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Colorado GOP subverts democratic process - doesn't allow people to vote


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Call it whining, I call the process of buying voters corrupTED.


And you are so mesmerized by Trump you can't be objective. You are like the guy who can look at the sun and not see the light. The first step to getting better is admitting to mistakes instead of glossing over them. Trump's campaign better start improving if he runs in the general election.

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I don't see a problem with Christians having a horse in the race. It's a free country, well kind of anyway. I just thought the field got a little crowded. Huckabee speaks well and seems bright and has experience. A lot more charismatic than any of the others.

Baptists arent likely to fall in love with Catholics or Mormon, dr. Carson seemed too Meek and Mild and Pat Robertson just a little bit too outside.



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I don't see a problem with Christians having a horse in the race. It's a free country, well kind of anyway. I just thought the field got a little crowded. Huckabee speaks well and seems bright and has experience. A lot more charismatic than any of the others.

Baptists arent likely to fall in love with Catholics or Mormon, dr. Carson seemed too Meek and Mild and Pat Robertson just a little bit too outside.




I think Romney being Mormon hurt him among some Christian voters. I don't agree with Mormon theology but Romney was running for president not pastor. I voted for him. I know there were some Christians who would not vote for Romney being a Mormon (as Mormon's are listed among the cults due to their theology).

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And you are so mesmerized by Trump you can't be objective. You are like the guy who can look at the sun and not see the light. The first step to getting better is admitting to mistakes instead of glossing over them. Trump's campaign better start improving if he runs in the general election.


The people vote in a general election , you can't bribe the electoral college with free vacations

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I don't understand Trump whining about the process as it seems to me it is counter productive. For example right now Trump is railing against the RNC about what happened in Colorado when the RNC has no control over how the states set up their voting. Now if Trump gets the nomination after calling the RNC corrupt and crooked he is going to say "hey fellas I really don't think you are corrupt at all, now get behind me and support me". Not getting it.


Ed this is how this stuff works. In Michigan Kasich and Trump campaigns got together to stiff Cruz out of any delegates. Kasich may deny it but the only possible reason Kasich would do this is he wants a vice president spot.


Trump, Kasich Campaigns Shut Out Cruz Camp in Michigan


Donald Trump's campaign is claiming a win in Michigan after getting five supporters elected to a handful of key national convention committee spots — and, along with Ohio Gov. John Kasich's campaign, shutting Sen. Ted Cruz out of those committees in Michigan entirely.


Wendy Day, a Cruz delegate who helped organize supporters in Michigan, said that "The Kasich and Trump teams actually cut a deal and took all those slots. We couldn’t get any of them. That's fine, it’s politics, but it was interesting to see those two campaigns team up."

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not the same thing as giving free vacations to people in Colorado



I don't know what you are talking about.


Small groups of people got to pick delegates. Camp Cruz offered those people free vacations among other bribes in exchange for voting for a particular delegate - but rules are rules right :)

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Small groups of people got to pick delegates. Camp Cruz offered those people free vacations among other bribes in exchange for voting for a particular delegate - but rules are rules right :)


Got any links? Actual proof or is this another National Enquirer story?

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Ted Cruz meets constitutional requirements to run for president, N.J. judge rules


New Jersey Judge Jeff Masin ruled Cruz meets the constitutional requirements to be president, saying that a child of a citizen-father or citizen-mother is “indeed a natural born Citizen within the contemplation of the Constitution.”



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Got any links? Actual proof or is this another National Enquirer story?


No, Ted Cruz campaign denied it of course - but Trump people on the ground in CO have reported on the bribes. There's pretty much no limits as to what you can do in terms of delegates - especially in Colorado since because they didn't vote they were all considered unbound by the RNC. In states that vote, pledged delegates cannot deviate on the first ballot.




Trump is on pace to win first-ballot, though (Even without 1237, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/rnc-member-donald-trump-can-win-with-1100-delegates/article/2588378 )

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I've said it all along Ed. Trump better get it on the first ballot:


Cruz likely to block Trump on a second ballot at the GOP convention


Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is close to ensuring that Donald Trump cannot win the GOP nomination on a second ballot at the party’s July convention in Cleveland, scooping up scores of delegates who have pledged to vote for him instead of the front-runner if given the chance.

The push by Cruz means that it is more essential than ever for Trump to clinch the nomination by winning a majority of delegates to avoid a contested and drawn-out convention fight, which Trump seems almost certain to lose.



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OBF would give them a one way ticket to whatever country they think would be better than the USA. I know it is covered by free speech but I still think intentionally disrespecting our flag should be a criminal act.

