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The pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain, they were not Pharaohs' tombs


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I always like when an absolute troll shows up crowing about it's mental superiority. Let's hear all about it then. I'm rapt with interest in what you have to say.

I claim no mental superiority but I do question intelligence especially when someone claims to be a Carson supporter. He's the most out of touch Presidential Candidate I personally have ever seen and I'm sure people older than me share that view. Hes absolutely clueless and way outside his comfort zone. He's put himself so far out there on a super long line of bs that he's going to be absolutely eaten alive. He deserves it.

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I claim no mental superiority but I do question intelligence especially when someone claims to be a Carson supporter. He's the most out of touch Presidential Candidate I personally have ever seen and I'm sure people older than me share that view. Hes absolutely clueless and way outside his comfort zone. He's put himself so far out there on a super long line of bs that he's going to be absolutely eaten alive. He deserves it.

Idk about the most out of touch; after all, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee have ran for President...

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Yeah he's polling pretty high for a guy with as many problems as you wish he had. I fear democrats are a bit worried about that. You do know your frontrunner is Hillary Clinton don't you? She's pretty unlikable. It won't take much for just about everyone to turn on her.

Ben Carson won't even be in the final two. I'm not a clinton supporter but will vote for her if she wins the primary. The GOP is going to get slaughtered.

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Idk about the most out of touch; after all, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee have ran for President...

I really think Carson is worse. Is that even possible? He actually believes the shit he says and what he says is insane. Huckabee and palin are bad but they'd didn't even drop the bombs Carson has been dropping.

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I really think Carson is worse. Is that even possible? He actually believes the shit he says and what he says is insane. Huckabee and palin are bad but they'd didn't even drop the bombs Carson has been dropping.

They're all about the same, except Huckabee and Palin have experience.

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Look, hot shit poli sci undergrad dunce, you're going to vote for the Democrat no matter what so who gives a shit?

I'm assuming (not really) you have a list of things that you believe would make Hillary a better president of the GOP hopefuls?





Lol. I have my masters as well. I'm also not a Hiliary Supporter. Voting for Sanders without question and the pundits are going to be in for a rude awakening when Hiliary losing the nom and Sanders slaughters in the general. Who are you supporting? Carson? (You're a bible thumper) Trump? (You're a bigot)


GOP doesn't stand a chance in hell and it will get even worse once the primaries are over.

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Yea I don't think Bernie has a chance to win it over Hillary...


Clinton's super PACs have a ton of money but have basically spent nothing because they don't need to - that's pretty telling IMO. Though if biden entered he would have had a chance.


I'm not sure I'm voting in the primary, but I expect the general to be Trump vs Clinton still. Rubio and Carson may win a few delegates.

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Yea I don't think Bernie has a chance to win it over Hillary...


Clinton's super PACs have a ton of money but have basically spent nothing because they don't need to - that's pretty telling IMO. Though if biden entered he would have had a chance.


I'm not sure I'm voting in the primary, but I expect the general to be Trump vs Clinton still. Rubio and Carson may win a few delegates.

And Sanders has a raised a lot of money without a super PAC. I forget which university mocks the election. I want to say it's Harvard and their mock is taken very seriously. Theu have successfully predicted I believe the last four elections. They mocked Sanders in a land slide. We're talking like 4-1 in the general and I believe a 3-1 over Clinton. I need to try and dig up the article/mock. I just read it today via Reddit.

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And Sanders has a raised a lot of money without a super PAC. I forget which university mocks the election. I want to say it's Harvard and their mock is taken very seriously. Theu have successfully predicted I believe the last four elections. They mocked Sanders in a land slide. We're talking like 4-1 in the general and I believe a 3-1 over Clinton. I need to try and dig up the article/mock. I just read it today via Reddit.

But they have not correctly picked delegates for a nomination accurately. They do a 2nd mock after the nominees are picked

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...and they picked Jeb Bush which seems very unlikely.

