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Cruz and Kasich colluding to stop Trump


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Not sure what your point is.. I've seen the same behavior 4 times locally over motorcades.. Gerald Ford (Yeah,, seriously) Jimmy Carter (Even more of a mystery) Ronnie (almost understandable) And George Bush senior (WTF??) so again what is your point? That people get carried away by famous people?


Thank you Capt Obvious..

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Not sure what your point is.. I've seen the same behavior 4 times locally over motorcades.. Gerald Ford (Yeah,, seriously) Jimmy Carter (Even more of a mystery) Ronnie (almost understandable) And George Bush senior (WTF??) so again what is your point? That people get carried away by famous people?


Thank you Capt Obvious..


NOT A CULT: Watch These Trump Fans in Mad Dash to Catch Glimpse of Dear Leader’s Car




If you read the article the (Trump) Gateway Pundit was applauding this kind of celebrity worship behavior with Trump but when the celebrity worship was with Obama and his crowds they were calling it cult devil worship.


Devil Cult Obama Worship – The Video- Gateway Pundit

Jim Hoft Jan 22nd, 2013 7:22 pm




Your welcome Capt Oblivious

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They will keep saying that until they get the nomination. Trump isn't dumb and realizes what appeals to the GOP base. We are already starting to see him make that shift knowing that the general election is ahead.

Every primary candidate since the beginning of time has had to tailor his message to the base then pivot to the general population once the nomination is in place. What the hell is a surprise?



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Wait, it's spriing and I'm trying to get back in shape to work...


muscle spasms in back, knee......


is that Taylor Swift? Or Terry the Tailor? :)

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