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US almost nuked N.C


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The blame would have fallen on Ike since JFK was only in office for 4 days before it happened. Though at the height of the cold war it could have been quickly blamed on the Russians to start a war....

Probably. I would have been dead at age 6, and you guys would never have been born.

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I guess this is closer than 'almost pressing the button' situations, because this was just a fluke (and a statement about the quality of American nukes at that time?) that nothing happened

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I guess this is closer than 'almost pressing the button' situations, because this was just a fluke (and a statement about the quality of American nukes at that time?) that nothing happened



id say by God's divine intervention.


and before you doubt the "quality" of American technology - perhaps you guys should check the quality of your refrigerators....


the beer you drink there is piss warm

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id say by God's divine intervention.


and before you doubt the "quality" of American technology - perhaps you guys should check the quality of your refrigerators....


the beer you drink there is piss warm

Jesus you're tetchy. Point was, what if that bomb had been dropped on a legitimate target and failed to detonate? Evidently, the bombs weren't reliable enough to explode 100% of the time in 1961.


As for the divine intervention, I'll just leave that alone.

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I guess this is closer than 'almost pressing the button' situations, because this was just a fluke (and a statement about the quality of American nukes at that time?) that nothing happened

I don't believe either one was actually armed at the time, as in when your going into bomb Cairo or Mecca. When nuclear weapons are moved over friendly territory they are never armed. (Or not supposed to be) ^_^

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"In other words, both weapons came alarmingly close to detonating.

Weapon 1, the bomb whose parachute opened, landed intact. Fortunately, the safing pins that provided power from a generator to the weapon had been yanked -- preventing it from going off.

Weapon 2, the second bomb with the unopened parachute, landed in a free-fall. The impact of the crash put it in the "armed" setting. Fortunately -- once again -- it damaged another part of the bomb needed to initiate an explosion."


maybe its just me then .... of course this is from CNN


but I still maintain - Gods divine intervention.

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OK, I was under the impression that the only thing that stopped it detonating was a wiring problem:


"By the slightest margin of chance, literally the failure of two wires to cross, a nuclear explosion was averted."


If you want to believe it was divine intervention, then I'm not stopping you.

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The blame would have fallen on Ike since JFK was only in office for 4 days before it happened. Though at the height of the cold war it could have been quickly blamed on the Russians to start a war....

Plus Jack was busy with Marilyn Monroe the bay of pigs and a bottle of Johnny Walker.



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God did it. God does everything.


Can't explain something? Gawd

Something crazy happens? Gawd

If Fair Hooker and other choose to believe that there was divine intervention stopping that, that there's some greater power looking over their lives, let them, there's no problem.

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It's what the left does, and that is woodpecker.


Peck at anything and everything that he doesn't understand and doesn't agree with.


Sad. He doesn't have much of a life to lean on, and nearly no experiences in life, so hate is his fallback, like

a lot of others on the dumbass, bigoted left:



Anyways, in the early 70's, in the AF, those B-52's were old then. In 1961, it

may have also been old. They were first manufactured in the early 50's. A couple

of pilots were always offering me a ride on theirs. It was called "Thunder Turkey" because

the parts that kept being made for the engines, weren't exactly the same as

the old parts. I never did. The engines always sounded like they were going to blow up,

and the aircraft aluminum skin was wavy. They just would laugh, and explain that the

skin was stress streched over the years. It would have been on a weekend, anyways,

and I nearly never stayed in town on weekends.


So, that is an old story, But those big old planes were something to see, We'd walk right past them

within 80 yds sometimes, on our way to work. At least it wasn't the old Thunder Turkey that fell apart that day.

And, there is no protocol I can imagine, that would have really armed those bombs in peacetime, over

the United States, or even N. America. I think that's nonsense. They may have been on the plane

only for training flights, with that much weight on board or something.

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