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Robbers shot and killed, Families want to sue


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"He's not no thug or nothing like that...he's a good boy" - well...I kinda disagree. Good boys don't commit armed robbery.


That being said, they surely didn't deserve to die for their crimes.


Also, I love the completely unbiased write up in "USConcealedCarry.com" - I wonder which side of the argument they're coming down on!

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If you google "robber's family sue" the sites this story pops up on include TheArmedCitizen, EagleRising, GunsNFreedom.... lol. Let all their readers get a boner over the vigilanty justice they hope to deliver some day. Just like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne!





But yeah, it looks like this story is a few months old. No dates were given in the OPs article though...





The dude shouldn't be sued, clearly.

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If you google "robber's family sue" the sites this story pops up on include TheArmedCitizen, EagleRising, GunsNFreedom.... lol. Let all their readers get a boner over the vigilanty justice they hope to deliver some day. Just like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne!





But yeah, it looks like this story is a few months old. No dates were given in the OPs article though...





The dude shouldn't be sued, clearly.

I didn't see any dates either. I just got an email about the story.


And the dude who shot them should not be sued. They pointed guns at him, he had every right to drop them

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Ok "shoot them in self defense"


Does that make you feel better?

What it does is add credence to your point - when you talk about dropping, wasting, blasting or whatever else you care to call it, you come across as a wannabe gangster, 12 year-old in his bedroom or waiting-for-my-moment-to-shine vigilante. When you use the right words, people will take your points a lot more seriously.

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My point was he had every right to do what he did. And that point got across, regardless of how it was said

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I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, I disagree completely.

I am not and you are entitled to your opinion but criminals don't deserve to live out their lives on the taxpayer dime. That is a much bigger expenditure than, say, welfare fraud, and these people are of no value to society. Harsh? Maybe, but what attachment do you have to armed robbers?

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Actually it would be kind of cool if the guards beat the living s*** out of the guy every few months and he won every lawsuit and every nickel was given to the victims families.




My tax dollars! Taxes too high! Moochers! Slugs! Rabble rabble rabble!

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If you google "robber's family sue" the sites this story pops up on include TheArmedCitizen, EagleRising, GunsNFreedom.... lol. Let all their readers get a boner over the vigilanty justice they hope to deliver some day. Just like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne!





But yeah, it looks like this story is a few months old. No dates were given in the OPs article though...





The dude shouldn't be sued, clearly.


Will you please stop generalizing people? You are not the only one to do it but it is one of the big things on this forum that drives me crazy. I'm a red blooded American who thinks that the gov needs to get the hell out of our lives, I love guns, I've defended my household against a robber once before while armed, and the entire time I was thinking, "Please, for the love of God, don't come down the hallway." It's not that I didn't think I could handle myself, it's that I did not want to have to use "vigilante justice" like you said.


Anyways, the guy left when we yelled at him that we were armed. THAT is what most people hope happens in that situation. So, please, stop generalizing so much.. all of you.


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I was just going off of the comments on those sites and terms like "drop him". I realize not every pro gun person is like this, but not every pro gun person frequents these sites.

Seriously though, some of these links come from hilarious sources.

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