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Nativity scene found in ancient egyptian rock painting..


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I don't think OBF lacks critical thinking ability. I just think he turns it off when discussing religion.


Take our discussion here. There are MASSIVE holes in his argument but the only evidence he needs is "the Bible says so."


For we walk by critical thinking faith not by sight. II Cor. 5:7

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For we walk by critical thinking faith not by sight. II Cor. 5:7

But if god created us he gave us the ability to discern whats right and wrong via our senses and our abolity to interpret that input rationally and pragmatically. Or wasvthat ability what lucifer opened our eyes to? To see through the bullshit? Cause from where i cutrently stand this world and the humans that inhabit it, dont pass the sniff test.


But what else do i got? I only have the word of people who historically have fucked right off. But they assure me that the word is solid its just humans are imperfect. At leadt they get one thing right, they're just lost in the tall weeds as to why. Id rather be an atheist than throw my hat in with a religion. But im not. I still have some remnants of our instincts as to what we really are, so im agnostic. But if some is atheist thats fine with me too, its also fine with me if some is ultra orthodox......so long as he/she doesnt expect me to conform to their rules/norms of their specific religion.

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Cleve has some sort of terminal illness he's not aware of. He won't see 50.

Just because you've drunk ur life away doesnt mean the rest of us do the same. Enjoy ur waitingforlivertransplant life, whats left of it anyway. Have your doctors had that conversation with you wondering if u wont just drink another liver to shit?

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Just because you've drunk ur life away doesnt mean the rest of us do the same. Enjoy ur waitingforlivertransplant life, whats left of it anyway. Have your doctors had that conversation with you wondering if u wont just drink another liver to shit?

You're dying dude. Make amends with your savior.

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But if god created us he gave us the ability to discern whats right and wrong via our senses and our abolity to interpret that input rationally and pragmatically. Or wasvthat ability what lucifer opened our eyes to? To see through the bullshit? Cause from where i cutrently stand this world and the humans that inhabit it, dont pass the sniff test.


But what else do i got? I only have the word of people who historically have fucked right off. But they assure me that the word is solid its just humans are imperfect. At leadt they get one thing right, they're just lost in the tall weeds as to why. Id rather be an atheist than throw my hat in with a religion. But im not. I still have some remnants of our instincts as to what we really are, so im agnostic. But if some is atheist thats fine with me too, its also fine with me if some is ultra orthodox......so long as he/she doesnt expect me to conform to their rules/norms of their specific religion.

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For we walk by critical thinking faith not by sight. II Cor. 5:7


See, this right here, your post, is what I am talking about. You're actively saying "I don't need critical thinking, I have faith." You see no issue with that? Really?



And when an elected official thinks like that, one that can affect my life, it's not a good feeling. You're actively choosing to be ignorant because that makes it easier to believe your religion.



I just don't understand how you CAN'T see an issue with that.

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See, this right here, your post, is what I am talking about. You're actively saying "I don't need critical thinking, I have faith." You see no issue with that? Really?



And when an elected official thinks like that, one that can affect my life, it's not a good feeling. You're actively choosing to be ignorant because that makes it easier to believe your religion.



I just don't understand how you CAN'T see an issue with that.


Let me see about some critical thinking. Man's wisdom creates laws to punish those who would commit murder yet they allow murder of a baby inside a womb by abortion? A person could hit a pregnant woman in the stomach and cause her to lose her baby and get charged with murder yet the same woman could kill the baby by having an abortion and that is not murder? I'm sticking with thou shall not commit murder which includes babies in the womb.

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Let me see about some critical thinking. Man's wisdom creates laws to punish those who would commit murder yet they allow murder of a baby inside a womb by abortion? A person could hit a pregnant woman in the stomach and cause her to lose her baby and get charged with murder yet the same woman could kill the baby by having an abortion and that is not murder? I'm sticking with thou shall not commit murder which includes babies in the womb.



What about the whole beating your slave with a rod, but it's cool if he/she dies because they're your property?


edit: After all, have to keep in line with the commandments. Which are OT, by the way.

