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Obamao gave a green light to world troubles


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Disagree all you want, but the 10 different polls from 2004 agree with me.



Running a country has nothing to do with how Europe or Asia looks at you. You get elected by your own countries people. I could give a rats ass how someone in Egypt or England thinks of the US.

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Running a country has nothing to do with how Europe or Asia looks at you. You get elected by your own countries people. I could give a rats ass how someone in Egypt or England thinks of the US.


Yeah....... until you actually need that country to help either diplomatically or militarily....

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Bellyache about George Bush. Check.

Whine about Fox News and the blaze. Check.

Was there another point felllos?


Maybe I'm stepping off the reservation here but I couldn't really give much less of a rats ass about the Ruskies. No idea why the United States hasn't pulled more of a Reagan and Gorbachev kind of alliance. They aren't really strong enough to compete with us. They aren't really doing anything with their splintering union that we wouldn't be doing. We canonize Abe Lincoln who butchered hundreds of thousands of his own people to keep the Union together, right? And instead of calling them Muslim terrorists, which they are, we call them Chechen rebels. Come now.


I think we could easily find common ground with Russia. Then we can worry about Red China.


My gripe about the Obama administration is the fact that they threaten and do nothing. Just shut up Barack.


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Jeb Bush?


W already served his 2 terms. 6 Years ago. Any chance we can leave him out of this unless this is somehow his fault too? Fuck





Both of these ^ for sure


The Georgian conflict of 2008 happened in late spring of 2008 - during the lame duck term of a hated POTUS....


The country was ENAMORED with your superstar Barry. er Barack Obama with an entirely fawning media.


So to claim GWBush wouldve / couldve done something about Putins Russian advances was not only impossible, but ridiculous to assume so.


And by the fall of the upcoming election, the perfect storm of financial collapse with the few brokerage firms on Wall Street became


issues front and center. This is the part that everyone blames Bush for BUT fails to admit the piss poor actions of a democratic majority in congress


making very bad economic policies, let alone the housing bubble warnings given by the Bush admin, largely ignored by everyone....


say what you want about Obama though, he cant do anything either..... but his non- existent foriegn policy leadership


track record is what gives Putin the motivation to do ANYTHING he want anyway.

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Bellyache about George Bush. Check.

Whine about Fox News and the blaze. Check.

Was there another point felllos?

Maybe I'm stepping off the reservation here but I couldn't really give much less of a rats ass about the Ruskies. No idea why the United States hasn't pulled more of a Reagan and Gorbachev kind of alliance. They aren't really strong enough to compete with us. They aren't really doing anything with their splintering union that we wouldn't be doing. We canonize Abe Lincoln who butchered hundreds of thousands of his own people to keep the Union together, right? And instead of calling them Muslim terrorists, which they are, we call them Chechen rebels. Come now.

I think we could easily find common ground with Russia. Then we can worry about Red China.

My gripe about the Obama administration is the fact that they threaten and do nothing. Just shut up Barack.


I am on board with this. Hollow threats are damaging. Has the EU piped up and talked big? I haven't heard anything but then again I doubt we will. The Germans benefit greatly from the cheap natural gas Russia is pumping into Europe.

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I am on board with this. Hollow threats are damaging. Has the EU piped up and talked big? I haven't heard anything but then again I doubt we will. The Germans benefit greatly from the cheap natural gas Russia is pumping into Europe.



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This was no split second decision by Moscow. This was planned well before the Olympics. They new if they did this before the Olympics, no one would show up. They also knew what the reaction would be, so there are no surprises for Putin. This was all calculated in advance. Question now is will they stop at Crimea, or will they do the entire eastern half of Ukraine?

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Actually, Os, you're wrong, imhso.


See, the point was, our standing, because of Obamao, has PLUMMETED.


I never said you didn't know what the words mean.


But, consider this - "Respect", as in, they knew Bush and Congress MEANT What they said,

and sure as hell were going to BACK IT UP WITH ACTION, is a given. Now, all sorts of other

countries didn't like the action, too bleepin bad.


Now? America has truly lost that "action" respect. Russia and other countries laugh at ObaMao's

continued blowing smoke internationally. They know he's just a marxist street activist/manipulator/mouthpiece

toward liberalism.


That he voted "PRESENT" while a congressman, about 128 times, a lot of us TOLD dem supporters around here,

that that would pretty much make indecision a serious problem with an Obamao admin.


So, Respect for Bush, especially in that "take action" regard, sure as hell plummetted respest for our country

around the world.


So, sorry, your "haha" is invalid.


I will say this - I think if Bush were pres, NATO would get together, and immediately vote the Ukraine

into NATO. It's been talked about. But now, Russia has to know there are limits to world wide aggression.


Nobody anywhere would call Bush our "Neville Chamberlain"...


But what do you wan to bet, that ObaMao is seen as exactly that - "America's Neville Chamberlain",

around the world, and in this country.


BTW, that isn't a good thing, in case somebody doesn't know.

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Putin already asked for, and received, "permission" (rubber stamp), to

invade the rest of the Ukraine.


And he will do it, too.


In reality, Putin should have gone to the UN. That's what libs demanded Bush do.


But Russian couldn't care less. They want what they want, and that is, power and control over

anything and any place that makes them richer, and more powerful.


Getting a pro Russian pres of the Ukraine was a long time in the making. Russia succeeded, then

he was run out of country. Now, he hides with his benefactor, Russia, and they are po'd that it

didn't work.


So, they took Crimea, and I see them rolling into all of the Ukraine soon. Unless

they are stopped,

they will surely have naval bases in several countries in the Caribbean, and Central America.


And then, they will have most of the control they could ever have, outside of China's

control over Asia.


