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Ohio Senate votes to defund planned parenthood


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It's the right thing to do.


A. Obamao, as usual, is a liar and/or psyco dumbass - Planned parenthood

does not do mammograms.


A good liberal lie is one that gets them what they want.




B. Any org that is so arrogant, and morally bankrupt as to dare sell baby organs, etc,

needs to be defunded.


C. No federal money should ever be spent on abortions.


D. The prominent liars of pp... are blabbing about "republicans denying hc to women"...

when that is a complete lie. They are simply redirecting the money toward orgs



I believe most of Ohio wants pp defunded. They have discredited themselves, and all the

lies about them doing mammograms.... it corrupt political theater, which pretty much defines

the entire democratic-socialist party.

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These people unfortunately refuse to temper their ideology and this is what happens. I imagine they could easily separate the operations but they won't.

Similar to the National Endowment for the Arts who just can't resist throwing out the most offensive ship they could find.

I'm sure they could have restructured as to where abortions are a separate entity but they wont.



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From factcheck.....



Planned Parenthood performs gynecological exams, including breast exams, and refers women to other facilities to have mammograms performed, much like women are referred to radiological centers by their gynecologists or primary care physicians.

According to Planned Parenthood, its medical staff performed 747,607 “breast exams/breast care” in 2010, the most recent statistics available. As for cervical cancer screenings, as the president mentioned, it performed 769,769 Pap tests.



So it's not entirely untrue. I'm not for defunding them, just investigating them for possible profiteering off late term abortions. That will need to be regulated heavily.

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Problem is, any investigation goes democrats hate republicans and

they will delay the investigation forever, play dirty politics with it....


just like Beghazi. The democrats are now the kgb for the left. Any lie is a good lie.

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I saw somewhere that 3% of all of PP's services performed were abortions. Abortions are not paid for with government money or via medicaid, etc.


There's no evidence PP harvested baby parts, except for what one pro-life person came out and said. The videos were using clips (of stillborn babies, not aborted fetuses) and other concoctions of stuff unrelated to PP.


I think defunding it is pretty much a disgrace, especially given the 3% figure.

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c'mon Edward, we saw the lady in the videos hawking about wanting to make bank. "Something" is up there, and I want to know what. What people like Cal don't understand is that it isn't democrats stonewalling this, it's the corporations that were wanting to buy those baby parts. They are the ones funding the push against PP transparency. If it came out who they were, even Gerbells couldn't reverse that bad publicity.

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c'mon Edward, we saw the lady in the videos hawking about wanting to make bank. "Something" is up there, and I want to know what. What people like Cal don't understand is that it isn't democrats stonewalling this, it's the corporations that were wanting to buy those baby parts. They are the ones funding the push against PP transparency. If it came out who they were, even Gerbells couldn't reverse that bad publicity.


Well I think we should not allow late term abortions ultimately, but the videos against it have been so convoluted and fabricated (clips that aren't from planned parenthood, quotes from people not associated with planned parenthood, etc, etc.). I think had these pro-life groups and politicians actually spent the time to put together accurate evidence and do objective investigations then it would be a lot more convincing to me that PP should be defunded, etc - but in that regard they failed.


The democrats are stonewalling it, albeit on behalf of the corporations (if that's the case, which if PP is in the wrong then it probably is the case)

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I saw somewhere that 3% of all of PP's services performed were abortions. Abortions are not paid for with government money or via medicaid, etc.


There's no evidence PP harvested baby parts, except for what one pro-life person came out and said. The videos were using clips (of stillborn babies, not aborted fetuses) and other concoctions of stuff unrelated to PP.


I think defunding it is pretty much a disgrace, especially given the 3% figure.


You don't require evidence. Simply poorly edited videos with a touchy subject that 90% of people haven't watched, then to be proven false... and, presto! Public outcry from certain groups.

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And yet, those planned parenthood people SAID THOSE THINGS.


"poor editing" doesn't cloud that fact, unless you are a cultish liberal.

The people in the videos were mostly not involved with planned parenthood, nor were the video clips actually of planned parenthood.

