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Our next President...

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Off Topic bbedward I swallowed the metal ball to that game when I was a kid. My mom took me to the doctor and he told my mom and dad to examine my fectal matter to see if I passed the ball. My mom looked with a butter knife the day after and didn't find it. I shit the next day and my dad said if the turd is half sunken it's in there. If I were them I wouldn't have looked either.

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Hillary Clinton. Like it or not it's going to happen. Too many liberals in the big city make the difference when you have the minority vote as well.


Start stoning.



Brit Hume at 11:27 PM EDT just declared Hillary Clinton the WINNER of the GENERAL ELECTION in November--and the next President of the United States.

He bases his declaration on:

(1) Trump's high unfavorables among all voters--higher even than Hillary's.

(2) The certainty that after Trump's New York win, if the GOP denies Trump the nomination, his base stays home in rage, and Hillary wins.

(3) If Cruz is the nominee, even though his unfavorables are LOWER than Hillary's, Trump's people, still in a rage, stay home, and Hillary wins.

(4) The "New York values" remark hurt Cruz significantly

(5) Whether it be Trump or Cruz--Hillary wins due to Trump's unfavorables on one hand, or if he's not the nominee, due to Trump's followers sitting out the election.

Bottom line from tonight going forward: Hillary is our next President, according to Brit Hume.



If you want to know how blue New York is at the moment Trump has 450K and Kasich/Cruz 300K. Hillary is at 900K and Sanders at 670K. The three Republicans combined are barely beating Sanders and he's getting killed by Hillary. So much for the fiction Trump might carry his home state in November.

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Yes I saw Brit Hume last night. Another Poll that caught my attention was that out of Republicans the candidate other supporters were least likely to vote for had Ted Cruz at the top, not Donald Trump. Your boy is pretty distasteful. People hate Trump because, face it, it's hip to hate Donald Trump these days.

Donald Trump supporters not voting for Ted Cruz is a factor but Ted Cruz is every bit as creepy as Hillary and would certainly lose Head to Head.



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If Trump is the nominee, then Hume's right-- Hillary Clinton will be our next President.


As for your boy Trump:


Trump has different negatives than Cruz. Cruz is simply being muddied up artificially, and when voters see otherwise it's still winnable. Not so Trump. He's said so many things on tape, they just make simple ads on that and run them over and over in swing states, game over.


His unfavorable ratings are baked into the cake, and lose.

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I doubt negative ads are going to sway his supporters or bolster the opponents.


Except for the media mainstream and otherwise who have decided not to give him a fair Shake and already hate him. And don't kid yourself they are Furious that they haven't got him kicked off the ticket yet.



You could start running a documentary about Hillary's dishonesty and it could run non-stop until November. Still the idiots that love her still do.



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There is a tital wave of Trump supporters and if Trump gets fucked by not getting in the Republican ticket he can run and win as an Independant. Before last night though he needed 60% of the remaining delegates. Last night he won over 90% of them. I can assure you that if Trump is President say goodbye to ISIS and the North Korea bullshit.

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Does John Kasich have ANY plan other than be a loser? Again and again?


I thought MAYBE Kasich might serve a purpose in keeping Trump under 50% ... but NOPE. He's just a spoiler.


It is safe to say at this point that Kasich is going to finish up 1-49, and that's not even counting the territories he won't win. Kasich has absolutely zero chance of even having his name put in nomination.

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Trump finishes with something like 90 delegates, Cruz gets a goose egg.


Without Kasich, Trump would likely be 93-95.


Trump was a major beneficiary of the GOP rules in this state.

There are probably fewer Republicans in NY than Wisconsin, but that smaller number of voters is going to give Trump a bigger delegate haul.

My guess is that the delegates each state receives are apportioned based on that states overall population, not sure, but when the GOP is outnumbered so badly in NY yet still offers up 95 delegates, that is just one more reason for Trump to quit whining about the "rigged system". He had a great advantage. Fewer voters gave him more delegates.

Of course, you won't hear a single word of complaint from Cruz. He understands the rules, and did his best in what has to be a near impossible situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the loser of Sanders and Clinton still get more votes than Trump.

Not exactly a conservative-friendly state.

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