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Clinton Defends Wall St. Ties by invoking the 9/11 and woman card


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The biggest crony running for president and she doesn't even hide it.


Only 20% of Clinton's donations are $200 or less, contrasted with Bernie's 88% or Trump's 79% or Carson's 77%.


Clinton has said she gets lots of small donations though, from 60% women - maintaining the delusion that many are voting for her just because she's a woman.

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I also got the vibe her debate went like this:


Moderator asks a question


She answers


Bernie answers and gets more applause


She answers again to say "I also do this thing that got Bernie applause!"




Bernie called her out on just running a campaign based on polls rather than principal.

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Yeah i'm done with her. I was hoping to have a choice in the gen election between a moderate conservative and a moderate democrat. Looks like that ain't gonna happen. I may not agree with him on a whole lot but I will vote for Sander in a heartbeat over other politicians who may talk like they share my general political views but infact are corrupt as all hell. That is HIllary. I by and large exist in the political spectrum that Hillary proclaims to be, as she positions herself as a more moderate democrat. But she's not. Fact is nobody knows where she is cause she is do duplicitous.

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Moderate republicans and democrats are a dying breed among voters.


Clinton was a moderate until Sanders started to gain some traction, then she started riding in his wake because she has no principles.


I'd say:

O'Malley = moderate dem.

Christie = moderate repub.

Kasich = moderate repub.

Jeb!? = moderate repub (with clinton-esque problems)

Rubio = moderate repub (with clinton-esque problems)

Trump = 1990s dem. (with a loud mouth)


All except Trump are stuck down in the mud.

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For the record I think most populist horseshit denouncing wallstreet is ridiculous.




Ur totally right, I want them to get back to their corrupt ass pre 08 ways so we they can shitcan torpedo the economy again. That was so much fun, and as we know people position themselves to take advantage of the "bust" cycles of the economy, usually already very wealthy people.....and why shouldn't they have another go around at our expense?


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Yeah I'd much rather the Financial rules be written by a bunch of assholes with bachelors degrees jerking off and getting drunk in the Congress.


Wrting up laws that prohibit shit like red lining while allowing no paper loans which keeps greedy lenders free to give loans to deadbeats who will never be able to pay them back. Good thinking.



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Ur totally right, I want them to get back to their corrupt ass pre 08 ways so we they can shitcan torpedo the economy again. That was so much fun, and as we know people position themselves to take advantage of the "bust" cycles of the economy, usually already very wealthy people.....and why shouldn't they have another go around at our expense?



there you go.... but No thanks




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