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Another cop proving BLM's narrative..


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The kid was probably a fuckin brat. Shake things up a bit fuck it.

of another man laid hands on ur 7 yr old kid for dropping a piece of paper on the ground? Dont answer i forgot we agreed to stop talking to each other but pls understand strangers administering corporal punishment to children is a road you dont wanna go down. Want some creeps spanking random little girls?

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of another man laid hands on ur 7 yr old kid for dropping a piece of paper on the ground? Dont answer i forgot we agreed to stop talking to each other but pls understand strangers administering corporal punishment to children is a road you dont wanna go down. Want some creeps spanking random little girls?

Go back to bed nutbag. This doesn't concern you.

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You guys are too gracious and polite - he won't understand.


Cleve - you psycho eggsucking weasel....will you please learn how to make

a valid point soon? Or have someone read posts to you and exlain, BEFORE you vent histerically?

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Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill!

Everyone that the camera caught on video should be charged.

Especially the one taking the video.

How many times has the PD had priors with them? I'm assuming he has to make a comment like that. Big mama won't start screaming at the police next time either when he first arrives.

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The "video game characters" are the ones that get all the press. Huge steps have been taken to eliminate the "militarization" stigma that police departments nationwide have been saddled with. It is believed by some that this is what cost five Dallas Police Officers their lives. Even bigger strides have been made as it relates to de-escalation training spearheaded by Dallas PD and other fine agencies such as the Kentucky State Police.


As far as this particular officer's actions. He should be disciplined and re-trained. If that doesn't work he should be terminated and his certification revoked. Wishing death on anyone is classless and creates the perception of a lack of intelligence. While I would love to say I've handled each call pristine perfect to the letter; the truth is I have not. However, I've set a high personal standard and strive to meet it each time out. That's how I was brought up by my supervisors and it's how I supervise my officers today.


I pray that God bestows compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, and discernment on all of your hearts. Lastly if I haven't already I wish all of a blessed and Merry Christmas. I'll save New Years greetings for a little bit later as I hope to hear from you all before then.

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Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill!

Everyone that the camera caught on video should be charged.

Especially the one taking the video.

How many times has the PD had priors with them? I'm assuming he has to make a comment like that. Big mama won't start screaming at the police next time either when he first arrives.

So you either ff'd through the video or were drunk when you watched it. "Big mama" was acting very reserved and calm at the beginning. She made absolutely valid calm points to thevwhite dude saying you've lived here for awhile you know us, why diidnt you come complain to me instead of laying hands on my child. Putting all of ur obvious overt racism aside, shes right. As much as most of u just wantbto file this away in ur easy box under "another dumb fat ngr bitch", u cant. She was calm and rational until officer fife piped in with "why not" when she suggested that its not appropriate to assault a 7 yr old. Literally one of the worst pieces of police work ive ever seen.


I hope he catches 9mm's of "why not" right to the face. And i hope the dude that shoots him looks at a judge completely befuddled when told it was wrong to shoot a cop. I hope he says "why not?", i really do. Id even contribute to a a ngrs legal fees just to hear it said and the look on the judges face. Just for the sheer lulz.

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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I'm pretty sure most people here knew that stuff already? That while white people are killed more than other ethnic groups, proportionally it's not the case.

More people are murdered by whites too but proportionally that's not true by a wide margin. Facts are funny how they work. Proportionally blacks come into contact with police way more because they commit way more crime and therefore end up being shot way more. Surprise!

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. Wishing death on anyone is classless and creates the perception of a lack of intelligence..

That incident could "easily" have escalated into another cop shooting and you know it. we'd bevright back to ferguson for another month. That wasnt an honest cop mistake, that is a walking human shitbag. At best he deserves immediate and complete revocation off all ability to work in the cj field. Not even as a mall security. No position of authority ever. At best thatsvwhat he deserves. Anybody that has to be told in a classroom settingbthat its never ok for a grown man to wrap his hands around a childs neck for something like littering shouldnt even be allowed to carry let alone be a police officer.

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By the way SJWs, anybody curious as to what went on between the time the daughter was pushed out of the way and mama was on the ground getting cuffed or why that portion of the recording is missing.

Look like a pretty abrupt cut no?



The daughter gets immediately arrested when she got in the way. And frankly i dont care what happened after fife said "why not". Once he did that you can see the whole thing going to shit and frankly i dont blame them.

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So typical Steve is asking for the video to be complete and intact?

Poor little outrage boy.



I dont see why it matters since what "really" matters is the beginning. But i get what guys like you try to do,lead away from the point, dwell incessantly on insignificant points, obfuscation success!!!

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Meaning guys like me who would like to know what actually happened before I call for a police officer to be shot?

You are a choad.


Frankly the video could have stopped at "why not", everything afterwards is superfluous. This is a police officer who was just told "yeah i grabbed the kid cause he didnt do what i said". End of video

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Woke up from ur stupor ic. Have another one grandpa...then puke all over self while complaining about liberals ok? Cause we've heard it enough we get it, liberals are why ur a good for nothing valor stealing old drunk. We got it

Don't go away mad lonely looney, just go away. We know you have no one at Christmas. Who could stand to be with such a miserable fuck?

