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Another cop proving BLM's narrative..


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Trigger your getting all worked up and you still don't know if the story was true or not. Your calling for someones life over a crappy video. I hope to god you never have jury duty.


From the video, the cop acknowledges that the white dude put his hands on the black kid but essentially says so what. What am i missing?

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the black mother in the video is 100% right and that's why the cop is on leave and the Fort Worth PD is likely gonna be shelling out a substantial amoutn of cash. It's still stunning that she told the white dude you could have come to me before laying your hands on the kid, and the cop dissented to that. I'm at a complete loss. The black woman apparently knows the law better than the cop. Unless that child is in the midst of hurting himself or someone else or an animal..you are in no way shape or form allowed to administer any form of corporal punishment to another child. And the black people commenting on the FB are right, if that was a black man putting hands on a 7 yr old white girl for the exact same reasons that video would have been completely different. We all know what would have happened it doesn't even need discussion.

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I don't deal well with people trivializing assault on little children. I was thinking to myself earlier what would prompt me to put hands on a 7 yr old child. He would have to have been in the process of assaulting another child and even in that case i'd grab both of em and seperate em. I guess if i walked in on a 7yr old boy sexually assaulting another child i might be prompted to mete out an assbeating....or if i saw a child seriously abusing an animal. Like if i was the white guy and the little kid was shooting my dog with a BB gun, something like that is what im saying...it would have to be some serious shit.


Grabbing a kid cause he didn't pick up a piece of paper you told him to...THAT is beyond the pale my friend. And in the beginning of that video it def sounds like the dude acknowledges what he did but is telling the cop why he did it. And the cop seems unfazed, goes on to question why the mother didn't teach her son not to litter. Honestly after the last couple years of one incident after another, sometimes the cops were at fault sometimes they weren't...for a cop to treat that so brazenly nonchalantly.....i just can't help but feel otherwise at what should happen to him. I'm sorry you have family in LE but I don't care, i'm not talking about LE in general...i'm talking about this one piece of shitbag. If i was the father of that boy and my wife called the cops and did everything society expects out of her and the people entrusted to protect us, one of em shows up and is like yeah ok your 7 yr old got choked but why are you teaching him to litter? I mean I would be shaking if that was my kid. And you can see the reactions from black people on the FB post...they're like why do we call these people for anything? Well guess what next time something like this happens you're gonna have black people just say jump that white cracker and then what?


At the very least the cop should just have the absolute shit kicked out of him, drinking through a straw for the next 6-12 months. Im tired of this shit, i don't care that he's LE...what does that mean anymore? By itself it means nothing cause we know some of these guys are heinous pieces of dogshit. And when one of em proves it, why treat him any different than any other pos that would condone assaulting a child? And condone he did.


If I was that cop I would first pull the woman aside and tell her that she needs to keep her children away from this guy and if he does complain about her children littering on his property than she needs to go pick it up and then have a talk with her children. Than i'd go to homeslice and say the next time it happens you call us but if you lay hands on a 7 yr old again get ready, steel yourself for an insanely unpleasant afternoon followed by a few days in lockup. That shit cannot be tolerated. And the optics of a white police officer showing up and questioning why it isn't ok for a white man to lay hands on a black child for not picking up a piece of paper....i mean srsly? This has to be explained in 2016? Fuck that cop, fuck him right in the mouth.

Anyone still don't think there's a racial issue in this country? There are more like Cleve out there.


Now, my question is why was a supervisor not involved in this call. Our policy states any incident involving a juvenile, at a minimum a supervisor must be notified. If one was notified why did he/she not respond. On the other side of the coin, why did the child's mother not ask to speak to a supervisor?


What bothers me on both sides of incidents like these is the officer doesn't involve a supervisor nor does the complainant. Part of our job as supervisors is to see our officers and the public through situations like these.

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Anyone still don't think there's a racial issue in this country? There are more like Cleve out there.


Now, my question is why was a supervisor not involved in this call. Our policy states any incident involving a juvenile, at a minimum a supervisor must be notified. If one was notified why did he/she not respond. On the other side of the coin, why did the child's mother not ask to speak to a supervisor?


What bothers me on both sides of incidents like these is the officer doesn't involve a supervisor nor does the complainant. Part of our job as supervisors is to see our officers and the public through situations like these.

Dont u think things flashed a bit too quickly for tje mother to call forca supervisor? Secondly, im not sure it would occur to alot of people thats an option. Ur kind of expecting the guy that shows up to be even semi competent. What boggles me completely is that at first i thought there was a question if the guy touched tje kid. But watching it again you can see at the beginning the guy admitted it tonthe officer, than ole fife gets to asking why the mother has a problem with that. Cant wait to seevwhat happens when a black person slaps a little white kid around. Gonna love to see me the reactions here

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