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Obama Bombs Doctors without Borders hospital, says sorry.


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That one needs a serious JAG investigation. If those pilots were negligent they need to be in Leavenworth for life. I wouldn't apologize if I was the president. Something like that is beyond some procedural error so neither the govt nor the military need apologize, they just need to rectify. If I was president I would consider handing those pilots over to Afghan authority, and we know what happens then.


If it can be proven some major anti air fire was coming from hospital grounds though, diff story. And all these planes have audio and visual flight recorders so we can see on the ground what the pilots saw. Make that video public.

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Yea you can't accidentally bomb a hospital, it's pretty serious war crime stuff.


It's too early to tell, but I would likely guess that the pilots wouldn't have bombed the hospital without being told to...




Well I guess you can't "deliberately" bomb a hospital. The circumstances still aren't totally known though.

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A war crime would be if they were told 'hey, go hit that Doctors without borders hospital, fucking liberals'. But hitting it because taliban were firing form within the compounds or close to it, no. You can't put your military with the fear of being prosecuted or being handed over to a foreign government. You would have no one in.

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That one needs a serious JAG investigation. If those pilots were negligent they need to be in Leavenworth for life. I wouldn't apologize if I was the president. Something like that is beyond some procedural error so neither the govt nor the military need apologize, they just need to rectify. If I was president I would consider handing those pilots over to Afghan authority, and we know what happens then.


If it can be proven some major anti air fire was coming from hospital grounds though, diff story. And all these planes have audio and visual flight recorders so we can see on the ground what the pilots saw. Make that video public.

The pathetic thing is I do not doubt that you would hand American pilots over to afghan authorities to be tortured. That's probably what Obama will end up doing. You're a real piece of shit as those guys were probably just following orders.
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Cleve - that was really ignorant. Were you ever in the military?

Even if you weren't, you should know better than that vent.


And why would "doctors without borders"

be operating next to terrorists?


You need to THINK before you vent. Do you really think our pilots, and their commanders,

would order a hit on a hospital,....


intead of the terrorists encampment that is firing on them?


what doctors refuse to criticize the terrorists operating near them, but bitterly

criticize the American pilots who are trying to bomb the terrorists?


and turning over any American soldier to a foreign countries' justice - especially

in that stinkhole..... that's repulsive.


But Obamao would.

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This is why I said there needs to be a JAG investigation. We don't know everything. I stand behind my point that if there was shit going on like in the video I saw of those Apache gunships hosing down civies in Iraq "knowingly"...hey that's a fucking Hague violation you dumb mother fuckers. We've hounded people to the Hague for decades for less. It's similar to when the Okinawans wanted those American serviceman turned over to them after they raped 12 year old or something like that. Fuck any of you that would condone not handing soldiers over in circumstances like that. Obviously if they were following orders in those airstrikes, than we need to look at who ordered them and why.


Like I said, if they were taking fire from that hospital, there should be AMPLE evidence of it.

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A war crime would be if they were told 'hey, go hit that Doctors without borders hospital, fucking liberals'. But hitting it because taliban were firing form within the compounds or close to it, no. You can't put your military with the fear of being prosecuted or being handed over to a foreign government. You would have no one in.


like I said, there needs to be an investigation. I have a scenario for you, what if that hospital had treated insurgents...because they're doctors and they can't really turn anyone away it's against the doctors creed...and we punished them for that. War crime?

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A hospital in a war torn country might be a high school gym


except that this one wasn't. It was an established compound that the americans knew about since it's inception. DWB had a hotline to central command for just such occurrences and they were immediately pleading to stop the bombing, but the bombing continued for 30 minutes. So there has to be some kind of evidence that they were taking fire from within the compound, this wasn't a stray bomb. They deliberately rolled the hospital and we should be told why. The U.S just profoundly fucked with one of the most reputable medical organizations on the planet. These were the people front lining against Ebola. It's a super bad look for the U.S and there had better be a damn good explanation or some pilots need to be on the chopping block.


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You watch too much TV.


Do you not want to know exactly why the airforce decided it was necessary to bomb a bunch of Dr's from all over the globe who essentially work for free? I mean good fucking Samaritans if there is even such a thing anymore. We have 3 Dr's in my gym that regularly go on sabbatical with DWB. They are some of the most well liked people in there. DWB legitimately attracts some world class human beings.

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