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The pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain, they were not Pharaohs' tombs


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moron - the point has been that YOU have never, ever questioned obamao on anything.


Not ever. Never questioned anything in his books, his life, his lies about Bill Ayers and him...


refusal to release his grades.


Everybody knows, that if Carson refused to release his grades, it would be attacked by the left

on a daily basis.


with the lefties, it goes from "We have a right to demand to knowsies"...to "we freaking refuse to knowsies"

when it's political expedient, and self-rewarding.


The left's greed and selfishness has sent our country into disaster under this dirtbag president, and you

are just another example of that.

Presumably if we cycle back through the months we'll see plenty of threads of you question carson, then? By your logic we should all question every candidate (and rightly so, I wholly agree). Yet, I'm seeing nothing but blind support for a candidate who has said demonstrably incorrect things, made 'honesty-lite' claims and basically has no coherant policy to speak of.

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Just for the record we did have a couple guys at least who reacted toward any criticism of President Obama in the exact same way Cal defense ben Carson.


And in his own way, Woody has said as much:


Shit. You're the reason this country is so politically divided. You're the conservative half of a two sided coin. Sure, this shit exists on both sides, you'd never admit that though. You're so delusional its hard to believe sometimes.


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but the complex is part of the pyramid - an extension of it.


Part of the complex was for boats to be used by the king/prince whoever,

to be used by that person in the AFTERLIFE, as they believed.


It makes sense that believing the ...king... would use boats in the afterlife,

he would also need grain.


The complex is part of the pyramid, adjacent to the actual four sided, point-up figure.


Quibbling between the actual pyramid, and the pyramid complex is silly. I didn't even know

there was a "complex".


It's just part of the pyramid. And they have found grain in them. He's right - there is strong

evidence to his opinion.


Does anybody really think that is important to be president, that you distinguish between "pyramid"

and "pyramid complex" ??? Seriously?


After 7 years of never questioning anything about obamao's entire life... as in...NEVER ???


Just a cheapshot in the left's culture war. Nothing is important unless it fits their agenda.




Ben Carson wasn't talking about Sakkara, though, and you are using Sakkara to defend something he described as his personal theory. Furthermore, he was talking about grain being in hermetically sealed chambers, meaning he was talking about the pyramid itself, not the buildings that were nearby. Let's just lay this nonsense to rest, because ancient Egyptian texts already explain why pyramids were built, in fact, the walls of the Sakkara pyramid themselves contain the explanation.





The guy is wrong about this. Just accept it and stop trying to turn it into some Obama thing. Obama was also wrong about things. Bush was wrong about things, Clinton was wrong about things. It means they're human.

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Yea his belief is wrong - just accept it and move on.


Just for the record we did have a couple guys at least who reacted toward any criticism of President Obama in the exact same way Cal defense ben Carson.


I have no inclination to defend Obama on really anything, but people have a short-term memory if they think he wasn't criticized in abundance in 07 and thereafter on things like being a Muslim, not being a citizen, and having a poor education record (that he locks and seals away). Heck, even Carson has tossed around the criticisms of his education record and such.


If you're gaining traction, reaching #1, climbing in some polls. They will put you under the microscope whether you're D, R, or I and they will try to find every record you've ever had, find everybody you've ever known, etc.


I said elsewhere, Clinton (mostly* outside the party) and Trump (from everywhere) have gotten more "hit pieces" and "gotchas" and been under the microscope more than anybody (especially Trump, every day there's some hit piece on him whether it's questioning his presbyterian faith, bankruptcies, finding employees who quit, finding people who worked on the apprentice set, digging up his father's past, etc, etc.).


Clinton and Trump are just so good at handling it (from experience, mostly). Carson, however, is not so good at handling it - if he makes it past February (doubtful), he better learn quick because going against Clinton will be 100x harder than what's coming now.


The "media bias" certainly exists in some parts, but this type of digging is not a new development. Clinton's past has been tossed over more than a cheap hooker because they've been doing it for ~30+ years. Carson is new to the game so he's going to have a lot more coming.