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What about the whole beating your slave with a rod, but it's cool if he/she dies because they're your property?


edit: After all, have to keep in line with the commandments. Which are OT, by the way.


Well, obviously, that's the Old Testament, which doesn't count. You know, until it does.



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What about the whole beating your slave with a rod, but it's cool if he/she dies because they're your property?


edit: After all, have to keep in line with the commandments. Which are OT, by the way.


good point. So lemme rephrase...if an Atheist imposed his non beleifs in the form of not allowing others to impose their beliefs. Better?

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What about the whole beating your slave with a rod, but it's cool if he/she dies because they're your property?


edit: After all, have to keep in line with the commandments. Which are OT, by the way.


The Judeo-Christian Values of America


Judeo-Christian Values have a foundational role in America, beginning with the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."


Our Founding Fathers separated church from state, but they wisely did not separate God from state; they acknowledged God as the source of our rights, and, in fact, they were careful to place Biblical morality directly into our founding documents and laws, and into our values and culture precisely to help prevent a future of totalitarian or tyrannical rule in America. The combination of keeping Judeo-Christian religious morality in the state, as opposed to the church it's self; and, additionally, setting up our laws based on reason and common sense has contributed to the American Character, and to what is known as "American Exceptionalism."


Our Founding Fathers were religious in a new way, the Judeo-Christian way, and they were the liberals of their day by deducing that our political and human rights come from a power higher than human government; but they were conservative to Biblical morality. There was and still is a connection between God and Liberty; He is the author of it.



In Judeo-Christian America one finds the idea of equality before God and the law, but not government forced economic equality. Modern European culture has stressed the value of economic equality rather than Liberty, and their governments unjustly enforce the principle. This has led to the failed European inventions of Socialism and Communism. Socialists in America have been lured into this failed European idea of social justice. Socialism is a failure in that it unjustly suppresses human creativity by excessively taxing away its rewards, and by foolishly giving economic reward to many who, even though mentally and physically able, fail to honor their Divine privilege and duty to work creatively.

Thus, Socialism is a dual insult to God-given creativity. Communism was much worse in that it also dishonored the sacredness of human life and liberty. Communism was the inevitable result of separating not just church from state, but God from state. Communism dishonored God's gifts of Life, Liberty and Creativity. European cultures have historical ties to authoritarian and totalitarian systems dating back to the Roman Empire. Even European Christianity was, for a time, contaminated by its links to authoritarian rule.

American Judeo-Christian Culture, on the other hand, has been linked to honoring Life, Liberty and Creativity from the outset; deriving its wisdom from the lights of reason, common sense, and both the Hebrew Bible and New Testament Christian Bible. Thomas Jefferson and the great majority of our Founding Fathers explicitly put God into the national life of the United States, by putting the Creator into the Declaration of Independence. It is important that American Liberty has something to do with God; that is something for students to know and discuss, even if they are not particularly religious. This does not represent some form of tyranny of the religious majority or an injustice; it was in fact the wisdom of our Founding Fathers to stand in opposition to tyranny and injustice by acknowledging the source of our rights -- those rights originating from God rather than from King George III, or for that matter from the Soviet or Chinese Politburo, or a courthouse, or a legislature.

America is a melting pot of diverse people including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Atheists; and from the Judeo-Christian perspective, all are made in God's image. We have in America a multiethnic society, and that is good. What would be unhealthy for America would be for it to become Balkanized, something likely to happen with the atrophy of Judeo-Christian American Culture and Values. Worse yet would be for America to adopt the toxic values which exist in some parts of the world and which are endemic in some foreign cultures. The values of Fascism, Nazism, Communism or Totalitarian Islamic Sharia Law for example must never metastasize into our American Culture, rooted in Judeo-Christian values. These values have been with us from the beginning and they have made us strong and successful. These Judeo- Christian Values should be kept central to the American Spirit and Culture even as we have become more multi-ethnic.
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good point. So lemme rephrase...if an Atheist imposed his non beleifs in the form of not allowing others to impose their beliefs. Better?


We don't elect kings we elect presidents who are confined to only the powers given to them by our constitution. So don't sweat it. No one person will be imposing anything...thanks to the wisdom of the founders of the country.

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