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Malaysian Flight 370 conspiracies.


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The Bermuda Triangle was secretly moved to the Malaysia/China area.


It's now the Chinaysia Triangle. This was just leaked by Joe Biden....

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The Bermuda Triangle was secretly moved to the Malaysia/China area.


It's now the Chinaysia Triangle. This was just leaked by Joe Biden....

The Chinese bought it from America to allow the Americans to give money to Ukraine and fight the Russians. the Chinese will invade Russia and stretch the armies on two fronts. A Chimerican alliance that will last for years as they split Russia between them.

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US investigators reportedly believe missing Malaysia Airlines jet flew for hours after losing contact
Published March 13, 2014
  • 031214_sr_herridge4_640.jpg

U.S. aviation investigators and national security officials now believe that a missing Malaysia Airlines plane remained in the air for hours after it lost contact with air traffic controllers and disappeared from radar screens.

The Wall Street Journalexternal-link.png reported Thursday that investigators think the plane flew on for between four and five hours, based on data automatically downloaded and sent from the plane's engine to its manufacturer as part of a routine maintenance agreement. If true, the plane could have flown hundreds of miles away from where it was last seen over the Gulf of Thailand, where the multinational search effort has been concentrated.

Malaysia's acting Defense Minister denied the report Thursday, claiming that both engine maker Rolls Royce and airplane manufacturer Boeing had said that the Journal report was incorrect.

U.S. counterterrorism officials are exploring the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after turning off the plane's transponders to avoid radar detection, a person tracking the investigation told The Journal.

The paper reported that investigators have not definitely decided whether they believe terrorism was at the root of the plane's disappearance, but are pursuing theories that would rule out mechanical problems or pilot error. Once such theory, according to the Journal, holds that the plane may have been diverted "with the intention of using it later for a different purpose."

Vernon Grose, a seasoned National Transportation Safety Board investigator and consultant, told Fox News his preliminary assessment was that if the plane disintegrated, he would expect to find large pieces of wreckage, including the wings, the horizontal stabilizer in the tail and the vertical fin.

When the wreckage is located, Grose said the black boxes should be located in fairly short order.

The new theory was reported shortly after Malaysia's civil aviation chief said that no signs of the missing jetliner have been found at a location where Chinese satellite images showed what was thought to be plane debris.

Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said planes searched the location Thursday. "There is nothing. We went there, there is nothing," he told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.

China's official Xinhua News Agency reported late Wednesday a government website has satellite images of suspected debris from the Malaysia Airlines plane that vanished with 239 people aboard just hours after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Beijing early Saturday.

The satellite images from the morning of March 9 appear to show "three suspected floating objects" of varying sizes in the sea off the southern tip of Vietnam and east of Malaysia – a part of the original search area for the aircraft, which was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Pham Quy Tieu, Vietnam's deputy transport minister, told The Associated Press that the area had been "searched thoroughly" by forces from other countries over the past few days. Doan Huu Gia, chief of air search and rescue coordination center, said Malaysian and Singaporean aircraft visited area again Thursday.

Two-thirds of the passengers on the flight were Chinese, and the Chinese government has put increasing pressure on Malaysian officials to solve the mystery of the plane's disappearance.

Malaysia’s civil aviation officials said Wednesday in Beijing that the final voice communication heard from the missing Malaysian Airlines jet to air traffic controllers was, "All right, good night," The Straits Times reported.external-link.png

The message was reportedly sent from the cockpit to the controllers in response to being informed that the plane was entering Vietnamese airspace.

Amid intensifying confusion and occasionally contradictory statements, the country's civil aviation authorities and the military both said the plane may have turned back from its original route toward Vietnam, possibly as far as the Strait of Malacca on the eastern side of the country.

Authorities have not ruled out any possible cause for the plane’s disappearance, including mechanical failure, pilot error, sabotage or terrorism in the disappearance of the plane. The 777 is a modern aircraft with an excellent safety record, as does Malaysia Airlines.

In June 2013, Boeing issued a safety alert to Boeing 777 operators, telling them to inspect for corrosion and cracks in the crown fuselage around a satellite antenna. The alert says one airline found a 16-inch crack in one plane, then checked other 777s and found more cracking.

"Cracks in the fuselage skin that are not found and repaired can propagate to the point where the fuselage skin structure cannot sustain limit load," Boeing said. "When the fuselage skin cannot sustain limit load, this can result in possible rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity."

Fox News' Catherine Herridge and The Associated Press contributed to this report

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Interesting play on using Chinese satellites. Granted, they're in the area, but it'd be nice to see what their "eyes" are capable of.

I suspect largely the same as american satellites. And russian. And most others up there that are designed to capture images of the earth.

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We have been playing the espionage game of chess with China and Russia for a very long time...


I garuntee you they look at us and we look at them but I do think the US has harnessed technology at this point tenfold what they have.

Yep. I fail to believe that the US doesn't have every inch of china mapped out, and vice versa. Hell, google has done it...

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I was actually stationed on this island for a time. Cats and chickens run freely and are protected by British law. They actually had a few restaurants. They have a Navy Facility there, but it is run by the British, who actually had police there. During the first gulf war the Air Force brought in a squadron of B-52 bombers and refueling planes that bombed Iraq. No way the jet landed here.


Island of Diego Garcia Factors into Mysterious Malaysia Flight Theories

Mar 18, 2014 1:52pm

Pictured is a satellite image of Diego Garcia (NASA)

Theories about what happened to missing Malaysia Flight MH370 now span a 2 million-plus square mile area of open ocean and southeast Asian land, including one mysterious island in the Indian Ocean known as Diego Garcia.

While aviation experts and armchair theorists continue to come up with plausible locations, the jet could have landed or crashed. Many theories have included Diego Garcia as a notable landing strip.

The island atoll is a British territory in the central Indian Ocean and is home to a United States Navy support facility — not exactly a U.S. base, but a home for 1700 military personnel, 1,500 civilian contractors, and various Naval equipment.

The island — named after 16th century Spanish explorer Diego Garcia de Moguer — gained some notoriety in the past 10 years after reports claimed that the U.S. used Diego Garcia to transport and detain alleged terrorists.

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You know how the Russians downed a U.S. drone flying over Crimea? They did it

with electronic jamming, maybe electronic control.


Like taking over a car's computer via remote electronics.


Maybe...the Russians knew the U.S. had a couple of CIA agents looking into

intel that they were going to take S. and E. Ukraine, and other former Soviet satellite countries...


so they jammed the planes computers and the pilots totally lost control. And the Russians

simply guided the plane into the deepest part of the ocean to avoid the black box telling

what happened.


Freakin corrupt Russians. They want their Soviet Union back, as much as they

can make money in doing it from the resources of the certain countries they want back....

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