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It IS an obamao thing. All this liberal wringing of hands over anything Carson has said...


quibbling over whether it's the actual pyramid, or the extension of the pyramid ..

boat chambers and grain chambers.....


it's all part of the culture war. That's the only reason I can figure, that libs stayed silent

on all the aspects of obamao that demanded explanation, and criticism.


But, they stayed silent, and attacked anybody who dared ask hard questions about obamao's past.


The past doesn't matter to libs, unless it benefits them politically, in the culture war, to use it

in their attacks on anything conservative, and anyone who doesn't help them get free stuff,

and more entitlements.

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I like my links better than yours, that's all, Os.


Your first link is by a writer, and references an ecologist.


FACT: part of the extension of the pyramid(s)...were grain chambers.

FACT: grain has been found in pyramids.


Just once, you Carson attackers go back and criticize obamao's past statements and history on anything.


That is apparently too much to expect. I did get upset with Carson about his statement about guns, in

the city, and let somebody in their org know it.

And the explanation, and more research into who he is as a human being .... answered my doubts excellently.

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funny how Carson get's a smidgen of the shit thrown at him that Obama has, and he's folding like a cheap tent...and some of you conservatives are wheezing about like asthmatic children. Grow a sack. So far Carson's been questioned about a few stories he wrote in his book that may or may not have been embellishments. Anyone called his mother a whore yet? His wife a giant assed baboon? All these things I've seen in those emails I know you all get. Has he been accused of being a sekret Buddhist" Zoroastrian? Has he been called a closet homo yet?


No to all of the above? Than stfu

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funny how Carson get's a smidgen of the shit thrown at him that Obama has, and he's folding like a cheap tent...and some of you conservatives are wheezing about like asthmatic children. Grow a sack. So far Carson's been questioned about a few stories he wrote in his book that may or may not have been embellishments. Anyone called his mother a whore yet? His wife a giant assed baboon? All these things I've seen in those emails I know you all get. Has he been accused of being a sekret Buddhist" Zoroastrian? Has he been called a closet homo yet?


No to all of the above? Than stfu

You don't understand, it's the media. How dare they ask questions ! They never use to ask candidates questions till the liberals took over all forms of mass communication.......



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I'll raise my hand.


How much has Clinton been in the news for Benghazi and Emails?


....Probably more than all of Carson's air time combined.


For awhile there that was the ONLY thing you heard when they talked about Clinton. "Clinton support drops as americans deem her untrustworthy" "70% of americans find Clinton untrustworthy, new poll finds" -- I've seen these headlines and I'm pretty sure nobody here has tuned them out either.


In fact, they copy them and say HIGGARDY is a LYING cow!!?!


Since Whitewater in the 70s, Clinton has been scrutinized 10 ways to Sunday. You're really, really delusional if you think "Clinton has it easy because of the liberal left wing media"


Clinton is really good at handling scandal accusations and the media, the best in the entire race.


Clinton has a huge bon fire roaring with 10ft high flames, but manages to turn it into a small tinder with her sketchy wit and dumb republican investigators saying stupid things.


Carson has a small fire not even able to roast a marshmallow but vigorously works to turn it into the biggest fire possible.


The biggest difference is media savvvy, which Carson is not and Clinton+Trump are. As I said before, he better learn quick because things will get 1000x tougher for him after February if he makes it that far (he won't)

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I'm stunned that people actually ask the question "what's Hillary had to answer for". It's like the last two years never happened. Constant Benghazi. Nonstop Benghazi. From ALL media sources. I don't like the woman but i'll give her credit that she never snapped and threw a rear naked choke on that albino family guy football of a head Gowdy boy. And she got asked about it in the debates. She was also asked if she would blow it straight out of her b hole to get elected. NONE of the GOP candidates got asked a question like that. Anything they were asked was about something they did or said. Hillary literally got called out for being what basically all politicians are, now how do none of you give the "liberal media" at least some credit for that?

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I like my links better than yours, that's all, Os.


Your first link is by a writer, and references an ecologist.


