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TL;DR - A Christian woman who prays out loud during the 'moment's silence' at school board meetings has said she won't stop, after being asked to by the school board, saying she's on a mission to put God back in schools.



I suspect many of you will react by thinking something like "well it's her right to pray however she wants, this is America" - while there'll probably be the other side saying "God has no place in school anyway, she should shut up"


I would say, that I believe that there's a place for religion in school, and that if a student wants to take 5 minutes out of his or her day to pray then that's absolutely fine. Preferably not during classes though.


That being said, to the people who would defend her right to do that: bearing in mind that the USA legally favours no religion over another, how would you feel if there were a muslim parent saying their allahu akbar or whatever in the same space, either instead or at the same time? Would you be as supportive of his/her right to pray out loud then?


I'd personally say that as long as you're not bothering people, you should be entitled to pray however you want. The question here is whether her praying is bothering people - if she weren't praying, instead she was just talking, that would be quite annoying, I imagine; or whether it's specifically the Christianity that's bothering people.


What do you think? If you were in that school board meeting, "moment of silence please" - presumably for personal contemplation/prayer - and she starts with the hallelujah, praise the lord business, would be annoyed? I think I would - not for the religion, for the fact that it's supposed to be a moment of silence where I'm in deep thought, disturbed by the noises she's making.


So what say you?


N.B. I'm not here trying to promote islam or whatever, in case it comes across that way, I just chose it as it's usually the religion that causes the most tension in topics like this. Equally substitute your religion of choice.

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TL;DR - A Christian woman who prays out loud during the 'moment's silence' at school board meetings has said she won't stop, after being asked to by the school board, saying she's on a mission to put God back in schools.



I suspect many of you will react by thinking something like "well it's her right to pray however she wants, this is America" - while there'll probably be the other side saying "God has no place in school anyway, she should shut up"


I would say, that I believe that there's a place for religion in school, and that if a student wants to take 5 minutes out of his or her day to pray then that's absolutely fine. Preferably not during classes though.


That being said, to the people who would defend her right to do that: bearing in mind that the USA legally favours no religion over another, how would you feel if there were a muslim parent saying their allahu akbar or whatever in the same space, either instead or at the same time? Would you be as supportive of his/her right to pray out loud then?


I'd personally say that as long as you're not bothering people, you should be entitled to pray however you want. The question here is whether her praying is bothering people - if she weren't praying, instead she was just talking, that would be quite annoying, I imagine; or whether it's specifically the Christianity that's bothering people.


What do you think? If you were in that school board meeting, "moment of silence please" - presumably for personal contemplation/prayer - and she starts with the hallelujah, praise the lord business, would be annoyed? I think I would - not for the religion, for the fact that it's supposed to be a moment of silence where I'm in deep thought, disturbed by the noises she's making.


So what say you?


N.B. I'm not here trying to promote islam or whatever, in case it comes across that way, I just chose it as it's usually the religion that causes the most tension in topics like this. Equally substitute your religion of choice.

You are obviously a Muslim convert and are posing as neutral. Allah Akbar.

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A Muslim would not have been told to stop in the first place

Oh god here we go with this again...




Chris I agree with you. As long as the school shouldn't promote or favor a religion. If this is a moment of silence and she was talking I'd be annoyed.


Why is she doing it aloud? "I am Christian! Hear me roar! I will not be oppressed!" Or something dumb like that?

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Oh god here we go with this again...




Chris I agree with you. As long as the school shouldn't promote or favor a religion. If this is a moment of silence and she was talking I'd be annoyed.


Why is she doing it aloud? "I am Christian! Hear me roar! I will not be oppressed!" Or something dumb like that?

I know a lot of people who when they get in the mood, they get a bit carried away with it and cry out in the name of the lord. I suspect, though, that this isn't the case here.

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If it were a Muslim, Fox News would be gleefully covering it like it was the end of the world. Instead, MSNBC will be the one fear mongering about it.


I don't care what someone does in free time to themselves. Don't interfere in a meeting to do your personal prayer. It becomes everyone having to take a break for your religious preferences.

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Oh god here we go with this again...




Chris I agree with you. As long as the school shouldn't promote or favor a religion. If this is a moment of silence and she was talking I'd be annoyed.


Why is she doing it aloud? "I am Christian! Hear me roar! I will not be oppressed!" Or something dumb like that?

Oh? Find me some precedent for Muslims bring asked to stop their prayers in the first place. Otherwise you're just going the fake outraged way where you insist people are actually being treated fairly as if the world actually works like that.

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Although I am not religious in the slightest I applaud Christians for fighting for their religion. Either all religions are treated the same or none are. People don't stop Muslims because they're afraid of reprisal. Well, Christians, stand up and make them fear your reprisals as well. Muslim does this = staff doesn't say a word about it. Christian does it = told to stop. I'm not sure what woody is not getting but I imagine he's just being obstinate because he worships a flying spaghetti monster and he believes himself to be much smarter than others.

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It is South Carolina. I don't think there would be an issue with the locals telling a muslim to cut out the yapping during a meeting. New York or a major city? I could see it. People are PC and feel like they don't want to offend minority ethnicities or religions. But in the vast majority of the U.S., I don't think anyone would feel compelled to give the muslim more play than the christian. In fact, I think there would be a good deal of nerves on end if someone just up and started barking about Allah during the a public meeting.

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It is a moment of silence and she isn't being silent... Why does her religion matter?


How about this one


Christian doing this = fighting for her religion and fighting against the rampant oppression of christians

Muslim doing this = trying to take over the country with sharia law, attacking america and Christianity



You think a Muslim wouldn't get any slack for this? That's bullshit. A good area of the country wouldn't tolerate this. And if they did, you know it would end up on the blaze or fox or wherever else cal gets his news about how some Muslim somewhere is destroying america.



Moment of silence. Not being silent.

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