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Trump Skipping Thursday Debate


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Meanwhile, apparently Huckabee says Cruz has flipped on serious policy statements again and again.


I reckon it's time to be all in on Trump. Trump/Carson 2016.




Huckabee is joining Trump in his veteran's event tonight after the kiddie table debate.


I think Huckabee is trying to slob the knob for the VP spot, although I can't see trump choosing him - I think he's going to choose somebody who isn't currently in the race.


But Cruz has flip flopped on a bunch of stuff in a short matter of time - mostly to ride the coattails of the popular opinion on things like TPP, immigration, etc. - they all do it though

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lol. Yes, Trump certainly has.


I just don't trust Trump. Now he's saying he'll be great buddies with Pelosi and Schumer.


What an attention whore. They will chew his ass if he tries to agree with them on anything...


after it's done...




I really wish Carson was in the lead in the polls. I'm going to stay with Cruz.

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Trump hates religious nut suckers. He wont use Huckabee for anything but his own best interest. Like tonight for instance. Trump hasnt fipped on anything, except guns, abortion and understanding the middle class. Not to mention that he is the son of an immigrant and is married to one now. His non english speaking whore wife should make a great 1st lady.

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I reckon it's time to be all in on Trump. Trump/Carson 2016.



I really wish Carson was in the lead in the polls. I'm going to stay with Cruz.

I know you change your mind on these things a lot, but even for you that must be record time!

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Trump has now stood up to both sides of the MSM.. And you guys have a problem with that?

It reflects his confrontational nature. I would rather he work with them. Also, if he's bitching so much about one reporter being bias, I don't think it bodes well for his ability to handle criticism.


On his policies, some I can see the merit some are bad and some are just insane - but that's the case with a lot of candidates. Trump is just a dick.

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I'll start watching at some point, but this move by Cruz was brilliant:


Texas Senator Ted Cruz addressed it with humour in the opening minutes by throwing mock insults at his rivals.

"I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly, and Ben [Carson], you're a terrible surgeon," he said.

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Just heard a great soundbite. Chris Christie on MSNBC joking about how cold it was where they had him set up for the interview. He asked could you find someplace colder? Joe Scarborough replied we had thought about doing it in that meat locker from Rocky. Christy replied I feel like I should start pounding the meat.




ps Chris that's American for wank. :D

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Meanwhile, I just saw this. Will the real Trump take a jump off a short pier?


Don't trust him.



The blaze is owned by Glen Beck who absolutely hates Trump, he says he'd vote for Bernie Sanders before he votes for Trump. Expect a little bias there.

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Last summer I didn't think Trump would still be on top of the polls a few days before the Iowa vote but now it seems like he is unstoppable. The only thing that might trip him up in Iowa is he is counting on a bunch of new voters who may not show up and the weather is predicted to be bad in Iowa when they caucus. Everything I have read is that a high turnout will favor Trump and all indications are now there will be a high turnout of first time voters for Trump.


If he wins in Iowa he has a huge lead in New Hampshire and I don't see anyone catching him after that.


Can he beat Clinton in the general election? I think so as she is a weak candidate with a whole lot of baggage.

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