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Gotta LOVE taking two fat ass lineman with the first two picks


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Erving has been meh. Sure you can complain about that if you want more of a difference maker right now.


Shelton is still a great pick with high upside. That selection made sense at the time and it still does. Stopping the run was, and apparently still is, a huge need. He'll need coaching of course, but he's part of the solution there. You're probably just expecting too much right now but complaining about that pick after game one is dumb.

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quit crying. you sound like a dictoator liberal faggot "ban ALL those that disagree with me or go against the prescribed way of thinking".

I'm really sick of people misusing the word "liberal".


it means: free from prejudice or bigotry; open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values.


the word you actually want there is "conservative" --one opposed to change-- (or fascist or bigot) and for the record its opposite is "progressive", not "liberal". !!


I'm a devout libertarian and I want our root word back. I'm beyond tired of the MSM brainwashing people into thinking it means something it doesn't. It's really fucking annoying.

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shelton didn't do anything today that warranted getting rid of Taylor, but that doesn't mean he's a bad pick. We got rid of too many quality lineman for some reason. Shelton should be backing them up this year, not starting. Meder is the one who looked outmuslced today. At least Shelton was fighting off double teams, the other two guys did "shit".

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Are you Retard? Taylor would not have seen the field any time soon. The Steelers confirmed that with his need for a second surgery.


I'm watching the early portion of the game now, Shelton has been doing a solid job heavy handing his assignment and holding his ground. So far he's drawn half a dozen double teams and has yet to be pushed into the backers.

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yep it's a hard road...attempting to bear this heavy cross of freedom, liberty, individualism and such...sometimes i just feel like throwing in the towel and lobbying for the brass to draft playmakers in the first rd...secure a franchise qb...win some games...but then thankfully i snap out of it (!). wtf, rt?


why the hell should we be like those stupid super bowl teams, you know? idiots.

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my hometown has a big bell too, but they don't like to ring it in the morn or late at night cuz it might scare some people.


pretty cool though when you se a grown man scream when he sees a piece of fur scurry across the ground thinking it's a rat. they should make a tv show where people send in their videos of pranks like that and give money out to the best....


uh, wait. isn't that....?

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i'm hoping more like Vince Wilfork and less like Casey Hampton.

all i know right now is he has one NFL game under his belt, and i'm pretty happy so far.


as for Erving? i didn't even know Greco left the game until after they lost, but in my defense i was celebrating my b-day a day early so i was admittedly distracted at times. i was watching Johnny mostly and his presence didn't jump out at me either way, so that's a bit of a positive actually. it's gotta be hard to jump in the rotation on 20 seconds notice like a game of musical chairs. and it does appear he knows the offense as well.

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