FACT: part of the extension of the pyramid(s)...were grain chambers.

FACT: grain has been found in pyramids.


Just once, you Carson attackers go back and criticize obamao's past statements and history on anything.


I like my first-hand experience better than your links. :)


FACT: The ancient Egyptians wrote hieroglyphs on the Sakkara Pyramid walls that talk about the journey to the afterlife. Case closed.


Here, I'll throw you the same bone I've thrown you many times. Obama sucked at handling the Arab Spring in Egypt and should've shown more opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood, which in hindsight, he probably didn't because he may have known the Egyptian Military was setting the MB up for failure anyway.

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This is exactly what he said:


Notice references to aliens and god and hermetically sealed chambers.


<edit> A famed "Egyptologist" explains why he's wrong: http://www.thetakeaway.org/story/famed-egyptologist-ben-carson-completely-wrong-about-pyrmads/ </edit>



“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said. “Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain. And when you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons. And various of scientists have said, ‘Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how—’ you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you.”

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whatever. And Os, I like your personal experience better than some of my links, but not all.


Here's one that explains Joseph and his pyramid building






The complex at Saqqara Egypt was built during the reign of the pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep - Joseph built this complex.

A large complex was built which contained the future burial site of the pharaoh but also included a walled-in center which contained huge grain bins. There was only one entrance into this center and there was an outside entrance into the system of storage bins. The Step Pyramid complex at Sakkara is the complex which we will now discuss.

Grain Storage Bins

Surrounding the Step Pyramid, the first ever built, is a very beautiful and elaborate wall containing 13 false entrances and one real. At the main entrance on the east wall at the


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I fail to see the relevancy of underground grain silos, since it isn't what carson said and it isn't part of the pyramid.




Imhotep is believed to be the same person as Joseph maybe. Like anything it's probably up for debate - but there's similarities in their stories.

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I fail to see the relevancy of underground grain silos, since it isn't what carson said and it isn't part of the pyramid.




Imhotep is believed to be the same person as Joseph maybe. Like anything it's probably up for debate - but there's similarities in their stories.


Think he just got tired of people saying out his whole name and was like you know what dude, Imhotep is kind of a mouthful....just call me Joe.

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I fail to see the relevancy of underground grain silos, since it isn't what carson said and it isn't part of the pyramid.




Imhotep is believed to be the same person as Joseph maybe. Like anything it's probably up for debate - but there's similarities in their stories.

I brought up the silos to point out that the Ancient Egyptians already had a more practical way to store grain than in a pyramid.

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I brought up the silos to point out that the Ancient Egyptians already had a more practical way to store grain than in a pyramid.


I was referring to Cal's last tirade about Saqqara which has the big underground storage areas in the complex.


Carson suggested the pyramids themselves were used to store grain - not used as pharaoh's tombs - and suggested the hermetically sealed chambers helped preserve grain, etc, etc.


So it wasn't directed at you, sorry :)

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I'm not saying carson is right by any means. I'm saying you're dead wrong by asserting you know what the purpose of them is

There are fucking hieroglyphics on the side of the pyramids indicating their purpose. Ben Carson is horrifying because people actually support his idiocy and he may very well be the most out of touch and insane person to run for the oval office. I'm including the "rent is too damn high" candidate and the guy that wore the boot on his head. I'm not at all surprised that bible thumping bigot cal is all up in his ass. I think cal believes if he jams his head far enough up Carson's ass their brains will link and they will become some super human, ultra ignorant juggernaut. The holocaust would have never happened if the Jews had guns!!! Never mind the third Reich ran roughshot over a chunk of Europe.

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Dude cal I'm a big carson supporter and all but the pyramids were not built by Joseph to store grain.

Are you a bible thumping dip sh.it too? I automatically assume if someone is a big Carson supporter there is actually something wrong with their brains. I guess it's good he's a neurosurgeon.

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Fuck off steeler fan. You don't belong here.

Lol. I went to school for political science. I just don't have the time to keep up with the mental midget brigade in here. It would be a full time job. Ben Carson supporters. Holy fuck lmao.

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