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Colorado GOP subverts democratic process - doesn't allow people to vote


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I'm not positive obf but if you spent as much time praying for the demise of Donald Trump as you do carry Hillary's water the Lord might possibly see his way clear to smiting him.




You may not be positive WSS but I am positive I have not prayed for the demise of anyone.

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To be honest, I don't believe any of trump, cruz or clinton gives a solitary fuck about any of us/you. Bernie absolutely does, and maybe Kasich, but outside of that, do we really believe for a moment that Jeb was running so that he could make a difference in the world? How about Roboto, or Scott Walker? I would suggest the dems who dropped out, but honestly they were just there to give the impression of an actual open competition, before Bernie got in the way.


And like him or not, I believe Obama has been the same.

Bernie cares so much about us that he is going to take money from every last one of us regardless of the tax bracket your in.

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As a veteran who has used the VA hospital I think Trump is making some promises to vets he will not be able to make good on. I think he has used vets as a prop for votes but like most other things he is blatantly hypocritical. He has given way more money to the Clintons then he ever has to veterans groups. He had a fund raiser for vets conveniently on the night he weaseled out of the debate in Iowa. He says he raised 6 million for vets but as of today veteran groups have only received a fraction of that amount.


The VA hospitals are a mess and I see no cleaning it up. The only thing Trump could do (and I think it would work) would be to close the VA hospitals altogether and give medical cards to veterans where they can go to their own doctors and hospitals. We have had all the VA scandals and congressional hearings and what has been accomplished. Little to nothing. Trump will do no better in trying to fix the VA. I could go into details about how bad the VA is but I won"t. I will say the VA hospital I went to I met veterans from other states who came to that hospital saying it was one of the best. If that hospital was one of the best I can't even imagine how bad some of the others are.


Trump Loves Veterans? This Is What He Thinks Of Vets In Front Of Trump Tower


As we get closer to the first votes being cast, more and more information keeps coming out about Donald Trump showing him to be a lying opportunist at best and at worst, just not a very good person. Trump, while chickening out of the last debate before the Iowa Caucuses because he’s afraid of Megyn Kelly, is holding a stunt event he says will display just how much he loves our veterans.

Of course, that display of compassion is nowhere to be found when it comes to the veterans who were trying to earn a living outside of Trump Tower in New York City. Some veterans were given special disabled veterans licenses to operate as street vendors and those filthy losers had the nerve to want to be around Trump Tower. Trump wasn’t about to let that happen:

Nice, huh? “Oh they can make a living. I just don’t want their dirty crippled selves selling stuff near my totally classy buildings.”

Never mind that for more than a decade Trump sought to deprive veterans in need of their meager livelihood because he found them unsightly nuisances who should not be allowed anywhere near his gleaming headquarters on Fifth Avenue.

The Trump who now extols veterans spent years clamoring for New York City’s politicians to take action and ban even those street vendors with special disabled veteran’s licenses from the environs of Trump Tower.

As was reported in the New York Daily News, Trump wrote in a letter to the New York state Assembly back in 1991, “While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?”

He went on, “Do we allow Fifth Avenue, one of the world’s finest and most luxurious shopping districts, to be turned into an outdoor flea market, clogging and seriously downgrading the area?”

People might say, “C’mon! That was back in 1991!”

He was doing the same thing in 2004:

Trump lost the battle. So what did he do? Check this out:

He was still at it in 2004, when he wrote a letter to Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

“Whether they are veterans or not, they [the vendors] should not be allowed to sell on this most important and prestigious shopping street,” Trump declared.

He warned, “The image of New York City will suffer… I hope you can stop this very deplorable situation before it is too late.”

Here they are:

“First class war vets, second class back-at-homes,” the peddler said.

He then added, “Go take a picture of the planters.”

He meant the large cement planters that Trump has placed outside the tower, not to ward off possible terrorists but to keep away peddlers.


Classy, Donald. Classy.

I disagree. I have no problem with the VA here in Cleveland. And sending Vets to Private Hospitals is a BAD idea. They are not set up to treat the problems Vets have.

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I disagree. I have no problem with the VA here in Cleveland. And sending Vets to Private Hospitals is a BAD idea. They are not set up to treat the problems Vets have.


Obviously the VA is not set up to treat the problems of vets either or we wouldn't be having all the scandals with the VA today.


My brother went to the VA a few years ago as he was having pain in his back and shoulder. The VA without doing an MRI or X-ray prescribed physical therapy and he went for months for PT for what he was told was a torn muscle and he was in agony for months. When he could not take the pain any more he called me and I took him to the ER of the VA. They thought he might have pneumonia so they order an x-ray and then they saw the tumors. An MRI the next day confirmed advanced cancer and he was given a few weeks to live.


