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3 Black men break in home, attack husband and rape pregnant wife

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I'm not sure what context you think you put it in. Of course it would have been the very first thing they noticed. If you mean was it worse because they were black? You're not in a position to judge that. For some people it may well be worse because they're black.

I didn't know i had to write down a time line of their thoughts. I don't think they were focused on the race of the perps when they were getting raped and tortured. I doubt they would be thinking "hmm well I think this could get real consensual if they were white dudes raping my wife".

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back forty neighbor's kid tore up our walking trail in our woods. This time of year,

that is pretty easy for a 4 wheeler to do.


Since we have friends who have discontinued their friendship with that 4wheeler kids family..

over the behavior of the kids...

We had a talk with the sheriff. He went and had a talk with them, and that should permanently solve that.


But, anyways, the sheriff deputy was really terrific. There is only three deputies for the entire county.

They are working on funding to fix that. I appreaciate Chris's response to my question, and again, woody goes

on a rage so he doesn't have to answer it.


Crime is all over, per the deputy. So, here is a real scenario -


last week, about 4 mi from our farm, a young lady was standing out front at her bus stop, alone....

and a black suv pulled up. offered her some candy and a ride. She said NO, and he got out of the car,

and was walking toward her, and her bus came around the corner. The male took off fast, and the she told

the bus driver, who called the police.


It's all over. There are times citizens need guns outside of the home. Sure, that entails certification,

and a permit, and a serious background check to cc. So, what's the beef?


That young lady might have been kidnapped if the bus had been running a few minutes late.

This is a very true, fearsome story, parents all over have been notified.


You might be jogging, or driving by, and you would stop him. Unless he pulls a knife on you.

Then, with your cc, you could save the young lady, and keep from getting killed in a knife fight.

Or, you could be woody, and just call the police all too late, because the suv took off with her,

and there isn't a cruiser within 5-10 minutes of arriving.. Three for a whole county.


One more time, it is not the good guys and gals with guns. It's the criminals. All the gun control laws

do not stop the criminals.

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To stay on topic, I don't think race should be brought up in stories unless the person is still on the loose and they need people to ID the person involved. The last thing on my mind should be the race when reading a story about three subhuman animals who raped and tortured people. I am sure it was the last thing on the mind of the victims.


You must have missed Steves post. The fact that 12% of the population commits 53% of violent crimes is why this thread is posted, otherwise it's pretty much a non story here.

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You must have missed Steves post. The fact that 12% of the population commits 53% of violent crimes is why this thread is posted, otherwise it's pretty much a non story here.

So the point is "look at those black people, at it again?"

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Chris you're probably correct that race shouldn't be mentioned in this article. But of course that would be in a perfect world. Which this is not.

It is unfortunate that 13 percent of the population commits 55 percent of the violent crime and yet one of the most damaging things that can be done to a common citizen is to accuse him of racism. Now we only knew of the story because someone posted it. Had the races been reversed I would imagine it would be headline news across the nation.

And then it wouldn't be a joke to people like Woody.





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No the point is the highlighted portion of the previous post. Do you have a similar demographic in England?


87% White - which doesn't split by nationality; we have a lot of italians, poles etc over here

7% Asian

5% Black

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87% White - which doesn't split by nationality; we have a lot of italians, poles etc over here

7% Asian

5% Black

What I mean is or any of those groups responsible for the bulk of crime in your country and do any of them get special treatment because of past injustice by the British government in the 19th century?

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So the point is "look at those black people, at it again?"


Perhaps I should reconsider my original thought...since the Trayvon Martin thing, the main objective of the OP was possibly to prove once again that when blacks commit a violent crime against whites, there is virtually no outrage.


The fact that blacks commit a dispropportionate amount of violent crime coincides with the threads objective. You can hide behind the cloak of political correctness all you want, but it is what it is.

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Not really. I mean, it's the same thing again - the majority of crime isn't being committed by any ethnic group specifically. There's correlation but not necessarily the causation. All things being equal - picturing Carlton Banks here, basically - you couldn't say that any ethnicity has a predisposition to crime.


IMO, the driving factor is the class, not the race. If you come from a poor background, with largely uneducated parents (or parent), then you're probably more likely to commit crime. When you then look at the demographic of *that* group, there's likely to be less of an imbalance between the demography of the population and the demography of criminals.


So the solution - fewer poor people. Simple :D


(I really am secretly a conservative, it just doesn't come across often here)

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Perhaps I should reconsider my original thought...since the Trayvon Martin thing, the main objective of the OP was possibly to prove once again that when blacks commit a violent crime against whites, there is virtually no outrage.


The fact that blacks commit a dispropportionate amount of violent crime coincides with the threads objective. You can hide behind the cloak of political correctness all you want, but it is what it is.

I see what you're saying, but there was no point being made with the OP, no opinion besides the article, along with the fact that the incident wasn't - as far as we can tell - racially motivated, unlike the Martin thing was (wasn't it? I think that's the story we got).


Nor was there any mention even in the article of the men being black - DieHard turned the article from how it should have been reported: "Three men attack and rape pregnant couple" into "Three black men attack and rape pregnant couple."

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I saw it as a simple reference to the truth that

that 12% commits a majority of the crimes.


There is a subculture of entitlement, and that

subculture has been told that their plight isn't

their fault, by the Jesse Jacksons and the like,

for years, even decades.


So black on white crime has that as a partial

explanation. No so, with white on black crime.


So much fraudulent hostility over not being

successful in life.


The incendiary rhetoric by certain loud black voices

over the years has taken it's toll. So has the

financial encouragement to be dependent on

the gov programs as an entitlement way of life.

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Yes Chris I agree that it's a matter of class, not physiology. Unfortunately when particular groups are encouraged to balkanize it seems, at least in this case, that they affect some rather negative aspects of social behavior.

I think we could point to time periods is which there were elevated levels of crime in most groups of poor immigrants who share a history of discrimination and injustice. Still after a generation or two its not taking your life in your hands to walk down the street in an Irish, Italiam, Jewish, Chinese or Arab neighborhood.



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I saw it as a simple reference to the truth that

that 12% commits a majority of the crimes.


There is a subculture of entitlement, and that

subculture has been told that their plight isn't

their fault, by the Jesse Jacksons and the like,

for years, even decades.


So black on white crime has that as a partial

explanation. No so, with white on black crime.


So much fraudulent hostility over not being

successful in life.


The incendiary rhetoric by certain loud black voices

over the years has taken it's toll. So has the

financial encouragement to be dependent on

the gov programs as an entitlement way of life.

Jackson and Sharpton line their pockets by making black communities outraged.

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Jackson and Sharpton line their pockets by making black communities outraged.

Exactly. It's an epidemic. Take for example MSNBC, a left wing political station that features al Sharpton whose sole purpose is race baiting. One may argue that Fox News is equally biased however there is no equivalent to Sharpton on Fox.

There is no David Duke show in prime time.



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