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The Curse Has Been Lifted


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That's too bad.


Tough love was the only thing Ghoolie was guilty of. Scary how many times he was right.


Highly doubt Hue will get fired though... but if he does the first person everyone will think of is Ghoolie.


0.02 From the Night Watchman. Yup- being right doesn't mean you get unlimited carte blanche. I think I made it pretty clear. There's a difference between accurate criticism. and (go ahead and insert) any of his profanity laced tirades with the name calling to posters that dared disagree with him. Here's my POV. I think I can actually call Ghoolie a friend. BUT that doesn't mean as a friend you can do whatever the f**ck you feel like doing. Z set very specific limits of what he could and couldn't do on this board. (And I fully support those limits) Tom just couldn't help himself- posting and spewing venom in threads outside his one thread per week. So, as Mods- do you really think we as a group are just going to let him run amok- AGAIN? Like for the 10th+ time? Nope, and at this point I could care less if he unfriends me on Face Book. So sorry- this board is bigger than me, Z and for sure Ghoolie. As in the "Real Housewives of ____ Pick a City", Tom just loves the status of being an attention whore. Mission Accomplished- now go and find another Message Board you can pollute- my bet is you won't last two weeks anywhere else before you get the boot.

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Kinda f'd up if you ask me. I mean some people can post a pic of a string slitting a girl' vag on the cheerleader thread, but even INSINUATE a racist tone AS A JOKE and ur shit get's deleted.


I don't know how you guys can hang out at a bar or shoot the shit with friends like i do with my best friends.....?


Guess you'd all have to grab ur cunt lips from the dirty floor and sling them in your clutch on the way home to your husbands.


The pussification of america

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That's your definition of a good dude ?

I'll vouch for One Post. I've talked to Tom via phone a few times.. In his personal life Tom is a well educated , respected Man.. I'm not here to defend him.. whatever rift that exist between Ghoolie and the board moderators.. It's they're business and between them. I'm one of the very few that found satire in Ghoolies posts.. While I'll miss him.. I understand the move.

Thanks Nickers.


Ghoolie staying or getting left behind doesn't change my life one bit. I like the Browns and some of Ghoolies reads were a hard thing to swallow. But on the other hand he didn't really join in anything I could name. I mean we had mock drafts and fantasy teams without him. Also he wouldn't agree. He called me names and I laughed, that's what he wanted.


Anyway go Browns and fuck anyone who sub tweets on a message board.[A few people on here have been aaccurate on there assessmemts of this team - none of them have gone out of their way to insult other members.


Fuck that clown and pretty much anybody that indulged him.]

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Kinda f'd up if you ask me. I mean some people can post a pic of a string slitting a girl' vag on the cheerleader thread, but even INSINUATE a racist tone AS A JOKE and ur shit get's deleted.


I don't know how you guys can hang out at a bar or shoot the shit with friends like i do with my best friends.....?


Guess you'd all have to grab ur cunt lips from the dirty floor and sling them in your clutch on the way home to your husbands.


The pussification of america


You are the only person that has complained about a picture of a scantily clad woman in ten years. We're sorry that offends you, but that sounds like a personal problem.


So we're pussies because we don't allow you tell racist jokes?


You know, I have met many, many great Browns fans at games, tailgates and Browns backers events over the years. Many of them just happen to be black. And I would be embarrassed if one of them told me they logged onto this site and left because some uneducated assfuck was getting off by telling racists jokes.


People should be allowed to come on here and discuss the Browns without reading a bunch of racist garbage.


So I delete your racist jokes. That makes me a pussy? Do I suspend you, or threaten you? No, I just clean up your garbage so normal people can come in here and read and comment on the Browns without having to see that crap.


This is not a bar where white guys can tell jokes about blacks to their other white friends (Wait ... who's the pussy?) ... It's an internet Cleveland Browns forum geared toward Guys. Not for kids. Probably not for all ladies. But definitely for all races, so just try real hard to hold the racists jokes off when you're in the company of people who think you're a racist tool, because we are trying to run a Browns forum here. Or just keep on being an idiot, because you can't help it, and I'll continue to clean it up.


