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Hillary Clinton likely never tried to join the marines


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I guess it's not surprising to see Hillary lie, but to see WaPo pick up a story like this should - but won't - quiet some of the "biased" liberal media complaints.


Basically she was an up-and-coming lawyer with Bill, who was a sure thing for Attorney General in Arkansas - which would make it pretty odd she'd apply to join the marines.


Basically people say she would have never been rejected given her status and skills, and the marines were desperate for lawyers post-draft.

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haha photo ops!








According to The Gateway Pundit, POWs were taught this sign in survival school in order to send secret messages back to US intelligence services.

In other word, the soldier was saying he was being forced to shake Clinton’s hand and he was none too happy about it.


Here’s what he actually had to say about the encounter:

“The picture of me and Hillary Clinton was taken when she came to visit Iraq. I was actually ordered to shake her hand, and I never figured that my friends would circulate it all over the net. I AM NOT a Hillary fan by any stretch.”

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Trouble is, she's almost sleepwalking to the candidacy, and if the GOP puts up a hardcore rightwinger, or Trump, she'll sleepwalk to the presidency. I really hope she doesn't, she just seems to fake in every way.

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Trouble is, she's almost sleepwalking to the candidacy, and if the GOP puts up a hardcore rightwinger, or Trump, she'll sleepwalk to the presidency. I really hope she doesn't, she just seems to fake in every way.



But it's going to be a landslide unfortunately.

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Trouble is, she's almost sleepwalking to the candidacy, and if the GOP puts up a hardcore rightwinger, or Trump, she'll sleepwalk to the presidency. I really hope she doesn't, she just seems to fake in every way.


Trump is a wild card. The guy has historically centrist or center-left ideology but for some reason has become crazy because it's likely the only way to win the GOP nomination nowadays. I could see him re-tuning himself more as a moderate if he wins the nomination - which could give him a chance against Clinton (who many Americans do not want to win). Hillary does not strike up the enthusiasm nearly as much as Bernie does either, so turn out may not be so great.


The crazy rights like Cruz and Carson have no chance if they make it to the general - will be a huge landslide.


Kasich, Rubio have a chance against Hillary - though I can't stand Rubio.


Nobody will elect Bush without rigging a few states. Hillary will also bend him over in debates so much he might turn gay (if you think that's a thing like Carson does)


Paul is the most educated one on the stage and the only one who genuinely wants to fix the issues. He's like the Bernie Sanders of the right (minus the crazy support) except he has a much different ideology and plan than Bernie does.



IMO Kasich, Rubio, Paul, and Trump have a chance against Hillary in a general. If they do many things right.

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A Paul vs Sanders race would be a refreshing change away from corporate politics and towards genuine 'what's best for the country' politics. I have much, much more time for candidates who have the best interests of the country at heart and are not driven by ideologies.

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A Paul vs Sanders race would be a refreshing change away from corporate politics and towards genuine 'what's best for the country' politics. I have much, much more time for candidates who have the best interests of the country at heart and are not driven by ideologies.


The debates between Paul and Sanders would be incredibly educational and interesting.


They do have the best interests of the country at heart and recognize the same problems, but they have very different plans to fix them.

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The debates between Paul and Sanders would be incredibly educational and interesting.


They do have the best interests of the country at heart and recognize the same problems, but they have very different plans to fix them.

That's not necessarily a problem, if they both present coherent plans which will both work, it doesn't matter so much who wins. I'd guess as well they'd not be so arrogant as to ignore a great policy from the other side, and might incorporate it in to their own.

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That's not necessarily a problem, if they both present coherent plans which will both work, it doesn't matter so much who wins. I'd guess as well they'd not be so arrogant as to ignore a great policy from the other side, and might incorporate it in to their own.


Well they both believe their plans will work, but they don't believe each other's plans will work which would be the debate :).


They are really far apart ideologically - with Paul being more libertarian and Sanders being more democratic socialist.


Should note, they are mostly opposites when it comes to domestic/economic policies. On foreign policy they are pretty close I think.

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My point, yes. They'll have differences mostly on socioeconomic policy, but when it comes to, say, renewable energy schemes, or how to deal with ISIS, there might be plenty of points where one says 'you know what, that's a great idea, I agree, I am on board with that'

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I think Paul and Sanders would make a great ticket...no no hear me out. I realize they are diametrically opposed in many ways. But if those two guys were forced to come to a consensus with each other, where one had to give here but gain there, that middle ground that would be found between those two would be what's best all around for us. I wholeheartedly agree that both of them are the most genuine people in the entire race.

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Came to same Paul vs. Sanders conclusion as thread headed that way. Very interesting election...


Equally interesting would be the down ticket races where I'd expect nearly of all of both sides at first madly scramble to separate themselves from their party's Presidential candidate, but them slowly creep back to cash in on the popularity of some of their policies.

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