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when does optimism start?

LBC mike

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So, I'm not sure Jim Brown MEANT to say this but apparently Josh Gordon is currently in REHAB. I can't believe it. There are several articles floating around that quote Brown as saying Gordon is really working on himself, and he's deadly serious about coming back. I know many on this board, myself included, basically didn't want to hear ANYTHING about Gordon, but I have to say...this is different. If he's truly in rehab, that's a totally different ball game. That tells the world (especially our front office) that Gordon is serious about working on himself and committed to getting mentally healthy. Yes, we've been burnt before with rehab with other players, but even Johnny appeared to make some strides for a while. If Gordon is an addict, he can't expect to be "cured"...that's not how it works, as we all know. It's a lifelong battle.


I wouldn't say I'm "optimistic" about Gordon coming back, as we've been toasted way too many times, but this is the first GOOD news about him in quite a while. In fact, I'd go as far as to say he has a chance at ACTUALLY playing in the NFL again. Our new front office doesn't appear to have ANY desire to mess around with dramatic players that can cause disruption, but think about it....what if he actually gets reinstated? What good does it do to cut him, only to see the Ravens pick him up? It's a weird situation. We're not talking about some guy who beat his wife, or took steroids...this is a guy who lost an entire season for having 3-4 drinks and smoking a plant. Illegal? Yes...(in some states)....did punishment fit the "crime"? Ehhh...

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Me three. In my case, the question is "When did optimism END?"...my answer...NEVER!




Mike I sent you a pm. Make sure you bring waders and umbrellas when you come down here next week. Unreal flooding going on all over Texas. :D

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Mike I sent you a pm. Make sure you bring waders and umbrellas when you come down here next week. Unreal flooding going on all over Texas. :D

I hope it is over before around August 1 when I may have to come down there. And again in December.

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So, I'm not sure Jim Brown MEANT to say this but apparently Josh Gordon is currently in REHAB. I can't believe it. There are several articles floating around that quote Brown as saying Gordon is really working on himself, and he's deadly serious about coming back. I know many on this board, myself included, basically didn't want to hear ANYTHING about Gordon, but I have to say...this is different. If he's truly in rehab, that's a totally different ball game. That tells the world (especially our front office) that Gordon is serious about working on himself and committed to getting mentally healthy.


More in the class of believing Gordon has been a victim of circumstance(s) here... at least until the most recent "diluted sample" fail... but strikes me that Rehab is one, and possibly the only, way for him to demonstrate to the league office that he is serious about making his way back.


Should generate evidence of both sobriety and mental state.

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So, I'm not sure Jim Brown MEANT to say this but apparently Josh Gordon is currently in REHAB. I can't believe it. There are several articles floating around that quote Brown as saying Gordon is really working on himself, and he's deadly serious about coming back.

Great News for Josh, If it's true? Rehab, timing of possible filing for reinstatement in August, just sounds short & strange? May have already failed another one, or was he not to be tested again to June or July? The prove of rehab should help his case.. Still think we own his rights till 17?

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Mike I sent you a pm. Make sure you bring waders and umbrellas when you come down here next week. Unreal flooding going on all over Texas. :D


Thanks for the tip Bill but, being the optimist I am, we'll just take in the River Walk "swim". ;)



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<<You're asking a bunch of diehard fans that have known basically NOTHING but losing for twenty years what they are optimistic about, so be ready for their responses.>>


No preparation needed on my part. These guys will fabricate shit you can't even imagine, and believe it is solid analytical substance.


<<For me, the only tangible optimism is the fact we are not running a country club anymore. The pace, intensity, and attitude of OTA's and minicamp is a stark contrast from years past, and while I obviously wasn't there, multiple journalists have said as much. We are not going to be physically ill-prepared, and our coaches aren't going to let us get out-worked. I have optimism about our new strength program, and I love having individual strength coaches and programs for each position group. It makes a lot of sense, and I expect to see results.>>


Practice under Butch Davis was intense. Also, reports of intense practices and coaches being all over the players, to me is like announcers complimenting Bernie Kosar for being intelligent because they knew they couldn't talk about his athleticism. Honestly, I would rather hear the kind of reports you will hear from Steelers camp....."This guy is burining EVEYONE, This guy is hitting like a sledgehammer................ That, is the kind of thing that makes a difference.


Intensity of practices does not equal more wins.


