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Ted Cruz on suicide watch


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This is literally the last nail in the Cruz coffin.


Sessions is the most "ideologically comparable" person to Cruz in the Senate.


And he still endorsed Trump...just goes to show you how much Cruz's colleagues literally hate him.


I don't think Sessions endorsement of Trump had anything to do with him hating Cruz and everything to do with jumping on the bandwagon at the convenient time. After Super Tuesday if Trump does as well as he is polling I'm sure there will be more.


Jeff Sessions: Without Ted Cruz, Amnesty Would Have Passed In 2013


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Sessions was wearing a MAGA hat and speaking at a Trump rally back in August.


Everybody that endorses Trump can't be called an "opportunist" - especially a guy who has been known as ideologically pure among conservatives and has never endorsed anybody in a primary before.

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Sessions was wearing a MAGA hat and speaking at a Trump rally back in August.


Everybody that endorses Trump can't be called an "opportunist" - especially a guy who has been known as ideologically pure among conservatives and has never endorsed anybody in a primary before.


Sessions all along was undecided between Trump and Cruz and the timing now to endorse Trump is suspect to me. I don't have any doubt about Christie being an opportunist though. Sessions endorsement is a serious blow to Cruz but I thought it was over for Cruz after he couldn't win the evangelical Christian vote in South Carolina.

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Sessions was wearing a MAGA hat and speaking at a Trump rally back in August.


Everybody that endorses Trump can't be called an "opportunist" - especially a guy who has been known as ideologically pure among conservatives and has never endorsed anybody in a primary before.


We'll still hear "No true conservative" arguments against it.


Go back from whence you came, rato. Take your tea party beliefs with you. Rubio is next to be stumped.

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We'll still hear "No true conservative" arguments against it.


Go back from whence you came, rato. Take your tea party beliefs with you. Rubio is next to be stumped.


I can tell you don't care for the Tea party but what part of the Tea party beliefs doesn't Trump represent? One of the problems for Cruz is that Trump has managed to win more Tea partiers like Sarah Palin than Cruz (as well as evangelical Christian voters). These voters would have probably went to Cruz if Trump was not in the race.

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I can tell you don't care for the Tea party but what part of the Tea party beliefs doesn't Trump represent? One of the problems for Cruz is that Trump has managed to win more Tea partiers like Sarah Palin than Cruz (as well as evangelical Christian voters). These voters would have probably went to Cruz if Trump was not in the race.

I think Trump talks what he thinks people want to hear, depending on where he is located. I think deep down he is a liberal-Republican. He loves uneducated people. He loves everybody.

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I can tell you don't care for the Tea party but what part of the Tea party beliefs doesn't Trump represent? One of the problems for Cruz is that Trump has managed to win more Tea partiers like Sarah Palin than Cruz (as well as evangelical Christian voters). These voters would have probably went to Cruz if Trump was not in the race.

OBF, why do you think evangelicals went with Trump over Cruz? Nothing in Trump's behavior screams Evangelical Christian and he really hasn't talked about policy outside of pie-in-the-sky plans with Mexico paying for a border wall.

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OBF, why do you think evangelicals went with Trump over Cruz? Nothing in Trump's behavior screams Evangelical Christian and he really hasn't talked about policy outside of pie-in-the-sky plans with Mexico paying for a border wall.

Didn't Barack Obama win a good portion of the evangelistic vote? Didn't he join a Fundamentalist Church in Chicago to help him win votes? Then how well did he serve the wishes of the Christian community? How well has any President served the wishes of the Christian community?


It stands to reason that whether you pray 10 times a day or are a devout atheist sooner or later you realize the president can't implement a theocracy so it's best to vote for someone who will manage the country. Jimmy Carter was a Christian.


But the term tea party sets off a Pavlovian bell for some people.



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I think it's because cruz's campaign went dirty vs Dr. Ben Carson.


That really turned me off with supporting him. I'm afraid that Trump

will be very different were he get to be pres. Maybe excellent, maybe



Obamao chose, "very, very corrupt and opposite of how he portrayed himself"...


after he dishonestly manipulated so many to vote for him.


Is Trump who he really portrays himself as? He may very well be.

Obamao has failed to screw over enough people to get his demands met.


Cruz's obstinency in Conress was admirable, because so many just are cowardly sheep when

it comes to fighting the left.


Trump doesn't seem to be any kind of sheep, and he's saying the flat out statements a lot of

people are saying. If Trump is being honest, he may finally be the president most everybody on the

right and middle want.


The left had their eight miserable, corrupt, broken promises/hidden agenda obamao for going on eight years.


Hell with them and their misguided arrogance and lack of principles, lack of respect for our Constitution, etc.

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and, yes, "Tea Party" is just another emotional knee jerk. "Fox News" is another.

"right wing conspiracy"...


"war on women"... "halliburton"...


just like for eight years of Bush, the left publicly lamented every death of every soldier

in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Going on eight years of obamao... the left just doesn't give a damn.


It was all an emotional knee jerk, derived in a fit of dreams of free stuff, and political expediency. It's what the left does.

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OBF, why do you think evangelicals went with Trump over Cruz? Nothing in Trump's behavior screams Evangelical Christian and he really hasn't talked about policy outside of pie-in-the-sky plans with Mexico paying for a border wall.


