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The pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain, they were not Pharaohs' tombs


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Did he actually claim "reputable" scientists think the pyramids were made by aliens?


"Reputable" maybe not


"[W]hen you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they'd have to be that way for various reasons. And various of scientists have said, 'Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that's how--' you know, it doesn't require an alien being when God is with you."


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To be clear he said this in 1998, but he was asked about it yesterday and said he still believes this.


It's the pattern of thinking that's the problem of course, not the stupid stuff he thinks


A: "I don't know enough about this issue, let me consult some experts on it and make a decision based on that"


B: "I don't know enough about this issue, but God will guide me to the correct decision"

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I like Carson and would vote for him in a heartbeat. That said a Christian in politics running for president is very tough. It is even tougher when the candidate like Carson is a newbie in politics. Probably one of the best Christian candidates I have seen is Mike Huckabee but he has had decades of experience. His time has come and gone unfortunately as it looks like he is not going anywhere in 16. Politics is and always has been a dirty business. If Carson does get the nomination he should seek out Huckabee as an advisor as nobody knows the Clinton machine like Huckabee as well as relating to Carson as a Christian candidate.

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"That said a Christian in politics running for president is very tough."


This is based on all of the non-christian presidents, or even candidates, that there have been?


Any person can call themselves a Christian but that does not make it so. Hillary Clinton calls herself a Christian but I find it hard to believe any follower of Christ would support Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand like she does. I am speaking of Christians who are living it out in life and not just saying they are Christians. Carson is that candidate.

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Any person can call themselves a Christian but that does not make it so. Hillary Clinton calls herself a Christian but I find it hard to believe any follower of Christ would support Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand like she does. I am speaking of Christians who are living it out in life and not just saying they are Christians. Carson is that candidate.

The fact that every presidential candidate who has half a hope of winning has to declare themselves christian goes to show how not-so-hard presidential candidacy is on christians. Of course, it depends on the type of christian - if you're going to keep spouting about things that are demonstrably nonsense - like a six-thousand year old earth, for example - you're going to have a hard time getting people to take you seriously.

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There's no direct evidence of what the pyramid of giza, at least, was used for so his guess is as good as yours.


Couple things here, he really shouldn't be "guessing" about it right? I mean his "guess" is not as good as tireless daily research by troves of archaeologists who have devoted their lives to this...right? But I don't have a problem with his guess....it's not the most unreasonable of guess's, but like his use of the 2nd law of thermo to dismiss big bang....you would think people long ago thought "hey maybe these were grain silo's". And, oh I dunno...tested for grain residue? I'm going to assume if those things were filled with grain at any point there would have been some evidence to that no?

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Nope you're 100% wrong about that


The coffer is there but where the mummy and treasure is is unknown. The ancient egyptions probably outsmarted robbers and put it somewhere else - maybe deeper in the earth who knows.


It was also likely used as an astrological structure.


The egyptians didn't use the pyramids to store grain, really no doubt about that.

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The fact that every presidential candidate who has half a hope of winning has to declare themselves christian goes to show how not-so-hard presidential candidacy is on christians. Of course, it depends on the type of christian - if you're going to keep spouting about things that are demonstrably nonsense - like a six-thousand year old earth, for example - you're going to have a hard time getting people to take you seriously.


The PC Christians are fine. Those who say they are Christians but go against clear teachings of the bible are very acceptable. But a Christian candidate who actually believes the bible (what Christians are supposed to do...Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word from God are going to have a much harder time...much harder.)


Here is a good example. A huge article from CNN on Carson's temper growing up and how God helped him with his temper. They are challenging that he did actually have a violent temper. My father in law who is one of the best Christians I have ever met told me the same thing that God helped him with his anger and temper but when you talk with his family about this they say they never really saw that side of him. The whole article is a big deal over nothing.



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The coffer is there but where the mummy and treasure is is unknown. The ancient egyptions probably outsmarted robbers and put it somewhere else - maybe deeper in the earth who knows.


It was also likely used as an astrological structure.


The egyptians didn't use the pyramids to store grain, really no doubt about that.

