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Cruz and Kasich colluding to stop Trump


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Trump response:





Kasich also snapped the other day when asked about dropping out and said "I have friends on the rules committee!"


Huckabee says they should work hard to stop Clinton instead of the Republican front runner.


Cruz and Kasich are nothing more than establishment losers.

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Kasich: "I have friends on the delegate committee, they'll help me out"

Cruz: "I'll game the delegate system and bribe delegates to support me on a 2nd ballot at the convention"

Trump: "I'll get the American people to vote for me"

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It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months

That's the poor state of the GOP now-a-days
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I guess we'll see in the gen election....the GOP must see the writing on the wall though if Trump wins the GOP nom. It's very likely a smooth sail into the white house for Hillary. Just the stuff about women, if Hillary's campaign puts out commercials that even though might have the context edited out....on some of those quotes there is no context though it's just what he said straight up.....if her campaign does that I just don't see how the guy pulls a majority of votes from the middle. Sanders people may not like Hillary but I would have to think they'll be more inclined to vote for her in the gen than the GOP base that doesn't like Trump.


If Trump had gone independent from the beginning though, this math would be different. I think he would have had a much greater probability of being president if he did that while also keeping his mouth more or less shut.

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The GOP base likes Trump, hence the reason he has millions more votes than the closest competitor (more votes than Romney in 2012)...He won't lose because "said mean things" - Clinton has done much worse to women and Trump is the only who brought it up, Trump has the benefit of being an outsider who isn't taking big money - combined with fairly moderate positions (save for a few). And now more than ever the people do not trust their politicians as they see what's going on - that's why Trump will win.


The reality is we live in an oligarchy, not a democracy. All this nonsense is doing is waking people up to it.


It's not because "Trump is going to lose in November and we don't want Hillary!" - it's because the globalist interests want someone to do their bidding, like Clinton or Cruz or Kasich.

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Donald Trump, Jr., Says Trump Will Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens And Other Stupid Stuff



They will keep saying that until they get the nomination. Trump isn't dumb and realizes what appeals to the GOP base. We are already starting to see him make that shift knowing that the general election is ahead.

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