I agree to a point. However that whole ticket has skeletons. Trump and Carson are going to talk their way right out of the general. Carson especially. Rubio is in some shit right now. Huckabee and Christie don't have enough support to even get in the next debate. Rand won't be elected because he goes against GOP establishment politics on a few issues. Kaisch is too moderate and Mrs. CEO is in the same breath as Trump and Carson. All of which leaves name recognition jeb who despite controversy of his own isn't being chased by a shit storm as much as the others.

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This is exactly what he said:


Notice references to aliens and god and hermetically sealed chambers.


“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said. “Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain. And when you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons. And various of scientists have said, ‘Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how—’ you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you.”

<edit> A famed "Egyptologist" explains why he's wrong: http://www.thetakeaway.org/story/famed-egyptologist-ben-carson-completely-wrong-about-pyrmads/ </edit>




That's it??? Much ado about nothing don't ya think?

I can show you democrats that think islands are floating land masses, that Armstrong planted the American flag on Mars, that FDR went on TV when television was just being developed....

I can see how Carsons outrageous theory is right up there with Hillarys theory (lie) that some YouTube video caused the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi.


First of all for what its worth Carson starts by stating that this was his own personal THEORY, not BELIEF...most likely based upon the biblical accounts and articles like those posted here on this thread. I must admit that in itself is a bit disingenuous because it is not "his own" theory.


Secondly, it appears he is referring to only pyramids built by Joseph.


Thirdly, there are scientists that believe in the possibility that an alien life form could have assisted in building the pyramids and intervened in the evolution of man based on the missing evolutionary ape to man link...incidentally, to you lefties that should still be better than a belief in some magic wizard in the sky that created it all right?


You leftwing character assassinating hypocritical scum would vote for a crack snorting, womanizing pervert as long as he's got a D after his name, using the rationale that ones personal life should be irrelevant and separate...and that we should be concerned only with the issues.


Lets take that same approach toward Carson shall we?

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That's it??? Much ado about nothing don't ya think?

I can show you democrats that think islands are floating land masses, that Armstrong planted the American flag on Mars, that FDR went on TV when television was just being developed....

Wow, Carsons outrageous theory is right up there with Hillarys theory (lie) that some YouTube video caused the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi.


First of all Carson starts by stating that this was his own personal THEORY, not BELIEF...most likely based upon the biblical accounts like those posted here on this thread.

Secondly, it appears he is referring to pyramids built by Joseph.


Thirdly, there are scientists that believe in the possibility that an alien life form could have assisted in building the pyramids and intervened in the evolution of man based on the missing evolutionary ape to man link...incidentally, to you lefties that should still be better than a belief in some magic wizard in the sky that created it all right?


You leftwing character assassinating hypocritical scum would vote for a crack snorting, womanizing pervert as long as he's got a D after his name, using the rationale that ones personal life should be irrelevant and separate...and that we should be concerned only with the issues.


Lets take that same approach toward Carson shall we?


What kind of special person does it take to defend the statement made by Carson? Are you also good with jews being armed and stopping Nazi Germany? If you want to talk about a political party plunking for something blindly look no further than the GOP. If you are a bible thumping, gun nut with a propensity to being racially insensitive redneck rambo has your vote. Ben Carson is an out of touch ego maniac that would rather turn to his bible to run this country than actual policy experience. He will continue to duck the tough questions and proceed to redirect away from his own ignorance by playing the "woe is me" card any time he's asked anything he's incapable of answering. He's going to be run right off the debate stage if he makes it through the primary and the same goes for Trump. Neither are equipped to run this country.

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Regardless of their party, I wouldn't defend someone making idiot statements like Carson has


Totally agree. He's scary and his supporters are just as scary. The guy has a picture painted of himself with Jesus Christ on his wall. He has an entire "shrine" dedicated to his accomplishments. He's so self absorbed it's nauseating. He'd be great at reading kids to sleep though, he's on the cusp of a nap every time he opens his mouth.