Quite possibly my friend. Just pointing out to those who freak out over an old geezer smacking a protester at a trump rally buto with the anti Trump media this shit doesn't make the evening news.



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Quite possibly my friend. Just pointing out to those who freak out over an old geezer smacking a protester at a trump rally buy the anti Trump media this shit doesn't make the evening news.




I try to stay objective and look at things from different points of view. You are right it was an old geezer smacking an idiot protester who had no business being there to disrupt Trump's rally. I saw the protestor getting tossed out and he was being compliant with officers while being escorted. That is when I saw said old geezer smack him and worse right after it happened the protester was wrestled to the ground by officers like he had done something wrong. It became apparent quickly as to how bad this looked to the authorities and within a short time later the old geezer found himself facing criminal charges.

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I try to stay objective and look at things from different points of view. You are right it was an old geezer smacking an idiot protester who had no business being there to disrupt Trump's rally. I saw the protestor getting tossed out and he was being compliant with officers while being escorted. That is when I saw said old geezer smack him and worse right after it happened the protester was wrestled to the ground by officers like he had done something wrong. It became apparent quickly as to how bad this looked to the authorities and within a short time later the old geezer found himself facing criminal charges.

Hey I'm not defending the old geezer he was clearly in the wrong and he got charged. The protester was flipping the bird and screaming f-bombs but he wasn't resisting arrest. I'm just saying that was a huge story comma all over the media. These Trump protesters don't make air. That's all.



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Hey I'm not defending the old geezer he was clearly in the wrong and he got charged. The protester was flipping the bird and screaming f-bombs but he wasn't resisting arrest. I'm just saying that was a huge story comma all over the media. These Trump protesters don't make air. That's all.



The clips I saw didn't even show the bad behavior of the protester it just showed the protestor going up the steps when the old guy came over and hit him. I am with you on media bias as no doubt they could have showed what led up to the protester getting tossed out but they conveniently left that part out.

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The clips I saw didn't even show the bad behavior of the protester it just showed the protestor going up the steps when the old guy came over and hit him. I am with you on media bias as no doubt they could have showed what led up to the protester getting tossed out but they conveniently left that part out.


He must have gotten escorted off or something?



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He must have gotten escorted off or something?




True but I saw the clip a number of times and I didn't see what led to him being escorted out. Sometimes the bias in the media is not just what they show and report but what they fail to show and report. I never saw the protester in anyone's face or flipping the bird. I only saw him walking up the steps when the old geezer walks over to him and hits him while he is being escorted out.

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On the news, delegates and the GOP chairman in Colorado

received death threats.



  1. nti-Trump GOP Woman Sent Death Threats Daily

    Woman Attempting to Block Donald Trump's Nomination Receives Daily Death Threats. Katie Packer, who heads an anti-Trump super PAC, says, it's "the most hateful ...

  2. Report: Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats After GOP ...

    FOX anchor Megyn Kelly has reportedly received death threats after her biased performance at the GOP FOX News debate. Kelly lost the trust of her conservative ...




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sounds like Trump has the mafia on his side..... ?

Death threats, threatening delegates from the Trumpbots have no place in politics:


Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House is getting threats from Donald Trump supporters Emails: 'I would be hiding all family members'


Emails obtained by ABC News sent to Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House tell him to “quit whining” about all the threatening calls and emails he’s receiving. Another email tells him to “pray” he makes it to Cleveland, and instructs him to support Trump or “you are done.” One email provided to ABC News tells House to hide his family members.

“This does not have to do with Trump. This has everything to do with “the people” having a chance to vote,” one email sent today read. “Stop being a j-----f and admit that the residents of Colorado SHOUT [to] have the chance to vote rather than a slim minority telling the residents of CO who they have to vote for. That is the real story here. Quit whining about all the calls and email you’re getting. It’s your job. If you don’t want it – RESIGN.”

Another email reads:

“All I can say is pray you make it to Cleveland. The fix is in and the American people will eliminate anyone who gets in the way…” the email reads. “It would be in your best interest to take a stand and support the American People and trump [sic] or you are done. Trump goes independent to ride the nation of scum like you. I would be hiding all family members…Just check out social media.”


Additional emails and text messages to House threaten to release all of his personal information and use rather profane and derogatory language.


Some are concerned about a national trend of violent threats against delegates and party leaders who don't support Trump.

Several delegates in Indiana said they have also been threatened.

"Very spooky, very personal, referencing things about my family," said Tom John, the Indians GOP's 7th District Committee Chairman.

Meanwhile, Trump's ally, Roger Stone, has encouraged people to vent anger at the Republican Convention.

"We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal," said Johns. "We urge you to visit their hotels and find them."



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