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One for the road?

Westside Steve

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Yeah I have alway known where the checkpoints are due to them being announced on the news.


That aside, I still don't see how this is in any way constitutional. I guess you can do whatever you want if you are a cop in Tennessee so long as you give someone a heads up. "Hey I am coming in to steal all of your belongings tomorrow. Just giving you a heads up. If you get everything moved out, I won't be able to steal it. Otherwise, all of your stuff is mine."

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So, who does the blood test?


"see that, boys? What we have heah, is a failure to communicate..."


I suppose they'd have to have camera footage for the reason they pull somebody over...



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DUI checkpoints in Texas are illegal, so this is news to me. They will not draw blood here if you take the breathalyzer so you have options.


1. If you roll past that checkpoint, knowing its there, after drinking you have to be a moron.


2. If you can allow cops the right to determine when someone needs to be shot, why cant you trust them to determine when someone is drunk and needs to be tested?


3. Does severity of a crime determine when a certain response is legal/illegal? For murder or rape this is commonplace and no one complains. Driving drunk is a deadly risk. The state has always attempted to build the strongest cases against criminals and blood makes the strongest case.


4. Unless they are storing your DNA profile in some database then I dont understand how this is more unconstitutional than what they already do. If your not drunk, the blood test will end their case against you before it ever gets started.

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