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Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery


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To be fair mccain did a 180 in the couple years leading up to his run in 08. He was not tje same guy who ran against jr in 2000

How so? He was about as peaceful a candidate as you can imagine and refused to attack Obama. Prior to that he was the darling of the left because whenever MSNBC needed a Republican to criticize his own party McCain was the Maverick.



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Trump is the only one with a path to win the nomination outright - without a contested convention.


He has the most experience dealing with these hit jobs, they haven't even touched Kasich yet and Cruz has only gotten a fraction of it. You know if Cruz won they'd be coming back to the affairs, the Canadian born thing, lack of accomplishments, flip flops, and plenty of other things.

Yes they would. I'm just saying that right now the goal is to keep Trump from winning enough delegates. The contested primary is the next goal. First they get to stop Trump second the coverage is lots more popular third it takes the focus off Hillary.



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Oh no he wasnt maverick for years leading up to 08. The liberal media wad critisizing him for his flipping for awhile before he decided to run. He caved into the far right when he realized he couldnt get the rep nom without them. Still, if he hadnt picked palin as his vp he might have won.

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Just like the protesters. Act as outrageous as possible and when you're escorted out of the building keep it up. Is some slight thing happens to you it will be the biggest news story of the day.


This bitch is attractive enough for cable news and aims to secure herself a spot.


Just like that black guy that completely deserved to get sucker punched while be escorted out! Yeah! You tell 'em Steve!

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I don't care what you think about Trump - the charge of battery is a joke.


You'd commit battery every time you ride a bus, go to a crowded bar

Well its the lowest form of misdemeanor battery, right? No intent to even harm. According to the law (right or wrong) this fits. Right?

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Well its the lowest form of misdemeanor battery, right? No intent to even harm. According to the law (right or wrong) this fits. Right?


Michelle Fields touched Trump's arm before that trying to get his attention - misdemeanor battery? It was clearly unwanted touching - she even got behind the secret service to do it, she's lucky she didn't get body slammed because she had a pen in her hand that could have gotten mistaken for a weapon.


If I was anybody important and had media invited to an event, I wouldn't let Michelle Fields in because I wouldn't want to deal with this nonsense.

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Oh and the prosecutor in the case is on Hillary Clinton's Florida "leadership council." Former democrat state senator.


Sounds fishy like malicious prosecution to me, not that anything will come of it. The case will just get dropped well before it goes to court.

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Is it possible for there to be 4 candidates on the ballot in November? Clinton, Sanders, Trump and Cruz? (Sanders and Trump as third party)?


No. There's "sore loser" rules which would disqualify the losers of the democrat/republican nomination from being on the ballot in a lot of states.


If they were allowed then it opens up a possibility where nobody would get the required 270 electoral votes and the House gets to choose the next president - they'd probably choose somebody like Paul Ryan.

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I don't care what you think about Trump - the charge of battery is a joke.


You'd commit battery every time you ride a bus, go to a crowded bar


It is a joke. It is way overblown up. He was not even wrong in grabbing her if he thought she was a security threat but he did grab her arm with too much force (left bruises) and a simple apology was all that was necessary. If you grab someones arm and leave bruises you have grabbed them too hard and too much force. She was working for Breitbart who are big supporters of Trump and I think she is on record herself as being a Trump supporter (probably ex now). An apology was all she asked for and what she got in return was she was delusional and this never happened. So she filed charges.

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It is a joke. It is way overblown up. He was not even wrong in grabbing her if he thought she was a security threat but he did grab her arm with too much force (left bruises) and a simple apology was all that was necessary. If you grab someones arm and leave bruises you have grabbed them too hard and too much force. She was working for Breitbart who are big supporters of Trump and I think she is on record herself as being a Trump supporter (probably ex now). An apology was all she asked for and what she got in return was she was delusional and this never happened. So she filed charges.


No she's always been in camp TED along with Ben Shapiro - both of whom have left breitbart. Shapiro is a whiny little bitch though

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Michelle Fields touched Trump's arm before that trying to get his attention - misdemeanor battery? It was clearly unwanted touching - she even got behind the secret service to do it, she's lucky she didn't get body slammed because she had a pen in her hand that could have gotten mistaken for a weapon.


If I was anybody important and had media invited to an event, I wouldn't let Michelle Fields in because I wouldn't want to deal with this nonsense.

I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying that's what the law is (I think).



Like when OSU players sold their own items and got busted. That is a stupid rule.

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