Maybe an MRI or x-ray would have helped months earlier who knows. I do know why would you want someone to have physical therapy with a torn muscle anyway? The short answer is an MRI is pricey but after he got diagnosed with terminal cancer they gave him plenty of MRI's.

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Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies


But there's only one truly massive liar in this race: Donald Trump. When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the course of 4.6 hours of speeches, they found that he lied, on average, once every five minutes.



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If the supreme court would unseal the DC Madam's black book then there could be Cruz's death sentence in there in terms of the affairs. The attorney in the case said it would have big implications on the 2016 presidential race if it was released - and referred to a prosecutor which would lead to either Christie or Cruz. You know damn well if it was Cruz vs Hillary all of that would come out.


Amanda Carpenter has some damning evidence that it's true - like going back and deleting dozens of tweets, instagram photos in hotels, where her and cruz had a matching temporary tattoo. Anything where she called him "baby" or talked about how much she loved him.


Further evidence Trump is going to sweep at least the next 8 states (CT):



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Did you "really" pray for that? I mean really honestly?



I did. Why is that such a bad one? I have seen it too many times with hypocritical politicians and then they have the press conference with their wives with the deer in the headlight look and they are asking for everyone to forgive them and wanting a second chance.

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I did. Why is that such a bad one? I have seen it too many times with hypocritical politicians and then they have the press conference with their wives with the deer in the headlight look and they are asking for everyone to forgive them and wanting a second chance.


I just find it incredulous that the all spark would give a flying fuck about any of us rotten little pikers let alone Ted Cruz. I just have this wild idea that things going about on "that" level are a bit more important than who Ted Cruz was putting his wiener in.

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I just find it incredulous that the all spark would give a flying fuck about any of us rotten little pikers let alone Ted Cruz. I just have this wild idea that things going about on "that" level are a bit more important than who Ted Cruz was putting his wiener in.


If you are going to take the high moral ground then you should be held to a higher standard. Trump for example did cheat on wife #1 with wife #2 and is now on wife #3 but Trump is not running on family values.

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Donald Trump's whining about Colorado delegates misses the point

Donald Trump and his campaign knew since last summer how the game would have to be played in Colorado once state Republican honchos chose to get rid of a presidential preference poll at their March caucus.

They knew an aggressive local organization identifying sympathetic activists would be critical to success in county assemblies and the state party convention. And yet the Trump campaign basically decided to ignore the script, perhaps assuming Colorado's 34 delegates up for grabs wouldn't be important.


But now that every delegate is critical in Trump's quest for the magic number of 1,237 to win the nomination, the billionaire gasbag is whining about how he was shut out by Ted Cruz at Saturday's state GOP convention in Colorado Springs.


"The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians," Trump tweeted Sunday. "Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!"

More empty bluster from The Donald.


It's a measure of how important every delegate has become that, as The Denver Post's John Frank reported Monday, a Trump adviser says the campaign will attempt to woo four Colorado delegates who remain free agents even after they announced their support for Cruz.


As election analyst Harry Enten at FiveThirtyEight concluded after Saturday's shutout of Trump, "Trump's path to the 1,237 delegates necessary to clinch the Republican nomination is so tenuous that he can't afford slip-ups anywhere. And he slipped up in Colorado."

Belly-flopped is more like it.


Not that we support how the Colorado Republican Party decided to select its national delegates this year. Far from it, as we've said more than once. Trump is right to suggest that the activist and insider-dominated process chosen by the state executive committee in place of a preference poll put him at a disadvantage against a hardline conservative like Cruz.

For that matter, there are more than 900,000 registered Republicans in Colorado, and not even 1 percent were at Saturday's convention. How many of the remaining 99 percent are excited about either Cruz or Trump?


Without a true primary, which is what both parties in Colorado should be conducting in place of the caucus system, most voters have been shoved to the sidelines in this most riveting of political years.


Even so, it's stunning that Trump was shut out in Colorado, and the problem wasn't just the lack of a primary or preference poll. The indifference and incompetence of the Trump campaign right into Saturday's convention were staggering.

Trump can point fingers all he likes, but his own arrogance regarding his intrinsic appeal is at the root of his failure as well.


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If you are going to take the high moral ground then you should be held to a higher standard. Trump for example did cheat on wife #1 with wife #2 and is now on wife #3 but Trump is not running on family values.