I think it's because cruz's campaign went dirty vs Dr. Ben Carson.


That really turned me off with supporting him. I'm afraid that Trump

will be very different were he get to be pres. Maybe excellent, maybe



Obamao chose, "very, very corrupt and opposite of how he portrayed himself"...


after he dishonestly manipulated so many to vote for him.


Is Trump who he really portrays himself as? He may very well be.

Obamao has failed to screw over enough people to get his demands met.


Cruz's obstinency in Conress was admirable, because so many just are cowardly sheep when

it comes to fighting the left.


Trump doesn't seem to be any kind of sheep, and he's saying the flat out statements a lot of

people are saying. If Trump is being honest, he may finally be the president most everybody on the

right and middle want.


The left had their eight miserable, corrupt, broken promises/hidden agenda obamao for going on eight years.


Hell with them and their misguided arrogance and lack of principles, lack of respect for our Constitution, etc.


I think the Cruz campaign falsely telling Carson voters in Iowa that Carson was dropping out of the race was a part of it. It upset me.


I also think some people have in their minds that everything Trump touches turns to gold but his bankruptcies and failed Trump University show otherwise.


If Trump wins the nomination I'll support him. As far as I'm concerned the establishment republicans made a big fuss with Trump to get on board and promise to support whomever wins the republican nomination and they should now do the same with supporting whomever wins the primaries even if it is Trump as the republican voters have spoken.




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This is literally the last nail in the Cruz coffin.


Sessions is the most "ideologically comparable" person to Cruz in the Senate.


And he still endorsed Trump...just goes to show you how much Cruz's colleagues literally hate him.

So lifelong political sponges hate him? That's probably a good thing.

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Mexico will pay for the wall in ten years if you tax US dollars being wired to Mexico at a mere 4% more.


After being lied to by the establishment GOP for decades with their empty talk about securing the border I think Trump if elected president will get the border secured. The problem has always been that both parties have wanted an open border for different reasons. The democrats wanted a new voting block and the chamber of commerce republicans wanted the cheap labor.

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So lifelong political sponges hate him? That's probably a good thing.


Jeff Sessions is "the guy" that conservatives including Cruz worship and look up to.


Nobody likes Cruz because he's a loud mouth who shuts down the government over planned parenthood costing the country billions, then he doesn't show up to work otherwise or do anything else.


Cruz isn't a political outsider anyway, people just don't like him. His wife was on the national security committee with Condoleeza under GW Bush (disaster), Cruz was the brains behind a lot of GW Bush's domestic policy on legal matters, now his wife has a cushy position with Goldman Sachs.


Cruz is the establishment - his colleagues just don't like him because he's a loud mouth with a punchable face..

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Wrong - I just explained that he was. He's just exploiting a different crowd than the other establishment guys.


McConnell wants Hillary over Trump, though.


Not wrong -


5 times Ted Cruz went to war with the Republican establishment



Ted Cruz Starts to Crack G.O.P. Establishment’s Wall of Opposition

"The vast majority of Republican elites remain bitterly opposed to the prospect of Mr. Cruz’s becoming the party’s presidential nominee, some even preferring to take their chances with Donald J. Trump."



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That's because nobody likes him and he's unelectable, but he's still the establishment. You don't work closely with George Bush and help create the disasters in Iraq, take more money than all the republican rivals sans Bush, get kickbacks from goldman sachs and get the title "anti-establishment"


Cruz stands in the senate and yells the 10% of the time he actually shows up - wasting everybody's time, then he leaves and says he fought the good fight.

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Don't fight it - it's Trump V Hillary



I hope it's Trump versus Hillary and not *with* Hillary. There has been some speculation that Trump's good pal Bill Clinton actually talked Trump into running on the republican ticket for president.


Report: Bill Clinton called Trump ahead of campaign launch


"Trump spoke with Clinton from his office in New York, and the former president encouraged the celebrity real estate developer to play a larger role in the GOP, four Trump allies told the Post.

While the call was one of "many" the pair have had over the years, the Post said, it reportedly came weeks after Hillary Clinton declared her own White House, becoming the Democratic frontrunner."
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Trump is the only one who talks about the shady past of Bill and Hillary regarding the sex abuse and potentially illegitimate child and such - I think it's pretty obvious he's not with Hillary.


Even if people don't like Trump, they should turn into single issue voters in regards to the TPP - that everybody supports except for Trump (and Sanders but nobody is showing up to vote for Sanders). I think Trump is the only one with a legitimate chance at stopping it. Probably the biggest issue this election.

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I can tell you don't care for the Tea party but what part of the Tea party beliefs doesn't Trump represent? One of the problems for Cruz is that Trump has managed to win more Tea partiers like Sarah Palin than Cruz (as well as evangelical Christian voters). These voters would have probably went to Cruz if Trump was not in the race.

The difference between Trump and Cruz is that only one of them actually believes the crazy shit they're spouting off. Trump is pandering. Plus, he's actually able to acknowledge that planned parenthood does good things for women.

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The difference between Trump and Cruz is that only one of them actually believes the crazy shit they're spouting off. Trump is pandering. Plus, he's actually able to acknowledge that planned parenthood does good things for women.


That is my biggest problem with Trump. He worries me because I don't know what he actually believes. You can agree or disagree with Cruz but you know what you are getting with him and that goes with most other candidates.

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