<<I'm further optimistic about our obvious emphasis on the WR position. Ray Farmer really screwed us over at this position, and he managed to miss out on the best WR class in decades. His sole selection was named "the worst pick of the draft" by multiple analysts, and the fourth round selection never made the roster. >>


But we didn't get the top guy, ?????? If Gordon plays, maybe we are on the right track. If Gordon doesn't come back, we are a c- at this position.


<<I also like the fact that we have an offensive coach that has a track record at getting the most out of whatever talent he has...>>

Speculative. He had talent. He doesn't now. Fir sure, if he can go 7 - 9 with this group, then your optimism will be deserved.


<<especially at the QB position.>>

He has no QB. Black Tarkenton will get hurt McCown will get a concussion watching the Steelers take the field.


<<Further, Hue Jackson wants to run the ball, and that is something that many fans yearn to see. As we all know, running the ball depends on many variables, but perhaps none larger than the defense keeping us IN THE GAME so we aren't down 3 scores at halftime. I do NOT have optimism about our defense (yet), as I feel we have many holes and too much reliability on young players. Ray Horton didn't blow me away during his first stint. I felt like he just blitzed every 3rd down and we got our ass handed to us WAY too much when other teams knew the blitz was coming.>>


Everyone WANTS something. This is not something to be optimistic about.


I suppose I'm optimistic about the running game though, and the more I think about it, the better I feel. I'm not saying that Crow and Duke are the equivalent of Giovanni and Hill, but there are definitely some similarities, and our franchise not drafting a single RB speaks volumes as to how we feel about our young talent.


I am not optimistic about RG III...not yet. In fact, I'm not really sure he can beat out Josh McCown. McCown knows how to pick up offenses, and there's nothing wrong with his arm. Further, he has an excellent relationship with Barnidge, and knows to find him for big plays. I'm not saying that RG III can't win the job, but Josh can throw the damn rock. I'd LOVE to see what Josh can do with a running game and a defense, and I'm COMPLETELY shocked that Denver didn't make a huge play for him. Bring in McCown for a season to help with Lynch? Makes a ton of sense, but what do I know?


Multiple sports stories are trying VERY HARD to get me optimistic about Justin Gilbert, but that's not going to happen. Not until I see him in a game. Don't get me wrong, I would like NOTHING more than for him to work out. I mean...can you IMAGINE having another quality CB just appear from nowhere? Yeah...it'd be amazing, but I'm not counting on it.


Bro, God Bless ya, but for me, I see a team without a QB, without any top player in the last 5 drafts. Dude, let's be sensible here. This team does not have players.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I expect greatness. At least not right away. But I am "optimistic" about a few things, as I've stated, and hopefully some of them are warranted. We didn't draft a RB, and that says something. That tells me our coaches believe in what we have, and that if our rb's DON'T work out, guess what? We have MULTIPLE studs coming out of the college ranks next year to draft.


I wouldn't be surprised to see McCown win the starting role, and would they be so bad? He wasn't too bad last year, and when you consider how bad our defense was and we HAD to pass, his season becomes even better. Maybe RG III is the guy and shows us all what a real QB looks like? I wouldn't say I'm optimistic about that, but it's not impossible.


I think our season mainly comes down to defense. No, I'm not optimistic about it, but we'll see. I like our draft picks, Horton has DC experience (unlike some OTHER people we had), and we need some vets and rookies to play up to higher levels. Again, not impossible. Haden needs to rebound, Gilbert must develop (definitely not optimistic, but apparently he's looking better), Ogbah and Nassib must be impactful, and we need so much more put of our LB's. I guess what I'm trying to say is while I'm not OPTIMISTIC, I am HOPEFUL. I just hate being the guy that spews hate and pessimism. I realize we've had very little reason to expect success, but in my heart I feel like it's time to make some waves.


And I agree with you about our wr's...right now we're a C grade or possibly lower. However, that grade can quickly ascend to something MUCH higher with just a few breaks. What if Pryor actually made the switch like coaches say he has? I figure that SOME of our rookie wr's HAVE to turn out, right? And I honestly believe we'll get Hawkins back to the player we want.


Bottom line, I think we're better than last year ALREADY. No, not saying much, but I want IMPROVEMENT! And I think we have it.

