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Trump Skipping Thursday Debate


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Honestly I don't blame Trump and I actually think it's brilliant.


Trump was dicking around about skipping the debate as usual and talking about Megyn Kelly and Fox making money off of high ratings how they should give some profits to wounded warriors.


He probably wasn't going to skip the debate though - just saying usual stuff to grab the headlines and everybody in the media takes the bait as usual.


Then Fox news released an official statement (which is pretty unprofessional in my opinion - and is not as neutral as it should be towards a presidential candidate, but we all know fox news is already biased)




We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.


Actually an official statement from fox news.


Now Trump says he's skipping the debate and doing a fundraiser for veterans Thursday night instead in Iowa.




I think Fox news is Retarded, but I think Trump is a genius. By not going to the debate the ratings will be way down because really nobody gives a damn about the other schleps - but he's also going to win the debate by not being there because everybody's going to be talking about it all weekend. Everybody's going to talk about and cover Trump all the way until people walk into the caucus booths on Monday. Even at the debate they're going to talk about Trump.


I don't care what you think about Trump, but the man is a master at controlling the media and they fall for it every single time. I think it'd be hilarious if he does his separate event on CNN (who would snatch it up in a heart beat) and got better ratings than the fox debate.


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voting starts on Monday? Well, at least we'll actually know something in the next few weeks. Last couple of months have been like leading up to the draft - lots of talk, nothing meaningful and have to wait ages to get any real outcome.

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I've grown a modicum of respect for Fox news for trolling Trump out so brilliantly. That was really a good job out of them, cause for once they are dead on the money right. If Megyn Kelley scares Trump.....I mean wtf right? Trump said himself that he could shoot someone in times square and not lose votes. So what on earth scares him about any interactions with Kelly?

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Fox lost. They lose ratings, they lose money. The Megyn kelly jabs are fine but the statement they put out easily demonstrates a bias against Trump - on a network who should be "neutral"


It's also hilarious to see people like Michael Moore come out and support fox news - not exactly ringing endorsements for republican primary voters.

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Let's face it though, Trump is a flaming vagina for giving Megyn Kelly this much power over him.


It's not Megyn Kelly though, Fox gave him a legit excuse to boycott them with that statement. He's going to do his townhall event or whatever on CNN and likely get double the ratings of the debate.

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Trump has spent his life as the king of his own little empire where no one questions him or they lose their job. He will not do well under the heavy burden of answering to a whole nation. If Fox news or Megan Kelly intimidate him enough to withdraw, then he will buckle under the pressure of leading this great nation. And, even if Fox is biased(and we all know they are), then he's not intelligent enough to stand up and simply beat them at their own game. No matter what questions they ask him(slanted or not), he should be tough enough and smart enough to stand in there and answer. He is exposing himself for the small minded napoleon that he is. Waterloo awaits.

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I think this is going to hurt Trump in Iowa but I have been wrong before with Trump. As people in Iowa nail down their decision in the last days before the election this might weigh on potential voters? Who knows but I think it might. You know the republicans who will be at the debate will grandstand for all it's worth and any attacks on Trump will go unchallenged as he won't be there to defend himself. I think he is making a big mistake here.

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Well it would have looked a lot worse for Fox had they capitulated.


And the other candidates are painted into a corner. How stupid will they look all standing around bitching about Trump?

And how we will they look obviously not mentioning him?


CNN will probably come out smelling like a rose if they run The Donald Trump show opposite the debate.



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Trump had an interview with O'Reilly last night and he basically spent the whole time begging Trump to reconsider.


Also saw something like ad slots were 750k per minute now they're estimated to be more like 150k a minute.


I just love watching fox news fuck up and spin their heads.

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I think it's a shrewd move by Trump. Going to the debate, he runs into the problem

of parroting his previous general statements again and again, and having

a lot of voters think he is seriously lacking in depth and details of his

popular general declarations.


Seems that his boycotting the debate is going to help him. He's running the risk of

further alienating some segments of the rep voters with his attacks on anybody that moves

in the rankings.

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We will find out shortly if Trump made a good decision or not as the Iowa caucus is a few days away. If he loses Iowa the republicans may yet have competitive primaries but a Trump win in Iowa would probably start a string of primary victories for him. We'll see. I think this is going to hurt him. The narrative being thrown out by many is he is dodging the debate not wanting to stand up to Megyn Kelly and if he cannot stand up to her than what about Putin and other world leaders etc......


