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Robbers shot and killed, Families want to sue


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1. Nobody said all criminals should die. That's another bs point to have some justification

in making a comment where you can't be wrong. Waste of time.


2. There is nothing vigilante about using your gun to keep from being

killed, etc, with a deadly weapon, in a situation you had nothing to do

with it happening.


3. Millions and millions and millions of gun owners don't ever, ever want to have

to defend themselves with a gun. But in any city, township, there can be "people"

who are on some kind of drugs, or just violent criminals, that can go after innocent people.


4. Most gun owners would desperately want to go the avoidance route in the first place, or

escape route. But you can't just escape an armed thug when you are already in your home,

or car, or tent.


5. One time, when my Wife and I went to a old country township fairgrounds, it got dark as we

left, and had to walk a block to our parking lot. A lot of cars had left, and it was dimlit lit.

With my gun, I was still concerned. But we had to get back to our car. I knew, even with my ccw,

that if I saw some guys hanging around in that parking lot, I would have stopped and gone back

to the fair, and probably have an officer walk with us. Most all of us don't ever want to be in

a situation where we are at risk, and would have to use our gun.

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I'm confused, didn't these robbers point their guns at the citizen? If so, the robbers threatened the man's life. It's too bad the robbers decided to pursue a criminal career because criminals tend do end up dead. Why is this even controversial?

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2. There is nothing vigilante about using your gun to keep from being

killed, etc, with a deadly weapon, in a situation you had nothing to do

with it happening.


Apparently some people would disagree with that statement.


I'm not one of them

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I'm confused, didn't these robbers point their guns at the citizen? If so, the robbers threatened the man's life. It's too bad the robbers decided to pursue a criminal career because criminals tend do end up dead. Why is this even controversial?

It's controversial because a certain bleeding heart compassionate liberal needs to make it so.


Being compassionate makes them feel good about themselves. Being compassionate also makes them feel superior to you. I know exactly how these freaks think.

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I worked the majority of the year last year. I lost money through taxes there... I got my tax returns about a week ago. around $3400


I don't have much student loan debt at all. Like I have said before, I am fortunate enough that my dad is really good with money and saved up for me. I had/have a college fund.

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Do you guys no how taxes work? How do you think I pay none? Lol


Who wants to make a bet that I pay taxes? Come on, who is interested? Only big money bets.

I would bet that you have NO idea what the word KNOW means

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I'm confused, didn't these robbers point their guns at the citizen? If so, the robbers threatened the man's life. It's too bad the robbers decided to pursue a criminal career because criminals tend do end up dead. Why is this even controversial? Os


Good question. I think it has to do with political expediency at any cost. And, ulterior motives towards

complete gun bans - libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to. Bickering over words/definitions,

and arguing straw men is just smokescreen.

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Yes, liberals are the cause of all the bad in the world....



I did find this comment particularly hilarious though --- "libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to" lol. Yeah Cal, that is totally only a liberal thing, hahaha. You also still seem to think a complete gun ban is a feasible thing, huh? That is you boogey man I guess. You get news from places that tell you it is going to happen and it scares you into listening to them. Brilliant.




Also, if you actually read the article, it said the two robbers did pull their guns on the citizen when he confronted them.

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I'm confused, didn't these robbers point their guns at the citizen? If so, the robbers threatened the man's life. It's too bad the robbers decided to pursue a criminal career because criminals tend do end up dead. Why is this even controversial? Os


Good question. I think it has to do with political expediency at any cost. And, ulterior motives towards

complete gun bans - libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to. Bickering over words/definitions,

and arguing straw men is just smokescreen.


I wish you wouldn't jump to labels when explaining things, though. :P


Seriously, this statement "libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to" would ring true if you replaced "libs" with "extremists". Many extremist conservatives tend to hate gays, blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc because they don't understand them, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. Similarly, extremist liberals tend to hate the death penalty, guns, creationism and the concept of religion in general, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. The worst of all, is once you hate something, you close off any possibility for understanding it. We'll all be better off if we shed the labels we use for ourselves and others and start thinking for ourselves.

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I wish you wouldn't jump to labels when explaining things, though. :P


Seriously, this statement "libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to" would ring true if you replaced "libs" with "extremists". Many extremist conservatives tend to hate gays, blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc because they don't understand them, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. Similarly, extremist liberals tend to hate the death penalty, guns, creationism and the concept of religion in general, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. The worst of all, is once you hate something, you close off any possibility for understanding it. We'll all be better off if we shed the labels we use for ourselves and others and start thinking for ourselves.

I applaud the effort but some folks are too invested in their camp. It makes it easier for them because they don't have to think. Just get mad and buy some more of whatever it is the news source is trying to sell.

