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Stupid blacks beat up marine for being white


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but not a hate crime?


what the....?


this could be the start of serious racial strife...serious trouble.



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there is, to put it more legitimately, a subculture that thrives on complete irresponsibility,

anti-law, anti-white hate mongers in the black community.


More and more, with the backing of this "president" and "ag", they are left-handedly being

encouraged to act out.


Convicting the white police officer before his trial is a travesty, regardless of race. This rioting community

in Ferguson would stay quiet if it had been a black police officer who shot this young, very big hoodlum.


Like the story in the news about the white guy who was a marine, Iraq veteran, who went to a restaurant,

who was warned it wasn't safe for white people, and died from the beating he took. In Mississippi, even.

Not Missouri.

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So quick to jump to the defense of criminals and vermin. Really, it's ridiculous. So because racism exists or has existed black people can commit any hate crime and the left will excuse it away with a but...but...but...

Oh did I say that? My bad I must have missed me typing that.



Or should I repost that analogy about hating cats again?

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This is not a hate crime? It's alright for a gang of black people to kill a guy for eating in a restaurant where white people are not welcome. I invite anyone to invert the races here and not see a hate crime.


The black folks have failed MLK miserably. The dream is now a nightmare.

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The black folks have failed MLK miserably. The dream is now a nightmare.

The extremists for sure, black, white, or whomever. It is getting really hard to turn on TV news anymore for me.

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Actual thug, yeah I agree. Some douchebag thug, regardless of race, can fuck off.


But, some will consider listening to rap music, wearing a hoodie, and smoking weed (and being black...) being a "thug".

But of course you would take a dim view of someone dressed like a skinhead. Perhaps shaved head motorcycle jacket chain spiders skulls and swastikas tattooed on the neck or face.


of course I assume you are speaking of Trayvon Martin who was implicated in a few robberies though I have not seen a source I trust completely and was kicked out of school for criminal behavior, ie smoking and carrying weed and he did attack someone.


of course no one should think of someone as a thug merely for wearing a hoodie.


plus I would call all of the participants in the riots thugs.



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A dim view?


I know you are trying to tell me what I think there, but I'm not even sure what that is...



I'm also speaking in general. I'm not trying to defend the guy in the OP. I'm just saying a lot of posters here would call people thugs and dangerous just for looking a certain way.

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A dim view?


I know you are trying to tell me what I think there, but I'm not even sure what that is...



I'm also speaking in general. I'm not trying to defend the guy in the OP. I'm just saying a lot of posters here would call people thugs and dangerous just for looking a certain way.

A dim view would be something like a bad attitude. If I saw one dressed like a skinhead and acting like one I would probably have a negative reaction without knowing the guy.

I am assuming you would have the same reaction. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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