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Not true.




and take it from someone who used to work for them:




Here's the truth, from a site nitpicking about pics etc...but ignoring the statements

that were actually made by PP EMPLOYEES AND DIRECTORS.




Planned Parenthood ends payments

The Center for Medical Progress spent several years taping Planned Parenthood employees, medical directors and some of its affiliate partners discussing the technique, costs and reimbursement payments for the harvesting of fetal tissue samples for scientific research.

The filming was done without knowledge of those speaking. In several instances, CMP argues that Planned Parenthood representatives appear to be bargaining, negotiating and detailing the best ways to collect or "harvest" aborted fetuses for maximum financial gain.

In one episode, Dr. Mary Gatter, a medical director for Planed Parenthood, is filmed during a meal discussing her proposal that each tissue sample harvested should fetch a $75 charge.

Planned Parenthood ends payments

The Center for Medical Progress spent several years taping Planned Parenthood employees, medical directors and some of its affiliate partners discussing the technique, costs and reimbursement payments for the harvesting of fetal tissue samples for scientific research.

The filming was done without knowledge of those speaking. In several instances, CMP argues that Planned Parenthood representatives appear to be bargaining, negotiating and detailing the best ways to collect or "harvest" aborted fetuses for maximum financial gain.

In one episode, Dr. Mary Gatter, a medical director for Planed Parenthood, is filmed during a meal discussing her proposal that each tissue sample harvested should fetch a $75 charge.

Since selling fetal tissue samples is illegal, Planned Parenthood has been quick to label the transactions as reimbursement costs

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and, in case Tiam is inferring that they were deceptively edited...

that was investigated, and they were not:



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So, if you are going to defend planned parenthood with unsubstantiated

claims. you're going to lose.


It was the actual director of pp talking about selling baby parts...and starting

the negotiations about what she expected for selling them.


And, that was illegal, so they claimed it was "reimbursements", not sales.


Read the links. The truth is there.

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and, in case Tiam is inferring that they were deceptively edited...

that was investigated, and they were not:




You mean the investigation by Coalfire whom was a paid client and funded by these guys...?


...... http://www.adflegal.org/


Like WSS said, EVERYBODY has an agenda. Naturally the results my employer wants, I'll make sure to yield. No skin off my back.

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so, you don't like any study that is funded by anybody you don't agree with.


but on the flip side, you go with it 100% ?


It has nothing to do with who has an agenda. It has to do with the damn director



And, a FORMER EMPLOYEE. You didn't check out those links, woodystyle.


It's about the murder of babies and the illegal SALES of their body parts.


How anybody here can argue to support that by cherrypicking and rationalizing....


it's a disgrace.

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How does your brain work? How can someone be so hypocritical, so one sided. How can someone honestly think their side and the conservatives are perfect while the liberals are always evil, dirty liars. In literally every thread. What in our political environment spawned people like you? Pawns for cable news and political parties. Fascinating

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Well, woodypeckerhead, "there you go again"....


Nobody has ever said conservatives are perfect. What the hell?


Don't you see what you are doing? You get mad at points you don't like,

then you talk about "my brain".... and then you argue a point no one is making.


did you snag your nads on a crabapple thorn when you were just a little woodpecker?

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You have a complete lack of self awareness. You're so rooted in one side you can't see past the cloud of your own hypocrisy. I understand that you don't see this. I imagine a few other posters on here would disagree as well. But I'd hope that any sensible, middle of the road person would agree with me here. I don't see how they couldn't.

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yes, and your special aliens from Mars troopers are going to come here and kick my butt for you,

because they called, and you were crying, and they are angry.


Have a nice day, woodypeckerhead (there's a first time for everything, ya?)

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so, you don't like any study that is funded by anybody you don't agree with.


but on the flip side, you go with it 100% ?


It has nothing to do with who has an agenda. It has to do with the damn director



And, a FORMER EMPLOYEE. You didn't check out those links, woodystyle.


It's about the murder of babies and the illegal SALES of their body parts.


How anybody here can argue to support that by cherrypicking and rationalizing....


it's a disgrace.



I read the first link, that was all I needed.


Also, I have no issue with funding for research provided the funding itself doesn't curb said research into a particular narrative. In which case, this would be a prime example.

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