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So you either ff'd through the video or were drunk when you watched it. "Big mama" was acting very reserved and calm at the beginning. She made absolutely valid calm points to thevwhite dude saying you've lived here for awhile you know us, why diidnt you come complain to me instead of laying hands on my child. Putting all of ur obvious overt racism aside, shes right. As much as most of u just wantbto file this away in ur easy box under "another dumb fat ngr bitch", u cant. She was calm and rational until officer fife piped in with "why not" when she suggested that its not appropriate to assault a 7 yr old. Literally one of the worst pieces of police work ive ever seen.


I hope he catches 9mm's of "why not" right to the face. And i hope the dude that shoots him looks at a judge completely befuddled when told it was wrong to shoot a cop. I hope he says "why not?", i really do. Id even contribute to a a ngrs legal fees just to hear it said and the look on the judges face. Just for the sheer lulz.


Pointing out a police officer's incompetence is one thing, but wishing death on him is a bit beyond the pale. Nobody was killed in this video, and if it is found that the officer used unjustified force, he will be punished accordingly. However, it is a little disconcerting that you would wish death on someone over this, especially to those of us who have family members in law enforcement.


Also, it is a bit hypocritical to call other people racists when you seem to say "N*****" (ngr) quite a bit in many of your posts.


By the way SJWs, anybody curious as to what went on between the time the daughter was pushed out of the way and mama was on the ground getting cuffed or why that portion of the recording is missing.

Look like a pretty abrupt cut no?




I noticed the same thing, which is why i'm not rushing to judgement on this one. However, as it stands right now, the video doesn't show the police officer in question in a very good light.

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Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill!

Everyone that the camera caught on video should be charged.

Especially the one taking the video.

How many times has the PD had priors with them? I'm assuming he has to make a comment like that. Big mama won't start screaming at the police next time either when he first arrives.


I disagree. Videotaping police interactions is fast becoming an important tool for the public to expose the incompetence and corruption of some police officers; which is probably why some police departments are clamoring for their ban.


I think that police departments have been caught off guard by the rapid development of video recording technology, such as camera phones, and are struggling to adapt to them; which makes you have to wonder how much shit the police got away with in the past when they weren't videotaped.

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Pointing out a police officer's incompetence is one thing, but wishing death on him is a bit beyond the pale. Nobody was killed in this video, and if it is found that the officer used unjustified force, he will be punished accordingly. However, it is a little disconcerting that you would wish death on someone over this, especially to those of us who have family members in law enforcement.



I don't deal well with people trivializing assault on little children. I was thinking to myself earlier what would prompt me to put hands on a 7 yr old child. He would have to have been in the process of assaulting another child and even in that case i'd grab both of em and seperate em. I guess if i walked in on a 7yr old boy sexually assaulting another child i might be prompted to mete out an assbeating....or if i saw a child seriously abusing an animal. Like if i was the white guy and the little kid was shooting my dog with a BB gun, something like that is what im saying...it would have to be some serious shit.


Grabbing a kid cause he didn't pick up a piece of paper you told him to...THAT is beyond the pale my friend. And in the beginning of that video it def sounds like the dude acknowledges what he did but is telling the cop why he did it. And the cop seems unfazed, goes on to question why the mother didn't teach her son not to litter. Honestly after the last couple years of one incident after another, sometimes the cops were at fault sometimes they weren't...for a cop to treat that so brazenly nonchalantly.....i just can't help but feel otherwise at what should happen to him. I'm sorry you have family in LE but I don't care, i'm not talking about LE in general...i'm talking about this one piece of shitbag. If i was the father of that boy and my wife called the cops and did everything society expects out of her and the people entrusted to protect us, one of em shows up and is like yeah ok your 7 yr old got choked but why are you teaching him to litter? I mean I would be shaking if that was my kid. And you can see the reactions from black people on the FB post...they're like why do we call these people for anything? Well guess what next time something like this happens you're gonna have black people just say jump that white cracker and then what?


At the very least the cop should just have the absolute shit kicked out of him, drinking through a straw for the next 6-12 months. Im tired of this shit, i don't care that he's LE...what does that mean anymore? By itself it means nothing cause we know some of these guys are heinous pieces of dogshit. And when one of em proves it, why treat him any different than any other pos that would condone assaulting a child? And condone he did.


If I was that cop I would first pull the woman aside and tell her that she needs to keep her children away from this guy and if he does complain about her children littering on his property than she needs to go pick it up and then have a talk with her children. Than i'd go to homeslice and say the next time it happens you call us but if you lay hands on a 7 yr old again get ready, steel yourself for an insanely unpleasant afternoon followed by a few days in lockup. That shit cannot be tolerated. And the optics of a white police officer showing up and questioning why it isn't ok for a white man to lay hands on a black child for not picking up a piece of paper....i mean srsly? This has to be explained in 2016? Fuck that cop, fuck him right in the mouth.

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