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Why you need to get on the Trump train


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The only person running for president that not only knows, but States the truth about the Saudis and 9/11


Their government, their wealthiest funded the people who attacked the US on 9/11. The families of those terrorists left the country and were allowed to do so immediately after the attacks.


Trump is the only one who has stood up to the Saudi government - threatened to stop buying their oil, said the US will no longer allow them to buy our politicians.


"But Hillary Clinton's a woman"


"Hey Ted Cruz is against abortion that's all that matters"

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Only concern with Trump is keeping him alive, the elites hate him so much - they've given radical leftists the thoughts that he needs to be stopped. I'm not calling him the holy one (he's not Ted Cruz) - but he needs to win the presidency.


Our government is a horror show

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I'm just gonna throw this out there - if the US (And other countries) were independent of fossil fuels there would be no need to look the other way at the shit that the saudis etc do.

I think the US could easily do without their oil. Water will be the Saudi downfall. But it is all about money. Wanna commit war crimes? pay the price and go right ahead
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Water will indeed be the biggest problem for all of us, everywhere, especially with a warming planet. California is already seeing that.


But yes, the US has enough natural energy to not worry about fossil fuels ever again and not see basically any drop off in lifestyle. Other countries are largely the same, but the US could power itself many times over from any combination of tidal, solar, wind and hydroelectric.

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I'm just gonna throw this out there - if the US (And other countries) were independent of fossil fuels there would be no need to look the other way at the shit that the saudis etc do.

True enough but those things move slowly like turning around an ocean liner. If they could turn on a dime we have never heard of the Titanic. We will eventually find new and better ways have not only producing energy but using it. It's happening as we speak. Imagine how much more efficient things will be once every incandescent light or sodium vapor mercury vapor or otherwise powered light bulb is replaced by Led.

There will eventually be electric cars but nobody's going to buy them until you can get more than 200 miles and nowhere to charge. But it will happen.




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I think it's happening a bit faster than that - model 3 tesla will be something of a litmus test for that though. But it would be happening a whole lot fast if 'certain special interest groups' and their pet politicians weren't holding back the tide.

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I think it's happening a bit faster than that - model 3 tesla will be something of a litmus test for that though. But it would be happening a whole lot fast if 'certain special interest groups' and their pet politicians weren't holding back the tide.

Or if the scientists that run the company that are so devoted to altruism werent making a good buck.


Just an example, Tyson chicken doesn't produce organic and preservative free products because they are worried about our health.


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I've been saying for awhile now that I do like some of the things Trump talks about. I just can't shake the feeling he's our Nero...so you know a Caligula is not far behind. And he just comes off like a con artist. Ed, he would already be president if he wasn't a flaming cockhole. And people around him have "had" to have told him that. So contemplate that guys ego for just a moment. He can't stfu about women long enough to be president of the U.S. He would rather be dinosaur that lost the presidency. It's mind boggling. Clinton Trojan horse is my only explanation.

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I don't think the guy would risk death threats to him and his family, losing business all over the world, and spend millions and millions out of pocket if he was a Clinton trojan horse - especially at his age.


Still, the fact that elite Saudis funded the 9/11 hijackers and several other terrorist groups - combined with their gross human rights violations. It makes a lot of sense to start talking about them. Trump said he would release the 28-page or whatever it is of confidental 9/11 documents that many people believe implicates high people in power in Saudi Arabia.

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honestly it just sounds like he's baiting. It's red meat for some folk especially now that we don't like us no mooslims no more. And "no more mooslims" is basically his entire campaign platform.


He's been talking about it for years, though.


The only reason nobody else talks about Saudi Arabia's ties to terror groups is because of business, people like Clinton and Bush receive pretty hefty sums of money from the Saudis.


The Saudi thing isn't a secret or a conspiracy, it's just that nobody talks about it.

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Meanwhile, the british government continues to turn a blind eye to saudi arabia abusing yemen and human rights in general (while still allowing them to co-chair the international human rights committee, because in for a penny etc), because 'dodgy dave' is selling weapons to them.


Honestly, a lot of the worst kind of backwards interpretations of islam come out of there, out of the whabbist majority.

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The thing about the Saudi's though is that they are muslim in name only. Inside the royal palace's it ain't no Islam. When they fly overseas the women change into skank clothes the minute they clear muslim territory. They're a sham. A western backed sham.