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Bottom line, I think we're better than last year ALREADY. No, not saying much, but I want IMPROVEMENT! And I think we have it.


how does anyone think this?


i'm not a neg nancy at all but i just don't get the overall thinking here. everyone (pretty much) after the draft goes "well they needed to get a whole bunch of players!" ah, let's see....... the browns had a full roster of players last year. yes, the same amount as other teams so what they really meant to say was: "the browns need to draft a whole bunch of BETTER players!" did they do that? i mean who's to say the people that were drafted by farmer aren't better than the new rookies drafted by this FO? you can't know that yet correct?


go ahaead everyone and give the browns a great draft score. blah ha fucking ha. you basically replaced a WR, maybe upgraded a DE/DL (?) with nassib but what else is there to show for trading out of 'STAR' status? some more picks next year when the browns will need "a whole bunch of players"? trade out of a great spot to land a great player to "get a whole bunch of players"?


ask jamaal sheard. i'm sure he's still scratching his head signing a new contract for millions as he plays for a championship team.

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how does anyone think this?


i'm not a neg nancy at all but i just don't get the overall thinking here. everyone (pretty much) after the draft goes "well they needed to get a whole bunch of players!" ah, let's see....... the browns had a full roster of players last year. yes, the same amount as other teams so what they really meant to say was: "the browns need to draft a whole bunch of BETTER players!" did they do that? i mean who's to say the people that were drafted by farmer aren't better than the new rookies drafted by this FO? you can't know that yet correct?


go ahaead everyone and give the browns a great draft score. blah ha fucking ha. you basically replaced a WR, maybe upgraded a DE/DL (?) with nassib but what else is there to show for trading out of 'STAR' status? some more picks next year when the browns will need "a whole bunch of players"? trade out of a great spot to land a great player to "get a whole bunch of players"?


ask jamaal sheard. i'm sure he's still scratching his head signing a new contract for millions as he plays for a championship team.



Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? - Blutarsky

Germans? - Eric Stratton

He's on a roll. - Boone




Come on Toxies. You gotta remember fan isn't just a prefix of fantastic. Don't make me call your hometown hero Thom Darden to give you a straighten out session.


If we can go 7-9 in 2014, what makes you certain we can't do that in 2016?

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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? - Blutarsky

Germans? - Eric Stratton

He's on a roll. - Boone




Come on Toxies. You gotta remember fan isn't just a prefix of fantastic. Don't make me call your hometown hero Thom Darden to give you a straighten out session.


If we can go 7-9 in 2014, what makes you certain we can't do that in 2016?


i'm not certain of anything uh.........except if you dive in the 'Blue Hole' you can come out on the other side in china. ;)


that and u can get the clap from a toilet seat.

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how does anyone think this?


i'm not a neg nancy at all but i just don't get the overall thinking here. everyone (pretty much) after the draft goes "well they needed to get a whole bunch of players!" ah, let's see....... the browns had a full roster of players last year. yes, the same amount as other teams so what they really meant to say was: "the browns need to draft a whole bunch of BETTER players!" did they do that? i mean who's to say the people that were drafted by farmer aren't better than the new rookies drafted by this FO? you can't know that yet correct?


go ahaead everyone and give the browns a great draft score. blah ha fucking ha. you basically replaced a WR, maybe upgraded a DE/DL (?) with nassib but what else is there to show for trading out of 'STAR' status? some more picks next year when the browns will need "a whole bunch of players"? trade out of a great spot to land a great player to "get a whole bunch of players"?


ask jamaal sheard. i'm sure he's still scratching his head signing a new contract for millions as he plays for a championship team.


I honestly DO think we're better than last year. Now, our RECORD might not reflect that, but I do think we're a "better" overall team. We don't have the distracting Manziel anymore, we have an NFL coach that understands offense AND has real head coaching experience. We have a defensive coordinator with multiple years in the league, and I like our draft picks. Obviously, a team is judged by their overall record, and I know that, but I think we're better in terms of the talent we're developing and our coaching staff.


We need a few things to happen to meet or eclipse our paltry record from last year. First, we need at LEAST one of our new WR's to be productive, probably more like 2-3 (including Pryor). Either RG III or McCown will need to pick up the new offense and play at a level necessary to keep us in games and allow us to run the ball. The same goes with our defense, as we won't be able to run the ball down 20 points. We lost a lot of productive veterans, and that hurts, but I can see us being a tad better than last year. Keep in mind that's NOT saying much, but yes...I believe we're better right now. Don't you remember the clock disasters? The atrocious play calls? The mind-numbing penalties? I HAVE to believe our new coaching staff will be better at those aspects.