Oh in principle I 100% agree with you. It's the whole praying about it part. I honestly think if there is a "creator" and he just happened to hear you while going about some other more important business he'd do a pop in and say "well you're all a bit rubbish mate" lol. That's all.


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OBF you're right, Trump shouldn't be upset that the people of Colorado didn't get to vote because "rules are rules"


Also the fact that Cruz's camp intentionally misled Trump delegates by way of giving false dates/times, false information.


It's crooked, Ted Cruz is a very crooked politician and his campaign reflects that.


Ted is going to come in third place in a 2-man race in the next several states, after which he will need around 110% of remaining delegates to win the nomination.


FYI trump only needs like 58% remaining delegates or something to win outright - by the end of next week (two weeks from today, anyway) he should have 200-250 more onto his total, winning about 70% of delegates (note Kasich is polling better than Cruz everywhere up there, so Cruz won't get anywhere close to the 90% he needs to win).

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Oh in principle I 100% agree with you. It's the whole praying about it part. I honestly think if there is a "creator" and he just happened to hear you while going about some other more important business he'd do a pop in and say "well you're all a bit rubbish mate" lol. That's all.



I know what you are saying. Was it a trivial prayer? Maybe but somehow I don't think it was. Praying for the truth to come out with someone running for president is not all that trivial.I was asked by Chris if I had ever prayed for Cruz's success. I hadn't because I don't know enough about Cruz to make that prayer. So I prayed for the truth.

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FYI trump only needs like 58% remaining delegates or something to win outright - by the end of next week (two weeks from today, anyway) he should have 200-250 more onto his total, winning about 70% of delegates (note Kasich is polling better than Cruz everywhere up there, so Cruz won't get anywhere close to the 90% he needs to win).


58 percent? That's all. How many times has Trump broke 50 percent in any of his primary wins? Trump has won primaries so far with 37 percent of the vote. That means 63 percent of GOP voters want someone other than Trump. I told you early on Cruz would do bad in the northeast and I looked for him to come behind Kasich in the northeast. Then the map shifts again and you are going to see Cruz win some states and Trump win some states until California. Then after California Trump will find himself short of 1237 delegates and then we will see what happens. How close he gets to 1237 will be a big factor if he can get enough uncommitted delegates. If not then we have a contested convention and if Trump does not win on the first ballot every ballot afterwards will not favor him.

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58 percent? That's all. How many times has Trump broke 50 percent in any of his primary wins? Trump has won primaries so far with 37 percent of the vote. That means 63 percent of GOP voters want someone other than Trump. I told you early on Cruz would do bad in the northeast and I looked for him to come behind Kasich in the northeast. Then the map shifts again and you are going to see Cruz win some states and Trump win some states until California. Then after California Trump will find himself short of 1237 delegates and then we will see what happens. How close he gets to 1237 will be a big factor if he can get enough uncommitted delegates. If not then we have a contested convention and if Trump does not win on the first ballot every ballot afterwards will not favor him.

58% of the delegates not 58% of the vote


He will win 90% of them in New York, for example. And 100% of them in California


By comparison Cruz needs like 90% of them - which is why in 2 weeks he'll be eliminated. Kasich needs like 115%, hence he's already eliminated.

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58% of the delegates not 58% of the vote


He will win 90% of them in New York, for example. And 100% of them in California


By comparison Cruz needs like 90% of them - which is why in 2 weeks he'll be eliminated. Kasich needs like 115%, hence he's already eliminated.


Your not getting it Ed. Until someone gets 1237 delegates neither Kasich or Cruz are eliminated. After Cruz is mathematically eliminated then comes Trump being mathematically eliminated as none of them will get the 1237.

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Your not getting it Ed. Until someone gets 1237 delegates neither Kasich or Cruz are eliminated. After Cruz is mathematically eliminated then comes Trump being mathematically eliminated as none of them will get the 1237.

Kasich is eliminated unless they change the rules or he wins 7 more States.


Trump will get 1237 though, he's on pace

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Kasich is eliminated unless they change the rules or he wins 7 more States.


Trump will get 1237 though, he's on pace


I don't know what Kasich's game is. I thought he might be going for a vice president slot but he said today he absolutely would not accept vice president. He must think the rules will get changed and they might.

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I don't know what Kasich's game is. I thought he might be going for a vice president slot but he said today he absolutely would not accept vice president. He must think the rules will get changed and they might.

Contested convention where Trump loses (majority winner) guarantees Hillary the presidency.


Paid for by Soros, because that's what he wants.


At least that's my best theory

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