I think the real reason is he doesn't want to take a chance of having a bad debate right before the caucus and thinking he is in a strong enough position to skip this debate. It seems like a risky move to me but you never know with Trump how this will play out because many times now he has said and done things and people expected him to drop in the polls only to see him rise in the polls.

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Just watching MSNBC and Trump is gaining ground.

I think it's too late for either side to give in without looking like pussies.


We need to see what he does to counter it.

And sure everything is already been said a dozen times, but there's always the risk of a big faux pas. Kick the field goal and go home.



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The whole thing is a circus. America is so fed up with both parties I hope they implode and we start over from scratch...as Browns fans we could adjust easily.

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Trump is the new pied piper. In 08 it was all about hope and change...now we have the guy who is going to make America great again. Maybe Trump can do it but right now it is all just empty promises. If elected president Trump will have even less experience in politics than Obama who did at least serve a little time in the Senate. Trump has zero experience having never held any elected office.


In my lifetime I saw one president (Reagan) make these kind of promises when running for president and then deliver on the promises.

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Trump is the new pied piper. In 08 it was all about hope and change...now we have the guy who is going to make America great again. Maybe Trump can do it but right now it is all just empty promises. If elected president Trump will have even less experience in politics than Obama who did at least serve a little time in the Senate. Trump has zero experience having never held any elected office.


In my lifetime I saw one president (Reagan) make these kind of promises when running for president and then deliver on the promises.

The Trump/Obama comparison is a good one. It proves that hollow sloganeering can work on either side. Obama gave zero indication of what he would do other than offer up "hope and change" and Trump is just babbling about "making America great again". It is just nonsense.

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The Trump/Obama comparison is a good one. It proves that hollow sloganeering can work on either side. Obama gave zero indication of what he would do other than offer up "hope and change" and Trump is just babbling about "making America great again". It is just nonsense.


Trump may actually deliver on his promises but right now that is all they are. I do believe he will get the wall built on the border as if he doesn't deliver on that promise that would be a much bigger campaign promise broken since Bush Sr. said "read my lips no new taxes" then raised taxes.


Trump is a good businessman and I have always thought a good businessman would do much better on economic issues over someone who never owned or operated a business and only knows economic theory from professors in college (Obama). Trump very well could make better trade deals for the United States and do a good job on the economy. He has no political experience however and nobody knows how he will work with congress. I'm sure that is a different kind of deal making than he is used to in the business world.


Former governors also seem to have a better chance of being a good president with the advantage of having the executive experience at the state level and working with legislators.

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It's never a good idea to spell out your plans or your theories or your systems before the election. No matter how bad or good they might be the other side will go through them with a fine tooth comb and find niggling imperfections and raise hell. The idea isn't that you care about that program the idea is to put them on the defensive. I'm not saying that Barack Obama actually beats his wife, I'm just saying we don't know.



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At #1 he doesn't really have anything to gain from the debate he only has has room to lose.


Fox just have him a good excuse to skip it, I think in the end it'll be a very good move for Trump. Focus will shift towards attacking Cruz and the ratings projections have already plummeted.


Trump's proposals are all the furthest extreme they can be because that's how he explains to start a negotiation in his book. He also explains how to manipulate the media and that's basically exactly what he's been doing this whole time.


The guy has 40 years experience dealing with media, the other guys don't.

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At #1 he doesn't really have anything to gain from the debate he only has has room to lose.


Fox just have him a good excuse to skip it, I think in the end it'll be a very good move for Trump. Focus will shift towards attacking Cruz and the ratings projections have already plummeted.


Trump's proposals are all the furthest extreme they can be because that's how he explains to start a negotiation in his book. He also explains how to manipulate the media and that's basically exactly what he's been doing this whole time.


The guy has 40 years experience dealing with media, the other guys don't.


i don't have a high regard for our media as they should be like umpires trying to call things right down the middle and just reporting the facts instead of the advocating journalism that represents the media today. They could serve a useful purpose of being the watchdog of our democracy but instead have become the lapdogs of politics. I never thought many of them were the sharpest knives in the block and thought they could be played like a fiddle by the right person. Trump has played them like a fiddle and been the master at it so far. I have enjoyed watching it.

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Meanwhile, apparently Huckabee says Cruz has flipped on serious policy statements again and again.


I reckon it's time to be all in on Trump. Trump/Carson 2016.



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