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There's a 'Free Obama' thing now as well?






After he got elected, there was a huge push to get smart phones to people on government assistance thinking that the phone would make them more reliable to a possible employer. So tents are set up and advertised as "Free Phone & Service to those who qualify". I pass at last two tents a day.


The poor folk took to calling them "Obama phones" and they don't use them for calling up work.

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They said Carson was taking a trip to Florida after the Caucus.


Cruz campaign said "CARSON IS OUT! MAY MAKE A GREAT VP FOR #TedCruz2016"


If you think they honestly jumped on it then you're crazy, CNN is just the excuse with Cruz campaign "misinterpreting"


Cruz campaign even blamed Trump for saying Carson was out.


Trump is a *new* politician and it shows at times. This was bad publicity and hurt the Cruz campaign. Trump was going to benefit from it but he goes on twitter complaining and then publicly gives speeches complaining about Cruz stealing the Iowa primary and he (Trump) should have won. This hurts Trump in my opinion and sounds like sour grapes on his part. Again Cruz is going to take a hit on this and Trump should just let the media report the story and he wins.

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Cruz was already irrelevant outside if Iowa, Rubio is definitely the new threat. Especially after Bush, Kasich, Christie and all those schleps drop out after NH and endorse him.


Cruz has strong support in the southern states as well as being the strongest conservative in the field. I wouldn't consider him the favorite to win right now but it will be a 3 person race and I would give the edge to Trump and Rubio right now over Cruz. If Carson drops out of the race his voters would under normal circumstances go to Cruz but after what happened in Iowa that may not happen now. I read where Trump drew a huge crowd in Arkansas yesterday and I would give him the edge but still think he is a loose cannon who may shoot himself in the foot with something he says or does.

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Cruz has strong support in the southern states as well as being the strongest conservative in the field. I wouldn't consider him the favorite to win right now but it will be a 3 person race and I would give the edge to Trump and Rubio right now over Cruz. If Carson drops out of the race his voters would under normal circumstances go to Cruz but after what happened in Iowa that may not happen now. I read where Trump drew a huge crowd in Arkansas yesterday and I would give him the edge but still think he is a loose cannon who may shoot himself in the foot with something he says or does.


Cruz is the same old story. He'll be able to sell a lot of books to the staunch conservatives when he's done.


Guy is a weasel who has wall street and big oil holding his balls more than anybody, but he goes out there and says "The DC lobbyists won't have any control over me." He was all about amnesty, TPP, expanding H1B visas by 260,000 or 500% (which I hate given my profession), no deportation, brithright citizenship, praised Snowden.


He's reversed all of his positions in the past year (mostly because of Trump). Guy is just another schlep politician, although with extremely dangerous policies - such as the disastrous tax plan, war mongering foreign policy, TPP support, H1B expansion.


I'm pretty much all in on the anti-establishment, anti-big money at this point, which would be a Trump/Sanders election - I'm extremely anti-Clinton but I'd vote for her before I voted for Cruz just because the status quo is much better than the damage Cruz would cause IMO (driving down skilled technology wages, causing WW3 - though Clinton might too, flat tax and consumption tax with no benefits for employers offering benefits - among other things, TPP internet neutrality violations, supreme court nominations to send us back to the 50s socially and religiously)

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Trump has never held public office and can promise the moon but that doesn't mean he will deliver on any of the promises. Obama promised hope and change and after 7 years and 19 trillion in debt here we are. Trump goes on twitter like he is still on reality television and his rants and derogatory comments make me think of someone who lacks maturity. His mocking of a disabled journalist was clear enough even though he denies it. I may not be a supporter of John McCain but I would never question his patriotism or mock him for being captured and spending years as a POW in Viet Nam especially if I were someone who never served in the military. He is a loose cannon. He scares me as much as Cruz scares you. At least with Cruz you know where he is coming from. I don't know who Trump is as his record is very liberal although he says he has changed? What changed him? Pandering just like he does when he tries to win evangelical voters by touting the virtues of the bible but not knowing a single verse in the bible. He recently was at a bible college and referred to *second" Corinthians as *2* Corinthians. Only someone who was clueless about the bible would say that.


Trump can pander with the best of them including supporting ethanol subsidies in Iowa as we all know ethanol subsidies will help make America great again.

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I don't care about religious beliefs in a presidential candidate and I am more liberal socially, support universal health care, etc.


But I have reasons to be scared of Cruz other than the way he presents himself to the media.


Some excerpts from Trump's book - a lot of what he's doing is intentional and to me he is far from the idiot that the media tends to portray him as.



“One thing I’ve learned about the press is they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational, the better,” he writes on page 56. “It’s in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you.”

“I don’t mind controversy, and my deals tend to be somewhat ambitious,” he added. “The result is that the press has always wanted to write about me.”

“Most reporters, I find, have very little interest in exploring the substance of a detailed proposal for a development. They look instead for the sensational angle,” he wrote. “That may have worked to my advantage.”

“[W]hen people treat me badly or unfairly or try to take advantage of me, my general attitude, all my life, has been to fight back very hard, The risk is that you’ll make a bad situation worse, and I certainly don’t recommend this approach to everyone. But my experience is that if you’re fighting for something you believe in -- even if it means alienating some people along the way -- things usually work out for the best in the end.”

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do, That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration -- and a very effective form of promotion,


His campaign is much for deliberate and calculated than people realize.

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