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how does anyone think this?


i'm not a neg nancy at all but i just don't get the overall thinking here. everyone (pretty much) after the draft goes "well they needed to get a whole bunch of players!" ah, let's see....... the browns had a full roster of players last year. yes, the same amount as other teams so what they really meant to say was: "the browns need to draft a whole bunch of BETTER players!" did they do that? i mean who's to say the people that were drafted by farmer aren't better than the new rookies drafted by this FO? you can't know that yet correct?


go ahaead everyone and give the browns a great draft score. blah ha fucking ha. you basically replaced a WR, maybe upgraded a DE/DL (?) with nassib but what else is there to show for trading out of 'STAR' status? some more picks next year when the browns will need "a whole bunch of players"? trade out of a great spot to land a great player to "get a whole bunch of players"?


ask jamaal sheard. i'm sure he's still scratching his head signing a new contract for millions as he plays for a championship team.

Well.....if anyone thinks logically, the Browns have to replace all those players they lost to FA....Schwartz, Mack, Gipson, Benjamin plus Dansby, Whitner, Robertson and maybe some others. Have they done that? To a certain extent:


Dansby replaced by Demario Davis....who is actually considered younger and better.

Gipson replaced by Rahim Moore. Moore likely not as good...but he is functional.

Robertson replaced by Justin Tuggle. Probably every bit as good if not better

The Schwartz replaced by Alvin Bailey. Questionable. Bailey considered a C player where Schwartz was a B player


Mack....relying on Cam Erving to replace him? Good luck to us

Whitner....relying on Ibrahim Campbell....again, good luck

Benjamin....relying on 4 WRs from the draft. I expect a couple to measure up.


And then there is the rest of the 14 member draft class that will hopefully upgrade this team (along with all the guys from the prior draft...Shelton, Cooper, Orchard etc. etc. that we expect to step up.


I am not sure what our sum gain...or loss may be....but we are young, heartache to heartache.

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I honestly DO think we're better than last year. Now, our RECORD might not reflect that, but I do think we're a "better" overall team. We don't have the distracting Manziel anymore, we have an NFL coach that understands offense AND has real head coaching experience. We have a defensive coordinator with multiple years in the league, and I like our draft picks. Obviously, a team is judged by their overall record, and I know that, but I think we're better in terms of the talent we're developing and our coaching staff.


We need a few things to happen to meet or eclipse our paltry record from last year. First, we need at LEAST one of our new WR's to be productive, probably more like 2-3 (including Pryor). Either RG III or McCown will need to pick up the new offense and play at a level necessary to keep us in games and allow us to run the ball. The same goes with our defense, as we won't be able to run the ball down 20 points. We lost a lot of productive veterans, and that hurts, but I can see us being a tad better than last year. Keep in mind that's NOT saying much, but yes...I believe we're better right now. Don't you remember the clock disasters? The atrocious play calls? The mind-numbing penalties? I HAVE to believe our new coaching staff will be better at those aspects.


ok. hope you're right.


this is my problem with the browns and their org now for 40+ years i've been watching and rooting for them, they just fucking suck. sorry, just me. yeah they've had good moments and some great talent BUT it's like watching the cavs now.............cleveland is cursed. don't know what it'll take or who needs to repent or..... jesus h Fing christ, can we catch a break?


i've been optimistic before. many times. but it's like after dating an alcoholic or a drug addict.......you'll never go into another relationship with blinders on. NEW REGIME changes mean dick to me now. whereas with most franchises and their fans they might go "wow, wipe the slate clean and let's go brothers!!" to me it's like "here the fuck we go again. how'd it work out last time?"


go stu. go ray. go you front office analytic bastards. now show me something.


from: optimistic sitting on his hands fan #23, 744.

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Well.....if anyone thinks logically, the Browns have to replace all those players they lost to FA....Schwartz, Mack, Gipson, Benjamin plus Dansby, Whitner, Robertson and maybe some others. Have they done that? To a certain extent:


Dansby replaced by Demario Davis....who is actually considered younger and better.

Gipson replaced by Rahim Moore. Moore likely not as good...but he is functional.

