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Dirtbag Obamao, lying sombeech, Obamaodoesn't care, rising premiums


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Yep. It's started.


Now that Obamaocare is hitting, after the midterms are over..


the dems can now admit America was GRUBERED by Obamao.


Our excellent insurance premium, after the 1st of the year... just went up


250 bucks a month. I called, had a long talk with them, and ya know, they

said it was because of obamaocare changes that were rerquired to be made.


See, even gruber admitted they lied, and dems in congress were so corrupt/stupid they

passed it.


Now, we are all screwed... except for the future locked in dem voters, so many of those,

who never worked a day in their miserable lives.... who will get free hc.


So many of us have worked very hard, over all these years, to build wonderful

lives for ourselves...


we just played cards after dinner at a neighbor friends' house - they said they were

not donating to help anybody nationally anymore. They were going to only help local

causes, local people. Heard it several times from different folks this winter alone.

They were hit with worse increases and coverage changes.


and....ours used to be 90/80.. dr in plan/out of plan? Now it's 80-50. And it used to be

500 dollar deductable, ..


now it's 1000 in plan, 2000 out of plan.


On the upside, my SS went up 7 bucks...


and, other folks' insurance -really- went up and into the toilet...


"toilet" referring to what mindnumbed nitwits who voted for Obamao the second time,


think with. I reckon the new bionic knee will have to wait til we pay off our new windows and doors..

which we ordered last year because the old ones were very weather inefficient, after 22 yrs.


Which will be about next winter. ^_^

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Yep. It's started.


Now that Obamaocare is hitting, after the midterms are over..


the dems can now admit America was GRUBERED by Obamao.


Our excellent insurance premium, after the 1st of the year... just went up


250 bucks a month. I called, had a long talk with them, and ya know, they

said it was because of obamaocare changes that were rerquired to be made.


See, even gruber admitted they lied, and dems in congress were so corrupt/stupid they

passed it.


Now, we are all screwed... except for the future locked in dem voters, so many of those,

who never worked a day in their miserable lives.... who will get free hc.


So many of us have worked very hard, over all these years, to build wonderful

lives for ourselves...


we just played cards after dinner at a neighbor friends' house - they said they were

not donating to help anybody nationally anymore. They were going to only help local

causes, local people. Heard it several times from different folks this winter alone.

They were hit with worse increases and coverage changes.


and....ours used to be 90/80.. dr in plan/out of plan? Now it's 80-50. And it used to be

500 dollar deductable, ..


now it's 1000 in plan, 2000 out of plan.


On the upside, my SS went up 7 bucks...


and, other folks' insurance -really- went up and into the toilet...


"toilet" referring to what mindnumbed nitwits who voted for Obamao the second time,


think with. I reckon the new bionic knee will have to wait til we pay off our new windows and doors..

which we ordered last year because the old ones were very weather inefficient, after 22 yrs.


Which will be about next winter. ^_^

heh heh heh....wait til next yr...you think your premiums are high now, heh heh heh...woooooo...the cadillac tax kicks in next yr...spoke with my next door neighbor on this...her sis works for hewitt...they handle all premiums for every corporation in the good ol usa...she said its going to be a bloodbath of layoffs and hugh premium increases...and this is also for the individual who is not working at a major corp also....also my sister worked at a gastroenterology practice answering phones for patients...she had to quit..she said it was unbareable...the phones rang from 8-5 non stop with obamacare patients complaining about the coverage mostly on colonoscopy's...none of them understood their plans they signed up for...alot were not covered and were constantly bitching about their reimbursements not being what they thought they were...most were medicare patients...myself, i am a retiree from att...in 2009 my premium was 75.00/month..that was for me and my wife...it is now 455/month...i have 2 more yrs til i hit medicare age..i don't know if thats good or bad at this point...its's nutss.

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Posted Yesterday, 05:16 PM

Aren't you on Medicare? I thought you were over 65? I'm on VA and Tricare so I don't need Obammycare. DH


Nope, just turned 64. Made too much money, couldn't get the VA...never did combat. Trying to figure out

another insurance that costs LESS. (gee, 6 grand deductible is pretty cheap... lol)


I'll be on medicare this dec. Big, serious trouble. The insurance admitted it was "the affordable care act" that did it.


egad. And with the gas prices plummeting.... opec seems to be playing russian roullette with our

shale oil drilling and with russian, and their production costs are like 10-20 bucks a barrel.


Ours are about 50 bucks higher......russia's is about 30 bucks higher... and we are printing money

by the billions or trillions of dollars....


I don't know.....

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