No evidence. I looked at a bunch of sites that all affirm that

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The 'best guess' of people who have studied the pyramids all their life, with all of the contextual and physical evidence available is that they were tombs for the pharoahs. Ben carson apparently thinks differently, based on...?


And his guess is just as good? Come off it, even you don't believe that, surely.

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The PC Christians are fine. Those who say they are Christians but go against clear teachings of the bible are very acceptable. But a Christian candidate who actually believes the bible (what Christians are supposed to do...Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word from God are going to have a much harder time...much harder.)


Here is a good example. A huge article from CNN on Carson's temper growing up and how God helped him with his temper. They are challenging that he did actually have a violent temper. My father in law who is one of the best Christians I have ever met told me the same thing that God helped him with his anger and temper but when you talk with his family about this they say they never really saw that side of him. The whole article is a big deal over nothing.



This is a disgrace. CNN, we called it the "communist news network" back in the early days...


never looked into anything in obaMao's life. Never. on and on, they are just the left's liberal attack wing.


The left picks and chooses what benefits them in the political/cultural war they are fighting. They won't care

that they are completely hypocritical until they lose a major portion of their audience.

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The 'best guess' of people who have studied the pyramids all their life, with all of the contextual and physical evidence available is that they were tombs for the pharoahs. Ben carson apparently thinks differently, based on...?


And his guess is just as good? Come off it, even you don't believe that, surely.

There is no evidence. Just admit that it's a guess.

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The PC Christians are fine. Those who say they are Christians but go against clear teachings of the bible are very acceptable. But a Christian candidate who actually believes the bible (what Christians are supposed to do...Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word from God are going to have a much harder time...much harder.)

Believing in the moral teachings and all that stuff of the bible is fine (mostly the New Testament). Literally interpreting what the bible is saying is not so good.




Here is a good example. A huge article from CNN on Carson's temper growing up and how God helped him with his temper. They are challenging that he did actually have a violent temper. My father in law who is one of the best Christians I have ever met told me the same thing that God helped him with his anger and temper but when you talk with his family about this they say they never really saw that side of him. The whole article is a big deal over nothing.


I don't disagree with this. He had a long, successful career as a neurosurgeon and those incidents were long in his past.


There is no evidence. Just admit that it's a guess.



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You come home from work, and there's a big turd in the middle of the carpet, and all the steaks you wanted to eat tonight are gone. Your dog's in the corner looking sheepish. There's no evidence, but...


Yes, it's a guess. I literally said that in my post. But not all guesses were created equal. If I asked you to guess who might be the browns QB next year, you could guess Manziel, or McCown, or some rookie. But if you guess Joe Thomas, well I'm sorry, but that guess is not worth so much consideration.

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Believing in the moral teachings and all that stuff of the bible is fine (mostly the New Testament). Literally interpreting what the bible is saying is not so good.



I don't disagree with this. He had a long, successful career as a neurosurgeon and those incidents were long in his past.





Typical response when you can't prove your point because there's no evidence.
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You come home from work, and there's a big turd in the middle of the carpet, and all the steaks you wanted to eat tonight are gone. Your dog's in the corner looking sheepish. There's no evidence, but...


Yes, it's a guess. I literally said that in my post. But not all guesses were created equal. If I asked you to guess who might be the browns QB next year, you could guess Manziel, or McCown, or some rookie. But if you guess Joe Thomas, well I'm sorry, but that guess is not worth so much consideration.

There's no dog. There's no missing steak. That's the problem with your analogy

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There is no evidence. Just admit that it's a guess.


The pyramids were complicated from both a structural and cultural viewpoint. There's different theories yes, but they're based on things they actually found in the pyramids. It's possible they stored some foodstuffs, because remember the Egyptians believed you took shit like that into the afterlife. Carsons theory is based on a biblical story of joseph housing a lot of grain, but there was no mention that he did so in pyramids is there? Carson is simply thinking well what else around there could house that much grain? Is there any concrete evidence that links Joseph to the pyramids in any way shape or form? Maybe there is and there's more backing that would explain Carsons theory...I just never heard it. It really does sound like something he pulled out of his ass on stage right then and there during that speech. Right out of his butthole.

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