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Colorado GOP subverts democratic process - doesn't allow people to vote


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Obviously the VA is not set up to treat the problems of vets either or we wouldn't be having all the scandals with the VA today.


My brother went to the VA a few years ago as he was having pain in his back and shoulder. The VA without doing an MRI or X-ray prescribed physical therapy and he went for months for PT for what he was told was a torn muscle and he was in agony for months. When he could not take the pain any more he called me and I took him to the ER of the VA. They thought he might have pneumonia so they order an x-ray and then they saw the tumors. An MRI the next day confirmed advanced cancer and he was given a few weeks to live.


Maybe an MRI or x-ray would have helped months earlier who knows. I do know why would you want someone to have physical therapy with a torn muscle anyway? The short answer is an MRI is pricey but after he got diagnosed with terminal cancer they gave him plenty of MRI's.

Disagree 100 percent. Your brother had a bad outcome, my father had a bad outcome at a private hospital. Shit happens all the time. VA needs improving but your dead wrong that it should be abolished.

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Disagree 100 percent. Your brother had a bad outcome, my father had a bad outcome at a private hospital. Shit happens all the time. VA needs improving but your dead wrong that it should be abolished.


I don't think I am dead wrong about it at all. If abolition of VA hospitals is too radical for you, how about this: Leave the hospitals in place, but give veterans a choice. They can have free care in a VA hospital, or a voucher/insurance proposal for private care.

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Fed Up Limbaugh Scorns Claim Trump Is Being Denied Nomination: He Hasn’t Won ‘Diddly-Squat’ Yet


Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday seemed fed-up with claims that Donald Trump is being denied the Republican nomination, contending the billionaire “hasn’t won diddly-squat yet” to have anything denied to him.

Limbaugh’s diatribe came after a listener phoned in to his radio show to make the argument that the real estate mogul was being robbed of the nomination.


“You said, ‘If Trump is denied the nomination…’ No, no, no, no. Trump has to win it. What do you mean, if Trump is denied? He hasn’t won it yet!” Limbaugh said.


“If he wins it and he’s denied, then you’ve got a point,” he added. “If he gets to 1,237 and they try to take it away from him, then you’ve got a real point. But he hasn’t won diddly-squat yet. He hasn’t gotten 1,237. He hasn’t won.”



The conservative personalty argued to the caller that because he hasn’t won “there’s nothing to deny yet.”

“There is no entitlement here,” he said. “Just because you’re leading doesn’t mean it’s yours. The other candidates are not just gonna lay down and die and go away. Look at Kasich. There’s no reason to stay in this, other than to gum up the works, and he’s doing it. There is no way Cruz can get to 1,237, but he’s not going away. There is no entitlement.”


Limbaugh continued to go after Trump and his supporters in the segment. Seemingly referencing the campaign’s allegations that the Colorado delegate process was “rigged,” Limbaugh said complaining would not help.


“You don’t get there by whining and moaning when you lose something,” he said. “You figure out why you lost and you come back and you let it not happen again. You go back and look at when you were winning and ask, what were you doing?”

“But nothing has been granted you,” he reiterated. “There’s nothing to be denied to you yet.”



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Rush is spot on. The last quality I would ever want to see in a leader is being a whiner. Whining doesn't cut it. If there is a problem fix it instead of crying about it.

What exactly could trump do to fix the electoral process?


FWIW, there were problems with the count for the democratic primary in AZ, and Bernie may have been screwed. But he said 'no don't bother with a recount, it's only a delegate or two, and would be a big waste of AZ taxpayer's money" <- not whining.

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Rush is spot on. The last quality I would ever want to see in a leader is being a whiner. Whining doesn't cut it. If there is a problem fix it instead of crying about it.

If the election is being rigged, and we know it is, any candidate who is on the shit end of the stick would be pissed off.

The party really doesn't want Donald Trump. They don't want Ted Cruz either but they are obviously trying to torpedo Trumps campaign.


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What exactly could trump do to fix the electoral process?


FWIW, there were problems with the count for the democratic primary in AZ, and Bernie may have been screwed. But he said 'no don't bother with a recount, it's only a delegate or two, and would be a big waste of AZ taxpayer's money" <- not whining.


