point to that 5% like it proves you're right.

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1) The kids were born sinners

2) God can do what he wants

3) Actually, the kids were better off getting killed

4) Plus, they'd just grow up to be people that deserve to die too



.... you just blindly eat this all up, huh?






" First, no human person (including infants) is truly innocent. The Scripture teaches that we are all born in sin (Psalm 51:5; 58:3). This implies that all people are morally culpable for Adam’s sin in some way. Infants are just as condemned from sin as adults are."


See OBF, god sees no problem with "killing babies". God controls everything, so he controls everyone, so every "aborted baby" must be part of his plan. He knew they'd grow up to be bad, so it is ok to kill them.






If you believe the entire Earth flooded and life carried on because one man and his family built a big boat that held every type of animal, you absolutely are not thinking critically. That's completely absurd. But because it has a Jesus stamp on it you blindly believe it. No questions ask.


The Bible fills in about 5%, and you believe it with circular logic. Evolution can fil in 95%, as we continue to learn more, and you'll point to that 5% like it proves you're right.


The bottom line: The evidence for a creator God are everywhere in evidence. Intelligent design is seen in the universe and creation. What is lacking is any evidence that out of nothing came all of the universe which is the position an atheist holds.


The most illogical of all people are the atheists. I can understand those who believe in God but not a personal God. The cross is more than enough for me to believe in a personal God.

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The universe def hints at something beyond all this, that i agree with however it in no way shape or form points to the christian version of genesis. Infact anyone that pays real attention to what we're learning about the universe, cannot read these simpletonian cool stories about some ngr taking sundays off, to watch the browns play ofc.


If there is a "creator", if there is realms beyond here....none of the abrahamic religions in anyvway shape or form teach us anything concrete about what we are and/or where we're going. Those religions are a collection of cool stories meant for simpler minds to compel them to do the ruling elites bidding. And we're still doing it. Nothings changed. We all still toil on the behalf of others in the vain anticipationnthat one day the material exceses of this world will belong to us. Because we've been conditioned to worship those who posess more than us

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The bottom line: The evidence for a creator God are everywhere in evidence. Intelligent design is seen in the universe and creation. What is lacking is any evidence that out of nothing came all of the universe which is the position an atheist holds.


The most illogical of all people are the atheists. I can understand those who believe in God but not a personal God. The cross is more than enough for me to believe in a personal God.


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The bottom line: The evidence for a creator God are everywhere in evidence. Intelligent design is seen in the universe and creation. What is lacking is any evidence that out of nothing came all of the universe which is the position an atheist holds.


The most illogical of all people are the atheists. I can understand those who believe in God but not a personal God. The cross is more than enough for me to believe in a personal God.



I would argue those genetic diseases are the result of humans grossly miscalculatingbtheir purpose on the face of this planet. What i mean by that is humans effectively shit where they eat, and generations can go by before small perturbations (that can have profound consequences) show up on our genome. So i guess if there is a god we can fault him for supplying us bodies that have the ability to be compromised like that.


But im still not feeling that argument. Those genetic diseases humans, imo, have pepetrated that on themselves. We've shit on everything we were given, in the name of "progress", and then wonder how it all could have gone so wrong.

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If you believe the entire Earth flooded and life carried on because one man and his family built a big boat that held every type of animal, you absolutely are not thinking critically. That's completely absurd. But because it has a Jesus stamp on it you blindly believe it. No questions ask.


The Bible fills in about 5%, and you believe it with circular logic. Evolution can fil in 95%, as we continue to learn more, and you'll point to that 5% like it proves you're right.



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a great flood happened. they didn't have space stations back in Noah's day. It covered far more than

Noah could see from his ark.


IOW's their whole world was flooded. They just didn't know about the whole earth, but that is what it looked like.

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Because genetic defects never occured before "man made shit"

Im sure thousands of years ago some women were getting tanked on whatever passed for alcohol back then, while pregnant. Im also sure exposurevto pathogens not created by man, like zika through mosquitos, also happened. But its hard to look at some of these birth defects coming from places where we let off a bunch depleted uranium munitions......and say nah that was probably just a rash of natural coincidences.


I know ur not claiming that but my contention is man put gasoline on that fire

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The bottom line: The evidence for a creator God are everywhere in evidence. Intelligent design is seen in the universe and creation. What is lacking is any evidence that out of nothing came all of the universe which is the position an atheist holds.


The most illogical of all people are the atheists. I can understand those who believe in God but not a personal God. The cross is more than enough for me to believe in a personal God.

No, you have no evidence for creation. You can just say the word "evidence", capitalize some pronouns, quote some scripture, and act like that's evidence.



You also have no grounds to claim ANYTHING is illogical when you told us you actively shun critical thinking for blind faith.



Again, I don't see how you don't get this. It has to be something with genetics. Something in your brain that allows the rest of it to turn off when it comes to religion.

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