Robertson replaced by Justin Tuggle. Probably every bit as good if not better

The Schwartz replaced by Alvin Bailey. Questionable. Bailey considered a C player where Schwartz was a B player


Mack....relying on Cam Erving to replace him? Good luck to us

Whitner....relying on Ibrahim Campbell....again, good luck

Benjamin....relying on 4 WRs from the draft. I expect a couple to measure up.


And then there is the rest of the 14 member draft class that will hopefully upgrade this team (along with all the guys from the prior draft...Shelton, Cooper, Orchard etc. etc. that we expect to step up.


I am not sure what our sum gain...or loss may be....but we are young, heartache to heartache.

God bless you gip, but:


Robertson hasn't been replaced by anyone, Kirksey is stepping up to full time states

You'll have to go a long way to find anyone who things Davis is better right now than Dansby

Schwartz was the number one right tackle in the league and Alvin Bailey was cut after starting 8 games in three years, calling one a 'B' and one a 'C' is disingenuous rose-tinting in extreme.


Actually, the one area we might be on par is Campbell vs Whitner, whose play is on the serious decline - not just us that think so, he still hasn't found a team.



On the whole, though, I agree with your sentiment.

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God bless you gip, but:


Robertson hasn't been replaced by anyone, Kirksey is stepping up to full time states


You don't think that Kirksey can do as well as Robertson? I disagree


You'll have to go a long way to find anyone who things Davis is better right now than Dansby

I had to go no further than Bill Polian....who is in the Hall of Fame for his talent evaluation skills


Schwartz was the number one right tackle in the league and Alvin Bailey was cut after starting 8 games in three years, calling one a 'B' and one a 'C' is disingenuous rose-tinting in extreme.

OK, sure. Maybe. We shall see how he does. Who is our projected starter at RT?


Actually, the one area we might be on par is Campbell vs Whitner, whose play is on the serious decline - not just us that think so, he still hasn't found a team.




On the whole, though, I agree with your sentiment.

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I think kirksey will perform admirably as the coverage ilb next to Davis as thumper. I was saying tuggle hasn't been brought in as a replacement for anybody.


Bill Polian, your go to guy. I'd be interested to read that article though if you have it.


Projected starter at RT too early to tell. Could be Bailey, Coleman, Durango maybe, or even someone like Bowie. Think Bailey has been taking starters snaps though.

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I think kirksey will perform admirably as the coverage ilb next to Davis as thumper. I was saying tuggle hasn't been brought in as a replacement for anybody.


Bill Polian, your go to guy. I'd be interested to read that article though if you have it.


Projected starter at RT too early to tell. Could be Bailey, Coleman, Durango maybe, or even someone like Bowie. Think Bailey has been taking starters snaps though.

I didn't see any article, but if you go to ESPN's Free Agent tracker, Polian lists Davis as a B+ player, Dansby a B.

RT does seem to be an open slot. Best man wins.

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ok. hope you're right.


this is my problem with the browns and their org now for 40+ years i've been watching and rooting for them, they just fucking suck. sorry, just me. yeah they've had good moments and some great talent BUT it's like watching the cavs now.............cleveland is cursed. don't know what it'll take or who needs to repent or..... jesus h Fing christ, can we catch a break?


i've been optimistic before. many times. but it's like after dating an alcoholic or a drug addict.......you'll never go into another relationship with blinders on. NEW REGIME changes mean dick to me now. whereas with most franchises and their fans they might go "wow, wipe the slate clean and let's go brothers!!" to me it's like "here the fuck we go again. how'd it work out last time?"


go stu. go ray. go you front office analytic bastards. now show me something.


from: optimistic sitting on his hands fan #23, 744.


I mean, it's REALLY hard to argue with you, LOL. Mainly because you're right. Just LOOK at how long we've been promised one thing or another, and it always turns to crap. This last one was particularly painful because that idiot bunch of coaches SOMEHOW managed to start 7-4. 7-4!!!! We honestly thought we made it...we turned it all around with a hometown QB and a power running game. We obviously know how that turned out, and it stings. We went from beating the Steelers into the ground and thinking we had a chance at winning the division since go knows when to completely derailing. Ugh.


It's June, so we really don't have ANYTHING concrete right now. All I can say is that I've read article after article stating that Justin Gilbert is ready to finally mature (I'll believe it when I see it), that Crow and Duke are what the coaches want, and our young WR's have potential. Cam Erving is stronger and playing his natural position, and RG III and McCown will both be duking it out. We have some reasons to be optimistic, but again, our record will be painfully similar to last year's. It's what happens NEXT year that really matters to me. Maybe not even next year, but November and December of this season will tell us a lot. What is our December record in the past three years? Let's go into the offseason BUILDING SOMETHING and on somewhat of a high note!