For openers Trump could have read the rules and known about the process before running as a republican. He comes off looking like Elmer Fudd being clueless about a process that has been in effect for decades. If he didn't like the process nothing was stopping him from running as an independent. He chose to run as a republican. Now after months in the process he is whining because he never read the rules in the first place. Now he blaming the RNC who are not responsible for the states setting up their own voting process. His beef in this instance is not with the RNC but the state of Colorado. The process has also benefited Trump. He has 37 percent of the vote but 45 percent of the delegates. Others could whine about that.

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For openers Trump could have read the rules and known about the process before running as a republican. He comes off looking like Elmer Fudd being clueless about a process that has been in effect for decades. If he didn't like the process nothing was stopping him from running as an independent. He chose to run as a republican. Now after months in the process he is whining because he never read the rules in the first place. Now he blaming the RNC who are not responsible for the states setting up their own voting process. His beef in this instance is not with the RNC but the state of Colorado. The process has also benefited Trump. He has 37 percent of the vote but 45 percent of the delegates. Others could whine about that.

None of that looks remotely like fixing the problem, as you suggested he do. It all looks like ignoring it or working around it.

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None of that looks remotely like fixing the problem, as you suggested he do. It all looks like ignoring it or working around it.


Working around it is the fix because in this case the fix needed to be done beforehand. Trump should know about contracts and reading a contract before signing it. He can afford a team of lawyers for that matter. For Trump to act like the process is something new or hasn't been in place for decades is silly. All of Trump's whining now serves what point? It only shows he was clueless about the process he signed on to in the first place.

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Trump did know the rules in Colorado, his campaign said they barely participated there because the rules favored the establishment and it'd be a waste of resources.


Doesn't change the fact it's corrupt that Ted could go there and buy delegate votes by offering people whatever. Also that Trump delegates were left off the ballots. Trump delegates were removed after being elected, so on

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Trump did know the rules in Colorado, his campaign said they barely participated there because the rules favored the establishment and it'd be a waste of resources.


Doesn't change the fact it's corrupt that Ted could go there and buy delegate votes by offering people whatever. Also that Trump delegates were left off the ballots. Trump delegates were removed after being elected, so on


The other part of the story Ed has been the incompetence of the Trump campaign itself and they have only themselves to blame for that. The Trump campaign barely made a play for Colorado while the Cruz team worked for it playing by the rules Colorado set up. Almost everyone has said if Trump would have showed up in Colorado it would have made a difference.


Trump finally hired a pro Paul Manafort who has a lot of experience in dealing with politics and delegate selection and he has been doing well for Trump. Trump should have had him on board earlier IMO.

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When you say incompetent you mean not good at corrupt politics, which many would view as a complent


But as I said, the Trump campaign more so just didn't participate at all. The rules in Colorado allow candidates to buy votes - what's the point?

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When you say incompetent you mean not good at corrupt politics, which many would view as a complent


But as I said, the Trump campaign more so just didn't participate at all. The rules in Colorado allow candidates to buy votes - what's the point?


When I say incompetence of the Trump campaign just google it. There is a bunch.

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They say ground game, which is another word for corrupt. Especially in the caucus States where Trump doesn't do so well.


The establishment has had systems in place for many many years, they're all working for Ted Cruz. Yet, Trump has still won 22 states- which is impressive.

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They say ground game, which is another word for corrupt. Especially in the caucus States where Trump doesn't do so well.


The establishment has had systems in place for many many years, they're all working for Ted Cruz. Yet, Trump has still won 22 states- which is impressive.


If Trump gets the nomination he better be ready for some tough politics and it is dirty by nature. Whining about the rules won't cut it. Just having big rallies won't cut it. He better be able to get out a ground game and get his campaign up to speed. I think Mike Huckabee is on board with Trump and if I were Trump I would be hiring Huckabee as an adviser. Nobody knows more about fighting the Clintons than Huckabee.

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Hillary's people run a damn good dirty campaign.



Her campaign has been much cleaner than Cruz's through the democratic primary.


Sure she lies and says things like NY guns used in crimes come from Vermont.


But nothing like what Cruz has done - blaming Brussels on Trump's NATO comments, telling people Ben Carson dropped out, giving away vacations in exchange for votes in CO and ND (but it's the rules so it's ok), the voter violation cards, the fake ad of rubio shaking hands with obama.