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Seriously, this statement "libs tend to hate what doesn't apply to them/things they can't relate to" would ring true if you replaced "libs" with "extremists". Many extremist conservatives tend to hate gays, blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc because they don't understand them, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. Similarly, extremist liberals tend to hate the death penalty, guns, creationism and the concept of religion in general, and even worse, they have an 'understanding' that is filtered through media sources that wish to promote such hate. The worst of all, is once you hate something, you close off any possibility for understanding it. We'll all be better off if we shed the labels we use for ourselves and others and start thinking for ourselves. Os


I admit this is true. Liberals are fascist extremists....

Okay, but seriously, I was just referring to the anti-gun crowd, the old anti-SUV crowd. The anti-hunting crowd.

The anti-meat eating crowd. I don't really know the % of those who are extremist, vs just regular folks who are

honestly liberal on some issues for reasons they have.

Using labels is a quicker way of saying something, when time contraints cause me to be not as accurate.

I admit it. I'll work on it. Hafta go split a few tons of wild cherry tree sections....

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I don't think I have ever heard you specify the "type" of liberal in your rants. Just that liberals, in general, are bad in some way and anyone that disagrees with you about anything is in fact a liberal. If you were truly meaning to say the things you said in your previous post, I think we would have seen it at some point by now.

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the reason I don't put a lot of stock in the conservative or liberal labels: is because I don't adhere truly to either one and I am always right. :)


I also don't adhere to either side. Neither side can be right all the time

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My right side is always right. My left side is never right.


A lot like magnetism. Opposite poles attract, matching poles



Some things are just natural law. @@

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My right side is always right. My left side is never right.


A lot like magnetism. Opposite poles attract, matching poles



Some things are just natural law. @@



If you are going off of opposites attract and likes repel, then that isn't helping your point.


Right (political) and "right" (being correct) are like words and would repel

Left (political) and "right" (being correct) are opposite words and would attract


This, based on your logic, would make the left side attracted to being correct, and the right side repelling being correct




just saying





or the whole "poles" thing is absolutely Retarded when you bring it up...

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That being said, they surely didn't deserve to die for their crimes.

I've been thinking about this a bit and I'm starting to change my mind a little. The guys pulled their guns on someone who asked them to stop - knowing full well that he might be carrying a weapon. He absolutely has the right to defend himself with the necessary force - in this case, his own gun.


On the other hand, the fact that the bystander managed to shoot both of them before either fired a retaliatory reply would seem to indicate that they didn't have the inclination to actually kill anyone - they just wanted to use the guns to threaten and intimidate anyone standing in their way, not to cause any physical harm. But that's just guesswork, obviously.

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If you are going off of opposites attract and likes repel, then that isn't helping your point.


Right (political) and "right" (being correct) are like words and would repel

Left (political) and "right" (being correct) are opposite words and would attract


This, based on your logic, would make the left side attracted to being correct, and the right side repelling being correct




just saying





or the whole "poles" thing is absolutely Retarded when you bring it up...

He has got a bit of a point cal. What say you?

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Deserve to die or not, it's at least a risk you should understand you are taking on when you decide to break the law.

Motorcyclist who refuse to wear helmets don't deserve head injuries but....


Indeed. Don't half assed threaten another person's life with no real intent. It is a good way to end up bleeding to death next to some Slim Jims and Funyuns.

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Right (political) and "right" (being correct) are like words and would repel
Left (political) and "right" (being correct) are opposite words and would attract Woody


Yes, you are unable to follow the joke, and no surprise, then

you went for the "Retarded" attack again.


No big deal. It's all you can do. And you are very wrong. Which makes sense,

since you are a leftie, and as such, have never been right.


Now, for instance, your claim that the two words are "like" words. They are only alike

in spelling, and pronunciation - which makes them NOT opposites. Their meanings are

quite different, but also not opposite.


As for "left" and "left" - the same holds true, they are spelled the same, same pronunciation, but have different meanings,

but are not opposites.


Furthermore, "left" and "right" are not opposites, if you went back to back with a person, then walked

to your left, and other to their right, and you walked far enough, you'd end up together. Different, but

to the same place. Which, is quite impossible, if they were true "opposites".


"Right" and "Right" are homonyms; you should be familiar with the first four letters, and "nym", which is a politically correct

spelling of "numb" as in, "you are a numbskull, woody".


It's simply an example of you thinking "linearly", while I think "comprehensively". the two words also

not being exact opposites. So, I bid you adieu, and must leave to go haul big chunks of wild cherry tree to the barn,

but in doing so, I will not have "left", because I am "right". @@


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