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I bet they didn't poll 7 million people


If that number was a true indicator Trump would have more than the 38 percent of republican primary voters...he is not winning a majority he is winning a plurallity. 62 percent of republican voters have preferred someone other than Trump. It has been 40 years since a front runner didn't lock up the nomination before the convention. Losers like Dole, McCain and Romney all locked up the nomination before the convention. But a guy with 7 million likes on FB isn't doing it?

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We'll rent our entire barn, and couples- RNC folks.....

can rent it overnight for a roll in the hay.


That oughta fetch about $15,000

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I still say this whole election primary biz so far, is a crap sandwich.


You want wheat or white bread with that?

I think on Trump saying the primary process is rigged it is coming from someone who ran a poor ground campaign and lost due to incompetence and has turned lemons into lemon aid by blaming his losses on a *rigged system*. Rubio nails this in an interview:


[listEN] Rubio SLAMS Trump Idiocy On Delegates: There’s “No Invalid Way” For GOP to Choose Nominee

“The Republican Party, the Democrat Party, they are private organizations. There’s basically no invalid way of choosing your nominee. They can — I’m not advocating this obviously — but you can just put a bunch of names in a hat and pull a name out and say: ‘This is our nominee.’ It’s a private organization. They have a system. And everybody knew that going in.”


That’s the money right there. But as I have said numerous times, neither the Trump campaign nor its legions seem to have any special or remarkable interested in freedom, liberty, free enterprise, or the autonomy of private organizations. They also have no interest in math, as evidenced by their continuous and absurdly incorrect representations of how the delegates are being assigned in this thing. “They had a system and everyone knew that going in,” adds Rubio.


More gold:


“I think the argument that Trump is making is ‘this game – just like the economy,’ he’s saying, ‘the politics is rigged.’ And well, I wouldn’t call it rigged. These are the rules. He knew the rules, or should have, going in.


Yes. Correct. Excellent.


“I do think it’s valid to argue to delegates, ‘look, let’s not divide the party, you have someone here who has all these votes, very close to get 1,237, let’s not ignore the will of the people or they’re gonna be angry.’ And delegates may decide that, on that reason, they decide to vote for Donald Trump. But if they don’t, it is not illegitimate in any way. that’s why we elect delegates, you know, that’s the meaning of being a delegate, it’s choosing a nominee that can win.”



After all those swipes at the fool and his fools, Rubio does offer one small olive branch. Asked if he would support Trump as the nominee he replied:


“Yeah, I’ve always said I’m going to support the Republican nominee and that’s especially true now that it’s that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic candidate.”


A terrific interview, which surprises no long time Rubio fan, and once again an interesting example of Rubio fighting for the party and its voters despite his uncertainty about where he wants to go in the future. Awesome, awesome job.

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Wah wah wah Trump should stop whining about primaries where people don't get to vote.



- Has 2.5 million more votes than Rafael

- Has broken GOP turnout records in several states, obliterating 2008 and 2012

- Has significantly more votes from Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian, College-educated, non-college-educated, young, baby boomer, old, self-identified republicans, self-identified democrats, and self-identified independents

- Has won red, blue, purple states - including evangelical areas (total of 22?)

- Has GOP registrations at an all-time high



- Won 2 states where people haven't voted (Wyoming and Colorado)

- Won 2 states that aren't red, one of which is Wisconsin who has elected the worst governor in the country and all-out shilled against DJT - and the other is Maine where only 10,000 people voted.


Rafael is way more popular and viable in a general election, though.

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For what it's worth: maybe nothing, maybe something

Trump has over 7 million likes on facebook. His nearest competitor, bread lines bernie has about 4 million. Hillary has three and a half million. Cruz has 2.1 million.

In what world does that equate to cruz being more popular than trump?

Not too much into social media but ya man that's a good point right there.
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I would like to send a deep and thoughtful thank you to the ones who posted on this thread. Although minuscule and unworthy I still find the time to appreciate the little people and if there were more like you...well the world would still be here.

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I would like to send a deep and thoughtful thank you to the ones who posted on this thread. Although minuscule and unworthy I still find the time to appreciate the little people and if there were more like you...well the world would still be here.

Who you calling little?



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