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Mizzou and black lives matter irate at loss of media attention due to paris


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The George Soros funded BLM, OCCUPY WALL STREET and now MIZZOU STUDENT UNREST is a hoax of epic proportions. The president of the student body admitted he was wrong. How is it that a car with KKK just happened along with no witnesses and shouted a racial slur that caused mayhem, unrest, hunger strikes, student chaos!

The bottom line here is that what you are witnessing across college campuses, Baltimore, Ferguson is a coordinated effort to cause racial division and violence. The end game will be Martial Law.

If you haven't already, read Saul Alinsky's " Rules For Radicals". These same doctrines were employed by a young college graduate in Chicago to stir up minorities living in the inner city and cause radical regulations placed on citizens of Chicago.

Don't believe me? Do your own research then.

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