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A real consensus - most everybody knows that Obamao is corrupt


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Let's see - he lied about Obamaocare. And having a transparent regime.

And supporting the investigation into Benghazi. And about his and Holder's

wanting to get to the bottom of "Fast and Furious"...


and the IRS harrassing and denying freedom of speech to conservative groups.

Obamao mafia still hasn't had the former head of the IRS to testify the truth.


And lied about upholding and defending our laws,


and Obamao now is threatening to veto a bill, that requires him to...


obey the law.




And, his love for a Muslim prayer song is documented, and his favoritism

toward Muslims is getting near obvious to anybody.


His regime now says, that the Palistinian Authority doesn't have to

accept Israel as a Jewish state.


Oh, but Obamao and co demand that the Israelis stop all settlement building,

and withdraw back to '67 borders.


And, in the news, Obamao's mafia has refused to go ahead and send the armed

helicopters to Egypt, who need them to fight the terrorist groups in Gaza attacking Israel.


But of course, the Obamao regime has a real fine respect for the gentleness and goodness

of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yes, they do.


And the Obamao mafia has put NASA's new goal on the line: being an OUTREACH to Muslims.


And, of course, Obamao's mafia is refusing to admit Israelis into our country.




The pendulum is getting closer to swinging the other direction. Our country needs

to right the ship, pun intended.

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