Obamao is our Neville Chamberlain. Will history repeat itself again?

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Speaking as a non-american, I'd say that America under Obama has gained respect for not rushing to military action to solve every problem. Not saying ex-president x, y or z would be invading russia now, but there's the sense that Obama is less of a cowboy, america is less like the world sheriff, riding in to town with shotguns on its back to sort out everyone else's problems.


So there's that. A prize for the first "I don't give a shit what any non-american thinks about america comment" - hint, there's not really a prize.

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How so? He continues in Iraq and Afghanistan....


and put arms into Syria, did nothing about Libya,

even lied about Benghazi and didn't investigate.


Hell, he still hasn't admitted the truth and still has done nothing.


Gained respect for doing nothing? Only from the left, Chris.Nobody is talking

about invading Russia. America doesn't want to be the world's sheriff.


But if it wasn't for our 'sheriffing" - you know that your country would be German nazi controlled, since

WWII, eh? I care what you think - you're just wrong. B)


There comes a time when danger to peace by a looming Mordor must be



When that time is, sometimes you know. Some people never admit it, so they

don't have to make a decision, ever. That's Obamao.


In this case, letting Russia have Crimea, then the Ukraine, then what?


You let them take back the Czech? Finland? Let the Soviet Union start all over again?

History tends to repeat itself. Tolerance of things going wrong is one thing.

Stopping the progression to a new world war, of sorts, is another.


Does anybody think that Kennedy facing down the Soviet Union back then, to stop

them from putting missiles in Cuba, was a wrong thing to do?

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Does anybody think that Kennedy facing down the Soviet Union back then, to stop

them from putting missiles in Cuba, was a wrong thing to do?

Oh I didn't know that the Ukraine was a couple hundred miles off of our shores and that Russia was setting up missile launch sites on the new island of Ukraine.


The situations are not synonymous. Russia is not setting up to create some sort of new evil empire. They are taking low hanging fruit. They will stay within their lane until everyone gets pissed off enough and they will back off. Globalization has made economies interlinked to the point that all out war between countries with a big stake in the game is pretty much a non-issue. Russia is afloat because of the natural gas they sell to Europe. If they fuck that up, their economy hits the skids.

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I agree with cal. It seems to me the Nobel Prize people sort of lean toward euro-centric ideas, or anti American to an extent. I think it was ridiculous when they had him a Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing. Just as a slap in the face to George W Bush. Also my agreement is on Afghanistan. A rat hole waste of money and lives from the get go that escalated for no apparent reason. Seems all the peace lovers in the world turned a blind eye to that fiasco.


But as to our reputation amongst the Europeans, well I'm sure as soon as someone needs firepower we will be your good buddies again. ;)


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I agree with cal. It seems to me the Nobel Prize people sort of lean toward euro-centric ideas, or anti American to an extent. I think it was ridiculous when they had him a Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing. Just as a slap in the face to George W Bush.


That was definitely a mountain of horse shit. The guy got a Nobel Peace prize for breathing and not being GWB. But didn't Arafat, a known terrorist, win it one year?

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This was no split second decision by Moscow. This was planned well before the Olympics. They new if they did this before the Olympics, no one would show up. They also knew what the reaction would be, so there are no surprises for Putin. This was all calculated in advance. Question now is will they stop at Crimea, or will they do the entire eastern half of Ukraine?


as far as I know, they may have the peoples will of the eastern segment of the Ukraine wanting Russias involvement ... But I doubt that Putin is stupid to start an aggression like


his buddy Bashar did / does in Syria but instead show military force.


Its call his bluff time

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Russia is just beginning to get credence at the big boy table of world politics - gay rights aside. I think it's unlikely they openly invade the ukraine in the traditional military sense. But, causing unrest in the country among the russia-leaning populace to once again have a more russia-leaning president, like they had until recently, definitely seems like something they'd do.

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Until it doesn't work.


See the tanks rolling into Czechoslavakia. OR maybe I didn't spell it right that time....


The Russians see this as their big chance to make hay. They will go for rewriting

their influence and power in the history books, and they see this farce of president,

ObaMao, as a leftist who has a disdain for our military, or America's powerful standing

in the world. Truth is, ObaMao has a disdain for our freedom. He'd let Russia

invade Alaska and refuse to do anything, lest the Chrises of Britain decide he is a loose cannon.

OTH, ObaMao has a disdain for Israel and Britain, too. The Russians will go for broke.

The UN can't do anything because they have veto power in the Security Council, the Ukraine

isn't a member of NATO...(yet?), and they WILL go for broke, because we have a cowardly

dumbass in our WH. And that's a fact, jack.

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To a point, yes.


Poland, Czechoslavkia...


Remember when Russia went ballistic when the U.S. was

planning to put defensive weapons there?


Russia meant to be controlling them again.


Would you have thought, back in the day, that hitler would

have designs on taking over all of Europe, before he actually tried it?


If Russia takes over the entire Ukraine... you don't think they will do it again?


In Poland? other countries? Putin is a kgb dirtbag, and they were livid when the

Soviet Union gave those countries back their independence.

Do you doubt they want their soviet style power back?


Here is why: they are desperate - and desperate countries go to war to

get the power and wealth back:



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The ruble is taking a pounding over this and I think it would get worse if they continue to act this way.


The world is not wired the same way as it was even during the cold war so using Hitler as an example of what could happen now is off base. Russia has an economy dependent on Europe. They are the primary market for cheap Russian natural resources. Russia would go tits up if the EU boycotted their wares.

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You do realize that Czechoslovakia no longer exists?


In two different forms, whatever. The point still stands.

Whatever they are called, they can be overrun just like Poland, etc.


You do know that Poland still exists, right?

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