Based on my experience with Saudis, which includes living with 2 of them for a year - I strongly disagree.


Most weren't very religious and they drank, smoked, clubbed it up - but they all had the basics: no pork + shop at halal markets, pray daily, etc.


It's very Islam in the royal palaces and in the streets - sure plenty of people drink, the higher-up people are able to import it while the lower people make their own usually. Any non-Islamic stuff that happens is almost always in the privacy of their own homes. The locals will also go to Bahrain and other places to get their sins out of their system - prostitutes, alcohol, etc.


The woman aren't even allowed to come here - unless they're with their husband or father. The one guy's wife was here with him and rarely went out in broad daylight - never talked to anybody and was always covered up.


A good friend of mine had a gay brother, they couldn't believe he talked to him and said his father should have beat him.


They all have huge families from virtue of their dads having like 6 wifes - the one guy said his dad had a bride lined up for him when he went home for the Summer (I never got the update on that)


I have no doubt the Saudi royal family has overly strict religious rules to help control the population - but it's no sham. They are definitely a firm Islamic country - none of those countries over there are faking their Islamic beliefs.


A lot depends on the tribe people are from. Some are very strict and will kill their children if they leave Islam, are gay - still do arranged marriages, etc. Many not so much

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I misstated, the Saudi "Royals" are muslim in name only. Of course the rest of the country has to live sharia


The Saudi Royals are filthy rich so I can't say I blame them. If I had billions of dollars I probably wouldn't really adhere to sharia law either.

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The Saudi Royals are filthy rich so I can't say I blame them. If I had billions of dollars I probably wouldn't really adhere to sharia law either.


yeah but women get stoned in the street there for shit that goes on literally hourly inside the palace's. And we've supported these cunts. There's also free lance journalists in the middle east who say the Saudi's have been supplying Isis this whole time. People see American choppers delivering them supplies all the fucking time. Hows that for a mind fuck? You think no way, no fucking way that's complete bullshit......but then you read about where the heads of Isis all got their start and the picture becomes clearer.

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yeah but women get stoned in the street there for shit that goes on literally hourly inside the palace's. And we've supported these cunts. There's also free lance journalists in the middle east who say the Saudi's have been supplying Isis this whole time. People see American choppers delivering them supplies all the fucking time. Hows that for a mind fuck? You think no way, no fucking way that's complete bullshit......but then you read about where the heads of Isis all got their start and the picture becomes clearer.

If they don't turn a blind eye to that bullshit they wined up like Iran. The Ayatollah comes in outgo the Royal Family.



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If they don't turn a blind eye to that bullshit they wined up like Iran. The Ayatollah comes in outgo the Royal Family.




The result of feckless meddling U.S foreign policy. If I thought Trump was truly sincere in his foreign policy rhetoric, I might have to vote for him. Problem is we know he's pandering and will point American weapons at anyone that looks at him crosseyed. He's literally Nero.


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The result of feckless meddling U.S foreign policy. If I thought Trump was truly sincere in his foreign policy rhetoric, I might have to vote for him. Problem is we know he's pandering and will point American weapons at anyone that looks at him crosseyed. He's literally Nero.



I mean what's the alternative. "I like what he's saying but I don't believe it, so I'll vote for Hillary who I don't like what she's saying and I don't believe it"


He has been much more anti-war than every other candidate in past times...he basically predicted 9/11 in one of his books too.

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no i'm not voting for Hillary. If it comes down to Trump vs her i'm not voting. EVen though I don't agree with Bernie on everything, there's a key issue or two that I do think he's right on so at this time I would be inclined to vote for him.

You like what Trump says, but you think he's lying and your gut feeling is he will start ww3


In my eyes, the Trump foreign policy is a non interventionist pro-Russia (by way of ending the pointless proxy war). The only other two candidates with similar ones are Sanders and Rand Paul


Everybody else I see as a disaster, Trump is also anti-TPP - those two things alone should be enough to vote for Trump

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Like i said, he could have already been president. Had he run independant from the beginning this race woyld have been over months ago if he would just stfu and not d bag it everywhere. Its like he wants to prove you can be an asshole and still win

After all these years of American politics that's been proven over and over and over.



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