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3 killed, 34 injured - time for action to prevent these deaths


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Still want it was not invented for is shooting innocent people. It just wasn't. No matter what you might wish for.






And historically speaking "innocent" is a relative term isn't it? Here's your omnipotent ironclad answer to Woody's question......guns were invented to end somethings existence. Period, end of discussion. There's no other reason for it. It was meant to kill "SOMETHING" that was previously alive. It wasnt' invented to shoot rocks or trees, it was meant to kill something. Cars were not invented with the prime directive to invent an incredibly convoluted and unnecessary new way to kill people. They were invented for transportation. All other arguments aside, the difference between the inception of a car and a firearm is quite profoundly clear to anyone with a mind.

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we can have discussions about how people have or have not used guns responsibly through the ages, but let's not fog up the whole reason firearms exist.

Only you and your butt buddy are doing that.

Shooting something?


So the inventors were actually clue free of what they might shoot?



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Here's a question for you guys to guess at, since I have no idea what the answer was. Who created the first knife and was it created for self defense, hunting, a tool for construction or building, cutting your steak or cold blooded murder?




I would guess that would depend on what you would considered a knife. I am sure stone tools in cave man and early human early would have functioned as a knife chopping tough meat, skinning, creating protection(creating clothes\building\self defense), and if some was so inclined murder(through raids of other tribes) but not sure if you would define them as actually knives.

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Yea while I don't have a problem with gun ownership, there's really no denying that guns were created to kill, they've gotten bigger and better to be more effective at doing that job.


I mean, I own a car so I can get around and get to work, etc. I own a gun for self defense in the case of a home invasion, etc (obviously when you use a gun the intent is to incapacitate whoever is on the other end of the barrel). Though sometimes I like the shooting range, shooting for fun, etc.


But there's certainly no question that the main purpose of guns is to stop whatever is on the other end of the barrel - the main purpose of a car is to get from point A to point B. It's an inaccurate comparison.

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I would guess that would depend on what you would considered a knife. I am sure stone tools in cave man and early human early would have functioned as a knife chopping tough meat, skinning, creating protection(creating clothes\building\self defense), and if some was so inclined murder(through raids of other tribes) but not sure if you would define them as actually knives.

Well I'm not sure you would classify a length of bamboo flammable powder and a stone a gun but...




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Only you and your butt buddy are doing that.

Shooting something?


So the inventors were actually clue free of what they might shoot?




1) no we're not


2) you're the one making attempts to dilute the fact that guns were invented to kill people. I'm the one making exceptions to that fact, there are secondary uses for a firearm....but you're still killing things with it. There's simply no other reason for them to be around. Which means they should be harder to obtain than a drivers liscense.

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Here's a question for you guys to guess at, since I have no idea what the answer was. Who created the first knife and was it created for self defense, hunting, a tool for construction or building, cutting your steak or cold blooded murder?




I'd say they were invented by Australians. For the purpose of self defense.



But that's just a theory...

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No we're not? Not what?


And you're an idiot I am completely correct. Why would anyone invent something that just kill people at random? Unless they were enemies?


Here's another. A piano was invented to make music. You can pound on a piano keys and make noise all day long but that's not why it was invented.



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Yea while I don't have a problem with gun ownership, there's really no denying that guns were created to kill, they've gotten bigger and better to be more effective at doing that job.


I mean, I own a car so I can get around and get to work, etc. I own a gun for self defense in the case of a home invasion, etc (obviously when you use a gun the intent is to incapacitate whoever is on the other end of the barrel). Though sometimes I like the shooting range, shooting for fun, etc.


But there's certainly no question that the main purpose of guns is to stop whatever is on the other end of the barrel - the main purpose of a car is to get from point A to point B. It's an inaccurate comparison.

Praise Jesus!

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No we're not? Not what?


And you're an idiot I am completely correct. Why would anyone invent something that just kill people at random? Unless they were enemies?


Here's another. A piano was invented to make music. You can pound on a piano keys and make noise all day long but that's not why it was invented.




I am not 100% sure what you 2 are even arguing about at this point but, Guns where made for warfare, to kill your opponent before they killed you, early guns were to heavy\inaccurate to be used for things like hunting until muskets(about the early colonial period) and later made a lot more accurate by rifling(civil war era).

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No we're not? Not what?


And you're an idiot I am completely correct. Why would anyone invent something that just kill people at random? Unless they were enemies?



can I strawman? Guns were invented to end somethings life. Be it for food, or defense, or cold blooded murderin....whatever. Woody's point this whole time is that a gun was invented to kill something. Basic function. How it was used, be it in war or whatever...is secondary. It's PRIME FUNCTION is to kill something more efficiently and at greater and greater ranges as time goes on. That's it, lock it up we're done with 'this" discusiion

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You guys are deflecting. They are correct. It's main purpose is to kill. So what? Killing is a part of life. If youve never trapped a mouse or swatted a fly I suppose your indignation is warranted. If however you want to eat food a gun beats the shit out of a sharp stick for hunting.

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You guys are deflecting. They are correct. It's main purpose is to kill. So what? Killing is a part of life. If youve never trapped a mouse or swatted a fly I suppose your indignation is warranted. If however you want to eat food a gun beats the shit out of a sharp stick for hunting.


nobody was arguing your point. What the argument was is that you cannot equate a firearm with some other object, ie a car, which was not designed to kill something. I mean if cars were meant to kill people, do you know how much more rad their designs would be? I mean seriously not joking around, the world would like a mad max movie and cars would like giant motorized swiss army knives. <----yes please.

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You need annual inspections (in some states/counties), insurance, and a license that you renew every XX years to drive a car legally though, to own a gun you just need to have no felonies on your record.


The point being made in this thread was along the lines of "END CAR VIOLENCE" as a satirical response to "END GUN VIOLENCE"


The response was distinguishing between a car and a gun.

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You need annual inspections (in some states/counties), insurance, and a license that you renew every XX years to drive a car legally though, to own a gun you just need to have no felonies on your record.


The point being made in this thread was along the lines of "END CAR VIOLENCE" as a satirical response to "END GUN VIOLENCE"


The response was distinguishing between a car and a gun.

Yes because this country was founded on one being an inalienable right and the other not being.

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But do you distinguish any particular murder as being more heinous than another? Is traycon martin's murder more heinous than the Otero family's because he was shot rather than hung or ritualistically strangled?


Of course there's a difference, and there's the crux of the argument...in the end it IS what the human hand does with the weapon. People kill people, guns do not kill people by themselves. That being said, allowing people unfettered access to guns that are far beyond ball loaded muskets at this point, is ridiculous. The founding fathers would absolutely rethink the 2nd amendment if they saw todays firearms. No question. They would stare incredulously at us at how flippantly we let some of this technology disperse through the unwashed masses. They would think us utterly insane and wonder where they went wrong.


In the end I think they'd uphold the 2nd amendment but with serious changes to it.


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