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Multiple sports stories are trying VERY HARD to get me optimistic about Justin Gilbert, but that's not going to happen. Not until I see him in a game. Don't get me wrong, I would like NOTHING more than for him to work out. I mean...can you IMAGINE having another quality CB just appear from nowhere? Yeah...it'd be amazing, but I'm not counting on it.


I'm counting on Gilbert as much as I am Gordon.



More in the class of believing Gordon has been a victim of circumstance(s) here... at least until the most recent "diluted sample" fail... but strikes me that Rehab is one, and possibly the only, way for him to demonstrate to the league office that he is serious about making his way back.


Should generate evidence of both sobriety and mental state.


Our weed smoking friends say it isn't addictive- but pretty strong published evidence for some people it is. If Josh is truly in rehab it at least means he's dropped the toxic relationship he had with- you know who. LOL, the other board has a quarterback who's always referred to as "he who must not be named". I think we should do the same in regards to JF.

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ok. hope you're right.

this is my problem with the browns and their org now for 40+ years i've been watching and rooting for them, they just fucking suck. sorry, just me. yeah they've had good moments and some great talent BUT it's like watching the cavs now.............cleveland is cursed. don't know what it'll take or who needs to repent or..... jesus h Fing christ, can we catch a break?

i've been optimistic before. many times. but it's like after dating an alcoholic or a drug addict.......you'll never go into another relationship with blinders on. NEW REGIME changes mean dick to me now. whereas with most franchises and their fans they might go "wow, wipe the slate clean and let's go brothers!!" to me it's like "here the fuck we go again. how'd it work out last time?"

go stu. go ray. go you front office analytic bastards. now show me something.

from: optimistic sitting on his hands fan #23, 744.

Bless you Toxic. Knew it was just not me. Edit--For those looking for a good article on our OL rebuild, bleacherreport.com has a good outlook of now & whats to come of our OL. rebuild. tried to post it won't let me, but maybe someone can? left side remain the same, C-Erving(lord help us. article says his natural position at FSU but LT was) RG-Greco/Pasztor RT-Bailey/Bowie/Shon Coleman. Drango looks to be the replacement of Greco due to a better power line blocker than Greco's ZBS technique. Sounds like Power Blocking scheme with a tweaking West coast offense to get RG3 out of the pocket on quick reads..

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Bless you Toxic. Knew it was just not me. Edit--For those looking for a good article on our OL rebuild, bleacherreport.com has a good outlook of now & whats to come of our OL. rebuild. tried to post it won't let me, but maybe someone can? left side remain the same, C-Erving(lord help us. article says his natural position at FSU but LT was) RG-Greco/Pasztor RT-Bailey/Bowie/Shon Coleman. Drango looks to be the replacement of Greco due to a better power line blocker than Greco's ZBS technique. Sounds like Power Blocking scheme with a tweaking West coast offense to get RG3 out of the pocket on quick reads..


Thanks for the heads up about the article Gumby. Here's the thing. A lot of us are in here year round and have followed this team for a long time; but we're reluctant to announce to others in here we think we can win at least 7 games? We still follow this team right? We've been wrong forever so wtf does it matter if we're off on our estimated # of wins by a game or 2 either way? It's not like we're a decade removed from winning 7 games. It was only 2 years ago on a team playing through countless injuries with a brand new coaching staff.


I'll give Ghoolie a little biscuit here. Can you imagine if Joe Thomas was telling his teammates - don't you dare think we can win at least 7 games. That ain't cool man. I want you guys thinking we need to show up to every game in a fetal position like the media tells us we should.


Football without a game face is like a week without moonshine, I mean sunshine...

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Flug, with that MikToxic post, it's like watching Mik sit in with the narrators of Beliveland & i think he could :lol: .. Call it a curse but watching game 1 of Cavs showed it's something. Nothing that we work for ever goes our way. Just the refs making wrong calls that can't be reviewed for some godly reason was just more proof. Than of course what we did earn we would give right back off a foot or a knee. Every Cleveland sports teams have always been called competitive but that does not put us over the hump of being a winner. But it takes some Luck,, & Damn its our turn...

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