Huckabee is a loony toon kinda like Cruz, but at least he's not a lying rat. He never really fought the Clinton's head on because they were out of Arksansas by time he was campaigning - he did fight against people who had their backing, though.

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I like Mike Huckabee a lot. A lot more than Ted Cruz. Unfortunately I think Huck had to take an even harder right turn with all the other Christians in the race and I think it cost him.

Too many candidates going after the religious vote.



It's sad that that has to happen.

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I like Mike Huckabee a lot. A lot more than Ted Cruz. Unfortunately I think Huck had to take an even harder right turn with all the other Christians in the race and I think it cost him.

Too many candidates going after the religious vote.




Huckabee is really the original hard right christian, He was Cruz before it was cool - minus the lies, dirty campaign, hideous face, and he actually has a resume that would qualify him to run for president.

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I like Mike Huckabee a lot. A lot more than Ted Cruz. Unfortunately I think Huck had to take an even harder right turn with all the other Christians in the race and I think it cost him.

Too many candidates going after the religious vote.






Her campaign has been much cleaner than Cruz's through the democratic primary.


Sure she lies and says things like NY guns used in crimes come from Vermont.


But nothing like what Cruz has done - blaming Brussels on Trump's NATO comments, telling people Ben Carson dropped out, giving away vacations in exchange for votes in CO and ND (but it's the rules so it's ok), the voter violation cards, the fake ad of rubio shaking hands with obama.


Huckabee is a loony toon kinda like Cruz, but at least he's not a lying rat. He never really fought the Clinton's head on because they were out of Arksansas by time he was campaigning - he did fight against people who had their backing, though.


Ha. You will find out soon enough about the clean campaign of the Clinton's if Trump gets the nomination.

Trump's lies are legendary and his hypocrisy off the charts as well.

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Ha. You will find out soon enough about the clean campaign of the Clinton's if Trump gets the nomination.

Trump's lies are legendary and his hypocrisy off the charts as well.


Trump is the only person who can beat Clinton, of all the options.


He's a master shit poster, and he's actually willing to talk about things like how her and bill did a grandmaster hush job on Bill's victims.


If douchebag Ted Cruz would drop out already then Trump would get a chance to get started on her.

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Trump is the only person who can beat Clinton, of all the options.


He's a master shit poster, and he's actually willing to talk about things like how her and bill did a grandmaster hush job on Bill's victims.


If douchebag Ted Cruz would drop out already then Trump would get a chance to get started on her.


If Trump could run a better campaign he might have had this wrapped up already. Running a poor campaign and Trump shooting himself in the foot has been his own biggest problems.

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If Trump could run a better campaign he might have had this wrapped up already. Running a poor campaign and Trump shooting himself in the foot has been his own biggest problems.


Don't see how he's run a bad campaign. Literally every elite member of both parties - and the puppeteers are violently against him. If anything, it's impressive that he has a commanding lead and millions of more votes than the runner up.


Cruz said he isn't going to support Trump anyway, dickhead should just drop out and join the Clinton campaign already.

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* The rest of the story about Trump whining about Colorado:


Once again, Trump campaign makes mistakes trying to win delegates


The campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has demonstrated supreme organizational prowess and is poised to sweep all, if not most, of the delegates by the end of Saturday.


In the hours before Saturday's vote, Trump supporters distributed glossy white flyers urging people to vote for a slate of candidates to fill 13 statewide delegate slots. But several names were misspelled or assigned the wrong ballot number.


Ryan Struyk ‎@ryanstruyk

Uh oh. Delegate #289, who is on Trump list of preferred CO delegates, is actually Ervin Krause -- and bound to CRUZ.


Ryan Struyk ‎@ryanstruyk

Seven of 26 names on Trump delegate list have incorrect numbers. Problem when ballots have no names, just numbers


The mistakes were exposed at the worst possible moment: just as Colorado Republicans were walking on to the arena floor to take seats and prepare to cast ballots. Trump volunteers frantically printed new lists with new names and ballot numbers -- but those lists also had mistakes.


Ben Jacobs ‎@Bencjacobs


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