But for the love of God, don't bitch about it.



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I ignored most of his posts, but yeah, it was definitely getting old, the negativity & insults.


In other news, the Browns need a win. And We just traded a 3rd rounder to NE for a LB.

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What has ghoolie been so right about? That the Browns would suck? Wow that's quite a crystal ball.


Do you guys really believe him about always being right just because he says so and has a few examples? Even blind chickens find kernels of corn sometimes.


Yeah- it's the classic a stopped clock is right twice a day. Wonder how "right" he'd be when the Browns start winning. My feeling is Hue Jackson won't be fired before the season is out.Old Ghool was too chicken shit to bet on that one IIRC. Hey, if he wants to move to Vegas, and root for the Raiders when they move there- be my guest.

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Yeah- it's the classic a stopped clock is right twice a day. Wonder how "right" he'd be when the Browns start winning. My feeling is Hue Jackson won't be fired before the season is out.Old Ghool was too chicken shit to bet on that one IIRC. Hey, if he wants to move to Vegas, and root for the Raiders when they move there- be my guest.

I offered him that and in one thread he said he would take it. In the other he completely ignored my question on terms.

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What has ghoolie been so right about? That the Browns would suck? Wow that's quite a crystal ball.


That's easy to say after the fact. Most fans through their crystal balls were not expecting a Super Bowl winner but an improved team managing a win once in a while.

Did anyone other than Ghoole believe the browns would be 0-8?

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Kinda f'd up if you ask me. I mean some people can post a pic of a string slitting a girl' vag on the cheerleader thread, but even INSINUATE a racist tone AS A JOKE and ur shit get's deleted.


I don't know how you guys can hang out at a bar or shoot the shit with friends like i do with my best friends.....?


Guess you'd all have to grab ur cunt lips from the dirty floor and sling them in your clutch on the way home to your husbands.


The pussification of america


| + 1.

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Kinda f'd up if you ask me. I mean some people can post a pic of a string slitting a girl' vag on the cheerleader thread, but even INSINUATE a racist tone AS A JOKE and ur shit get's deleted.


I don't know how you guys can hang out at a bar or shoot the shit with friends like i do with my best friends.....?


Guess you'd all have to grab ur cunt lips from the dirty floor and sling them in your clutch on the way home to your husbands.


The pussification of america

The fact that America's getting more politically correct doesn't have to do anything with ghoolie talking in a racist way. It's a tough job operating a forum and Zombo has a good point. Fans come in all different races, genders, and ways, and for Z to be one of the main people running the board and having to take responsibility for letting some of the stuff slide that the Ghoulster says, he's in a tough position. All of those people he meets might think that's a reflection of the whole board when it's just one guy, and that puts all of us in a negative light.


I think Ghoolie makes some good points sometimes, maybe he's overly pessimistic, but it's the way he talks that offends people so much. No need to drop N bombs as stuff like that.



and for being offending about the scantily clad women..... I didn't know this was a feminist board too?


please don't tell me you love that playboy no longer has nude pictures in it and that the girls are clothed!!!!


Like i said as far as his football talk sometimes he brought up some good points, but he never gave a viable situation step-by-step on how to solve them and make things better.

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The fact that America's getting more politically correct doesn't have to do anything with ghoolie talking in a racist way. It's a tough job operating a forum and Zombo has a good point. Fans come in all different races, genders, and ways, and for Z to be one of the main people running the board and having to take responsibility for letting some of the stuff slide that the Ghoulster says, he's in a tough position. All of those people he meets might think that's a reflection of the whole board when it's just one guy, and that puts all of us in a negative light.


I think Ghoolie makes some good points sometimes, maybe he's overly pessimistic, but it's the way he talks that offends people so much. No need to drop N bombs as stuff like that.



and for being offending about the scantily clad women..... I didn't know this was a feminist board too?


please don't tell me you love that playboy no longer has nude pictures in it and that the girls are clothed!!!!


Like i said as far as his football talk sometimes he brought up some good points, but he never gave a viable situation step-by-step on how to solve them and make things better.

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That's so crazy, I was just wondering what your thoughts were on her.


lol... and that would be a great note to close this thread...

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