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Regardless of their party, I wouldn't defend someone making idiot statements like Carson has


You mean like these things:



I can show you democrats that think islands are floating land masses, that Armstrong planted the American flag on Mars, that FDR went on TV when television was just being developed....



Pretty sure we've specifically called the people saying that about islands stupid already on this board.

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Lol. I have my masters as well. I'm also not a Hiliary Supporter. Voting for Sanders without question and the pundits are going to be in for a rude awakening when Hiliary losing the nom and Sanders slaughters in the general. Who are you supporting? Carson? (You're a bible thumper) Trump? (You're a bigot)


GOP doesn't stand a chance in hell and it will get even worse once the primaries are over.

Indeed the pundits will be stunned.

Actually I won't be quite as surprised because we are degenerating into a free shit society, and Bernie offers more free shit and class envy than any other Democrat.

And the stupid, lazy or just unlucky masses love the income inequality hook that reassures them that their failure and misery is the fault of the rich man.


As far as bible thumping I respect Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson but I am NOT a person of faith. To be honest I wish I was. On top of that just from personal experience I have more respect for evangelistic Christians then I do for evangelistic atheists. The latter group just seems a bit more assholeish to me.


As for racism I think it's about the stupidest charge ever.

Who in their right mind supports illegal immigrants? Its the fucking law. We have drawn border lines around school districts, municipalities, counties, States and countries.


The difference between legal and illegal immigration is akin to the difference between a welfare check and outright burglary. Would you be supportive of people breaking into your home raiding the refrigerator because they are "hongry?"

I would doubt that but not be stunned as you say, since you support Bernie Sanders...




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As for racism I think it's about the stupidest charge ever.

Who in their right mind supports illegal immigrants? Its the fucking law. We have drawn border lines around school districts, municipalities, counties, States and countries.




Agree. It isn't about Hispanics or anything like that.


The amnesty type of proposals "path to citizenship" that most (minus Trump and maybe Cruz and a couple others) support could be a fine thing to do in my opinion. But only IF we start enforcing our laws and strengthen up the border + border patrol. I fail to see that happening under most circumstances.


In the times we live in we can't have open borders, as nice and friendly as it sounds. People come across the border, we give them money and maybe soon (under Sanders or Clinton) free college education. First of all it's something we can't sustain, second of all we have all kinds of extremists who hate America all over the world - easy way in, a lot of our drugs come from south of the border, etc.


Never understood why we encourage illegal immigration (the democrats are bragging about it)...Reform the current systems if you want to encourage immigration, offer other incentives. People who come in legally get their criminal background checked from their origin country, they are ensured to be up to date on vaccines, etc. There's some big risks in allowing anybody in without those checks.

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That's it??? Much ado about nothing don't ya think?

I can show you democrats that think islands are floating land masses, that Armstrong planted the American flag on Mars, that FDR went on TV when television was just being developed....

I can see how Carsons outrageous theory is right up there with Hillarys theory (lie) that some YouTube video caused the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi.


First of all for what its worth Carson starts by stating that this was his own personal THEORY, not BELIEF...most likely based upon the biblical accounts and articles like those posted here on this thread. I must admit that in itself is a bit disingenuous because it is not "his own" theory.


Secondly, it appears he is referring to only pyramids built by Joseph.


Thirdly, there are scientists that believe in the possibility that an alien life form could have assisted in building the pyramids and intervened in the evolution of man based on the missing evolutionary ape to man link...incidentally, to you lefties that should still be better than a belief in some magic wizard in the sky that created it all right?


You leftwing character assassinating hypocritical scum would vote for a crack snorting, womanizing pervert as long as he's got a D after his name, using the rationale that ones personal life should be irrelevant and separate...and that we should be concerned only with the issues.


Lets take that same approach toward Carson shall we?

I already went that route stinky Stuart. They don't get it.


But now there's dissension in the steeler troll ranks.

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